UWorld Qbank??

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10+ Year Member
Jul 21, 2010
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1. just wondering how many times should i go through the UWorld Qbank? until you start answering all the q's correctly (~3x)?

2. also, how long should i get the subscription for? i was planning on doing 3 months--april to june (my test is in june)...so far i've been doing the kaplan qbank and am around 35% done...thanks for any advice!

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I didn't find Kaplan's Qbank very helpful. The questions were either bad (as in I doubt they would show up on an actual exam) or very predictable, you can see where they're going from the first line of the stem because if you've done the questions at the end of every chapter in their lecture notes, the terminology and style of question they use is pretty much the same as that.

I think around 3000 questions in the 60-70% range is a pretty decent goal.