VCOM Class of 2012 Thread

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Has anyone had any luck signing into VCOM e-mail?

Doesn't work for me.

???What VCOM e-mail. Do you already have an account? I don't. :(

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Hey everybody I am new to the forum and most importantly I am a new VCOM 2012 student. I would like to say 'hey' and congrats to everyone else who has been accepted and would like to say that not only did i attent VT for undergrad and masters but I am from the area and anyone coming from out of state should not be worried...the area is fantastic. Also, does anyone now how long the series of Hep B vaccinations takes? I just had my first round about a month ago or so.
There are overall 3 doses administered for the hep b series. Your second dose should be given approx. 1-2 months after the first, and your third should be given at least 2 months after the second dose. So you are looking at anywhere between 4-6 months. Since you just finished your first dosage then you should have plenty of time to complete it before the school starts. Just follow your appointment dates your doctor gives you.
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???What VCOM e-mail. Do you already have an account? I don't.

YUP- I am sure youll get yours in the mail soon.
Hey everybody I am new to the forum and most importantly I am a new VCOM 2012 student. I would like to say 'hey' and congrats to everyone else who has been accepted and would like to say that not only did i attent VT for undergrad and masters but I am from the area and anyone coming from out of state should not be worried...the area is fantastic.

I love your name! I will be sure to get all the inside info from you since you are a Blacksburg veteran.
how do you put a persons name in the quote?
wow, i'm kinda new to sdn and just discovered this thread. now i feel like an idiot for posting on the "pre-osteopathic" forums for so long.
eh, oh well.
anyway, i'm pretty much decided on vcom and will be accepting my seat as soon as i'm home for the holidays and can sweet-talk my dad into writing that deposit check. :)
i'm excited to meet you all soon!
wow, i'm kinda new to sdn and just discovered this thread. now i feel like an idiot for posting on the "pre-osteopathic" forums for so long.
eh, oh well.
anyway, i'm pretty much decided on vcom and will be accepting my seat as soon as i'm home for the holidays and can sweet-talk my dad into writing that deposit check. :)
i'm excited to meet you all soon!

Hey Jelly Kelly

You can also check the VCOM Class of 2011 Class thread to see if you have any questions!!! You can learn so much from the info in there......Believe there are so many great comments from class 2010 that were so beneficial to us.

Also remember, we, class of 2011, are here to help you and guide you when you come in. You guys are gonna have a blast at VCOM!!!!!!!
So I guess this is a little early to start talking about housing, but does anyone know how difficult it is to rent an actual house close to campus that is not in an area full of undergrads? I don't really want to live in an apartment, but still want to live close enough to campus to walk or bike.
p.s. I'm pretty sure I'm too poor to buy otherwise I would consider that. :(
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Does anyone know if there is a second deposit due some time after the initial 1200.00 deposit?
I tried to find out today via phone and was unable to get through to anyone that knew the answer. second deposits...only the 1200

Thank You

You might want to talk to Megan. I had to turn in two $1200.00 deposits. The first one was due soon after my acceptance and the second was due in December.
You might want to talk to Megan. I had to turn in two $1200.00 deposits. The first one was due soon after my acceptance and the second was due in December.

really?? hmmm....I only had to turn one in!!! odd.....please check with Megan. The process this year might be different.

Sorry If I was wrong.
$2,400 in total??? I don't think so, there is no way they will make us pay that much money upfront, it's just plain ridiculous.. I think that you (Navy) were an exception for whatever reason. But I don't think there is history of anyone having to pay that much money before school starts.
yea i only paid one
You might want to talk to Megan. I had to turn in two $1200.00 deposits. The first one was due soon after my acceptance and the second was due in December.

Hey Navy:

I thought that I had recalled you mentioning something to me about a 2nd deposit a while back. I will e-mail Megan
Hey everyone, glad I found this thread. Look forward to knowing you all more and getting ready for the new year.
Has anyone had any difficulty trying to download the immunization form? I've tried to on 4 different computers and have been unsuccessful. The registrar faxed me a copy, but I can barely read it!

Would anyone mind sending it to me via e-mail??? Please...:oops:
email Megan and tell her to repost the document online!!! It always happens with them. For some odd reason, their word doucment on their computer will open throughout all the computers in the building but wont open in 50% of my classmates home desktops!!!!

