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Mar 17, 2008
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My husband has applied to UW Madison, and of course, is anxiously awaiting a reply hopefully this week.
Because I'm just as nervous as he is about getting in, i was hoping someone could help ease my mind.
I understand Madison is difficult to get into, but here's what we're dealing with as far as stats...

-Wis resident

-BA Chemistry, physics minor from very good liberal arts school

-3.0 GPA, could be a bit higher after some prereqs from local community college

-well over 3.7 in science GPA..aced all organic chem, and acing all comm colleg science courses

-98% PCAT

-1 year community pharmacy, 2 years hospital pharmacy work experience, CPhT

-good leadership experiences in college

-very passionate about pharmacy and understands the workings of phamacists and pharmacies in general, would possibly like to do research.

i guess if there are any current madison students (or any accepted for '08??) would you mind giving your opinion on his overall competetiveness and what you think of his chances for madison.

also, please let me know if anyone has received an acceptance/rejection from madison.

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My husband has applied to UW Madison, and of course, is anxiously awaiting a reply hopefully this week.
Because I'm just as nervous as he is about getting in, i was hoping someone could help ease my mind.
I understand Madison is difficult to get into, but here's what we're dealing with as far as stats...

-Wis resident

-BA Chemistry, physics minor from very good liberal arts school

-3.0 GPA, could be a bit higher after some prereqs from local community college

-well over 3.7 in science GPA..aced all organic chem, and acing all comm colleg science courses

-98% PCAT

-1 year community pharmacy, 2 years hospital pharmacy work experience, CPhT

-good leadership experiences in college

-very passionate about pharmacy and understands the workings of phamacists and pharmacies in general, would possibly like to do research.

i guess if there are any current madison students (or any accepted for '08??) would you mind giving your opinion on his overall competetiveness and what you think of his chances for madison.

also, please let me know if anyone has received an acceptance/rejection from madison.

Still waiting on a letter. Hopefully sometime this week or next...