Use proper grammar in communication.

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7+ Year Member
Jul 6, 2016
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Done. I don't appreciate DM's with rude content from the person I called out. And I didn't name. They know who they are.

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Okay now.
all I can say! I think you should consider helping people regardless!!! Than don't offer to help! just my opinion!!!! To me not helping person it is not professional you are going to field that you will be working with many people that are going to make many mistakes so you should not hold that against them! To me your action is not professional! again that's my opinion
Whoever that person is please wait because Nancy is coming up with her own schedule so you better off using hers!

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Umm... if you don't want to help the person that's fine. But I feel that ridiculing someone on a public forum is unnecessary.

Furthermore, although being professional is important I believe it's just as important for future health care practitioners to be open minded. No need to judge
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I never named names. This is to let people know that you are going to be a professional. If you can't be proper in communication when someone asks you nicely to just use decent grammar, it isn't rude it is asking to communicate properly.
all I can say! I think you should consider helping people regardless!!! Than don't offer to help! just my opinion!!!! To me not helping person it is not professional you are going to field that you will be working with many people that are going to make many mistakes so you should not hold that against them! To me your action is not professional! again that's my opinion
Whoever that person is please wait because Nancy is coming up with her own schedule so you better off using hers!

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I completely agree with what you are saying. I am not naming names. However, when I am about to devote time and be personal about it all I ask is being proper in grammar. The member sent me an extremely rude email because I refused to offer help because they were not willing to simply use decent grammar. I told them I would love to help, and simply said I will not be willing to help if they can't communicate. They were fine with using grammar when it was time to be rude to me.

I am not obligated to help. I offer my time and experience (while not expert at it) still offer and it is not unreasonable for one simple request. When I am about to spend possibly hours helping someone. just my thoughts.

The reason for the post is don't be rude is someone who is going to offer help. I am not perfect in my grammar, but I use real words and don't "text" my messages.
Umm... if you don't want to help the person that's fine. But I feel that ridiculing someone on a public forum is unnecessary.

Furthermore, although being professional is important I believe it's just as important for future health care practitioners to be open minded. No need to judge

This person sent me a very mean and rude email. It is as much as a PSA as to say don't be rude to the people who are willing to help. I simply said I will not help if you aren't willing to follow a simple direction. how is someone going to follow a plan they asked for if they aren't willing to follow directions. Cause a study plan is basically directions.
I don't think it is that serious! Waste time on more impart things! You taking this way to serious! SDN is for people to post their real problems not problems that does not help anyone and simply non sense!!! Let's move on!

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