The file is corrupted and they need to repost it. SO if its not working for u, it might not work for someone else as well
email Megan and tell her to repost the document online!!! It always happens with them. For some odd reason, their word doucment on their computer will open throughout all the computers in the building but wont open in 50% of my classmates home desktops!!!!

The file is corrupted and they need to repost it. SO if its not working for u, it might not work for someone else as well

Oh, O.K.

Thank You. I was starting to PANIC!!
Hey everyone!

My name is Nicole- I'm a first year.
I'm in the military, live away from campus, have a home here, moved here from FL, and love running!
Don't stress out about starting school. It's not as bad as you think. I recommend starting to learn your anatomy ahead of time, but everything else isn't too bad.
If you want to know anything, just write me at [email protected].

I just joined the student doctor network and I am going to be a student at VCOM for the class of 2012. Is anyone planning on going to the accepted students day? I am looking forward to meeting everyone next year.
I have a question for you 2012ers. Let me premise this by saying that I am happy to be at VCOM, it was my first choice and I think the students and most of the faculty are great ;).
I am curious as to what they are telling the incoming class about the schools curriculum. When I signed on, it was lecture based with the clinical vignettes incorporated into the lectures where appropriate. Lately, the administration has felt a need to change the curriculum without letting the student body know. We literally found out about certain changes a few days before they were to start. These changes that were in place are making VCOM more of a PBL type learning. Now they will say that it isn't b/c you still have lecture, but all lecture is becoming is a time when we as students are called up to the front to discuss what we had to learn on our own the previous night; basically we have to be prepared to give the entire lecture b/c you never know when you'll be called on (what's the point in coming to lecture if you already know everything). Basically, you have to prepare each lecture as if you were being tested on it, then you are required to come to class and sit while fellow students talk about it (not a very productive/efficient use of time). I should say that this only occurred in one class, but from what i hear, we are supposed to be shifting Pathology (one of our best classes, IMHO) from lecture to an online case-based class.
This frustrates me as a student for a number of reasons:
1. I turned down going to a school b/c i preferred lecture based learning, if I wanted PBL, I would have gone somewhere else.
2. Despite numerous attempts to discuss these issues with the administration, our class has been rejected or ignored (there is a process that must be followed, we followed it, but it didn't seem to matter, we were just ignored)
3. This new system is not a good way to learn, with little return. We are given these complex cases that take hours to go through and in the end we learn very little; this was shown through a survey (>95% said it was a waste of time).
I know it seems like i'm just venting, but we just finished finals (i'm a little tired and on edge) and this is just getting to me. I also wanted to know if they are telling incoming students of these changes they are planning. question is, is this what you were told when you interviewed? Did they say they want to move towards a PBL curriculum or were you told it was lecture based?
Now they will say that it isn't b/c you still have lecture, but all lecture is becoming is a time when we as students are called up to the front to discuss what we had to learn on our own the previous night; basically we have to be prepared to give the entire lecture b/c you never know when you'll be called on (what's the point in coming to lecture if you already know everything). Basically, you have to prepare each lecture as if you were being tested on it, then you are required to come to class and sit while fellow students talk about it (not a very productive/efficient use of time). I should say that this only occurred in one class

WHAT?! So was this acually only one class, with one lecturer, or is this more? You seem to be saying two very different things, so I'm interested in finding out which it is. If this is just one class, is it CCC? If it's just one lecturer, can you PM me his name (I think I can guess it).

but from what i hear, we are supposed to be shifting Pathology (one of our best classes, IMHO) from lecture to an online case-based class.

Actually going to a Pathology lecture has always been worthless. Less than a quarter of my class ever went to Path lectures last year, and I heard similar numbers from the first two classes, as well. For us, they tried to force us to actually be present for the Path cases, but that didn't work out so well. For Santo's class, read Goljan Rapid Review, and/or baby Robbins, plus do the Robbins practice questions and/or the Utah site's practice questions, and you WILL get an A each block (and actually learn something, to boot). If they finally do away with Path lectures entirely, and just make you read and do the cases, then that's a step in the right direction, in my opinion. Personally, I used path lecture time as time to sleep, read, or do some other work (all usually at home), and I still managed to do well on COMLEX and feel that I actually learned something. Now if they could employ some more decent Pharm instructors (like Dr Li), then 2nd year for the lot of you will be more bearable than it was for us.
WHAT?! So was this acually only one class, with one lecturer, or is this more? You seem to be saying two very different things, so I'm interested in finding out which it is. If this is just one class, is it CCC? If it's just one lecturer, can you PM me his name (I think I can guess it).

Actually going to a Pathology lecture has always been worthless. Less than a quarter of my class ever went to Path lectures last year, and I heard similar numbers from the first two classes, as well. For us, they tried to force us to actually be present for the Path cases, but that didn't work out so well. For Santo's class, read Goljan Rapid Review, and/or baby Robbins, plus do the Robbins practice questions and/or the Utah site's practice questions, and you WILL get an A each block (and actually learn something, to boot). If they finally do away with Path lectures entirely, and just make you read and do the cases, then that's a step in the right direction, in my opinion. Personally, I used path lecture time as time to sleep, read, or do some other work (all usually at home), and I still managed to do well on COMLEX and feel that I actually learned something. Now if they could employ some more decent Pharm instructors (like Dr Li), then 2nd year for the lot of you will be more bearable than it was for us.

As of now, it has just been occuring in one class with one lecturer (i'm sure we both know who we're talking about) and it isn't happening with EVERY lecture we have. However, the goal is for the entire class to have that structure. Meaning that CCC will look completely different in the near future, more PBL, with the added bonus of coming to class and listening to the information you had to learn on your own be spit back out by your fellow classmates. If they wanted CCC to be more interactive, try mimicing Dr. Powers of Dr. Rawlins (more interactive, and good lecturers).

As far as path, i never said it was beneficial to go to class. However, the way it is structured now, it allows me more time to learn the material outside of class without having busy work to do. If they make us do cases, I imagine they will take longer than the actual class itself and you wouldn't be able to just "skip" them. And why would you change a class where people average around 90%? Whether people are learning from Santo or learning on their own, it seems to be working. From what i understand, Path is our schools highest scoring section on boards, what's the point in changing it?

For Pharm, couldn't agree with you more. We had a survey recently and I basically said that Dr. Li's ppts should be a template for all pharm lecturers. One of our other profs was lecturing, spent 30 min on these two drugs and then said, "these drugs aren't on the market anymore." :confused: WHAT!? Why did i just waste 30 min trying to learn drugs that aren't used anymore? As an added bonus we were tested on them as well. At least Dr. Li gives us drugs that are coming out.
for current VCOM students:

Do you guys know of anyone doing clinical (or basic science) research during the school year? My interviewer told me I wouldn't have time to do anything during the school year. With only a 6 week summer, I feel like VCOM doesn't give it's students much time to get any research under their belts. However, they put an emphasis on research during the interview day and on their brochure and website.
It seems like they have some excellent faculty doing some really interesting research, but I just want to know how likely it would be for a student to get in on any of this.
for current VCOM students:

Do you guys know of anyone doing clinical (or basic science) research during the school year? My interviewer told me I wouldn't have time to do anything during the school year. With only a 6 week summer, I feel like VCOM doesn't give it's students much time to get any research under their belts. However, they put an emphasis on research during the interview day and on their brochure and website.
It seems like they have some excellent faculty doing some really interesting research, but I just want to know how likely it would be for a student to get in on any of this.

During first year we were given a list of PhD's/MD's/DO's who were doing research that would like to have the students participate in their research projects. I contacted one of them, happens to be the biochem prof, to set up a meeting and discuss working together. We had gone back and forth, but when he went to get approval, he was told by administration that they don't allow students to do any research until after block 4 (about April of your first year). By that time I had already stacked up other commitments and lost interest in doing research. It is sort of a catch 22 because they do push it, but to get anything substantial done in research you'd have to do it during the blocks. I know of 1 guy in my class who does/did research with our Phys. prof.
If you are interested, I'm confident there are plenty of opportunities, it just make take some time before you can participate in them. Studies will def. take up most of your time, but I could see someone being able to do research if they really wanted too. Just have to prioritize and be disciplined.
However, the goal is for the entire class to have that structure. Meaning that CCC will look completely different in the near future, more PBL, with the added bonus of coming to class and listening to the information you had to learn on your own be spit back out by your fellow classmates.

Oh, endless joy of joys. Every day I am a little more appreciative of the fact that I am no longer in the big gray box (or coffin, as it is now).

If they wanted CCC to be more interactive, try mimicing Dr. Powers of Dr. Rawlins (more interactive, and good lecturers).

Never had a lecture by Dr Powers, but I imagine he'd be good. Fred also has a very interesting style of lecturing (damn laser pointer!). Make sure not to be absent if he decides to call on you. He called one of my classmates on his cell and put him on speaker phone when he wasn't in class when he was asked a question (was hilarious).

If they make us do cases, I imagine they will take longer than the actual class itself and you wouldn't be able to just "skip" them.

So wait, you guys don't have cases to do right now? When we had them, the case itself might be 10-35 pages, but with the "search" function, the answers could be found in under 10 minutes...and they would collectively be worth a full test grade. Combine that with the fact that they were essentially a collaborative effort of the entire class (and usually repeats of previous years' questions), and you had easy/free points.
for current VCOM students:

Do you guys know of anyone doing clinical (or basic science) research during the school year? My interviewer told me I wouldn't have time to do anything during the school year. With only a 6 week summer, I feel like VCOM doesn't give it's students much time to get any research under their belts. However, they put an emphasis on research during the interview day and on their brochure and website.
It seems like they have some excellent faculty doing some really interesting research, but I just want to know how likely it would be for a student to get in on any of this.

Wait a minute, the summer is six weeks now? DAMNIT!

To be on topic: I remember a few classmates doing some research during the school year, but I don't know the specifics of their involvement or time commitment. Sorry I can't be of any real help there.
So wait, you guys don't have cases to do right now? When we had them, the case itself might be 10-35 pages, but with the "search" function, the answers could be found in under 10 minutes...and they would collectively be worth a full test grade. Combine that with the fact that they were essentially a collaborative effort of the entire class (and usually repeats of previous years' questions), and you had easy/free points.

Power's is really good, I barely study his lectures b/c you've pretty much got it if you listened to him. And yes, Fred still uses that freaking laser pointer.

We do have the path lab cases, and yes, they only take like 15 min., especially if you have a group that works together. I don't think that is how they are intending to structure path. We have a new class called Differential Diagnosis which is all online modules (this class is basically what CCC SHOULD be); I think that is more of what they want to do with path. Online cases that we have to work on and finish before exams. This would be fine if it was replacing a class like CCC, but i like learning path on my own (Goljan and BRS rock my world); I just don't want to change the way it is.

Still, I would like to know what they have been telling the incoming class, this really does affect them. I got 1 PM from an incoming student who hadn't heard anything about it. Just curious.
Hey c/o 2012,
Congrats on getting in! I'm sure most of you are looking for housing, and unless you live in the area, it is a bit confusing! I'm currently a 3rd year and am looking for a couple of roommates for next year. I'll be gone for a few months next year, doing rotations at various sites.
I have a house in Christiansburg that was built in May 2005. It is 3500 sq ft, 4 BR, 3.5 bath, in a quiet neighborhood. It is less than 10 minutes from VCOM. The bedrooms are pretty big, 16x11 in one room and the others are of comparable size. I've got a pooltable in the basement. There's a good size deck with a stainless steel grill. There's 2 laundry rooms, one upstairs and one downstairs. I can give more info/ pics for those interested. Just give me a shout! [email protected]

I'm graduating from VCOM in July and selling.

I have a 3BR 2.5BA Townhome for sale that is within 10 minutes of VCOM. It was built 2006 and is in excellent condition with a 10 year home warranty. Go to for full details or email me at [email protected]

Good Luck Class of 2012!
Hi, 2012! I need to loosen the restraints on my living situation for 4th year and I'm giving up my wonderful apartment that I've had since 1st year. I Thought I might offer it up to some VCOMers before the landlord puts it out there for public consumption.

3 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 bath (master bedroom gets a private bathroom). Kitchen, living area, HUGE basement, a front porch and two (yes TWO) back decks. Central air, electric stove. Its in Christiansburg, about a mile from the mall and theater, etc. 10 min from VCOM, 15 to B'burg, probably 15 to Radford. Believe me, Knollwood is overrated :thumbdown:, and way too expensive for what you get. We have paid $775 for the last three years and it hasn't been raised :thumbup:. The landlords are never around. And you really only have one neighbor. The rest are too far away to notice. Super quiet and... did I say awesome? Yes, awesome.
Call Steve - 804.247.2705 OR email: [email protected] and you can come check it out.
are any VCOM students considering living near downtown?
for current VCOM students - how many of you guys live near downtown or towards the north end of campus?
I was not told about the new curriculum change in my interview at vcom, is this something I can expect from 4 years with this school? I consider this school to have lots of potential but if they can just change the curriculum it makes me wonder what else this school has done in the past to their students. I am already hearing through the grapevine that there are lawsuits from previous classes that have taken place. There might be a problem with leadership and if leaders that we will be paying 30K+ education/yr are not strong then how can I expect to get my moneys worth.
There is no curriculum change. The poster you are talking about is being overdramatic. They modified ONE course so that there is some pbl like involvement in the class in a FEW of the lectures and all of a sudden VCOM is now PBL school. You can relax now.
There is no curriculum change. The poster you are talking about is being overdramatic. They modified ONE course so that there is some pbl like involvement in the class in a FEW of the lectures and all of a sudden VCOM is now PBL school. You can relax now.

This is just not true. I don't know if you're a current student or not, but i can tell you that there is no longer a class for micro, neuroanatomy is only part lecture (rest is case based), CCC is the main course change that you are referring to, and there is talk of changing path. I'm positive that the classes of 2010 and 2011 were told the exact same thing as far as curriculum, however, the structure of the 2011 curriculum has been anything but what 2010 experienced (thank goodness); it has not only been with ONE course.

I'll admit i was, and still am, annoyed at the changes that took place without our knowledge or input, but this is your medical education and it should not be taken lightly. Between 2010 and 2011, a survey was taken to see if they enjoyed the new structure...greater than 95% said they didn't, and yet, very little has changed to rectify the problem; claiming that i'm overdramatic is ignorant.

My concern is not for myself, i'm almost out of the classroom and soon this will all be behind me; i'm concerned for the student that are entering under one premise only to find it is not what they told.
I'll admit i was, and still am, annoyed at the changes that took place without our knowledge or input,

I'll agree, that it was a mistake to do the curriculum change without telling us, but for the school to ask us our opinion really should not be expected. We are medical students entrusting the administration with our education. They have experience in the educational process, and whether we agree with it or not, we cannot necessarily say we know better than them. We may know how we learn best, but to say that we know how the school should present the information is a little bold. That being said, I'm only speaking on the minor changes as a second year.

I'm not saying I like the changes, I'm just saying that one should never expect ANY school's administration to come to the students for advice. When they do, it should be considered a priveledge to have your voice heard. My undergraduate administration would laugh in my face if I was upset that I didn't have a chance to voice my concerns.

[/QUOTE] Between 2010 and 2011, a survey was taken to see if they enjoyed the new structure...greater than 95% said they didn't, and yet, very little has changed to rectify the problem; claiming that i'm overdramatic is ignorant. [/QUOTE]

This is both true and false. For the Class of 2010, the survey result in question was 95%, but the question was (at least for Class 2010) "Were Dr. Palmeiri's case study questions effective learning tools?" This question hardly asked if we enjoyed the new structure. It purely asked about a single undesireable aspect of one class.

Unfortunately, I can only speak on my experience as a second year and there have been many drastic changes in the first year class. For the Class of 2010, many people are upset about the addition of our new (Infectious Disease) course. This is partly due to the fact that it has been added to our curriculum with only a few months until we graduate from the classroom, partly because it strays from our safe and expected lecture style of classes, and partly because it adds a lot of busywork in a time that we are starting to worry about boards. I don't like the class for a combination of all three, but I must say, I enjoyed it this morning. Either way, if you're thinking about attending VCOM and are seriously concerned about some of the changes, I must tell you that they would not have prevented me from coming here. Hope that helps, and don't hesitate to email me if any of you have any concerns.

Jonathan Smith
I'll agree, that it was a mistake to do the curriculum change without telling us, but for the school to ask us our opinion really should not be expected. We are medical students entrusting the administration with our education. They have experience in the educational process, and whether we agree with it or not, we cannot necessarily say we know better than them. We may know how we learn best, but to say that we know how the school should present the information is a little bold. That being said, I'm only speaking on the minor changes as a second year.

I'm not saying I like the changes, I'm just saying that one should never expect ANY school's administration to come to the students for advice. When they do, it should be considered a priveledge to have your voice heard. My undergraduate administration would laugh in my face if I was upset that I didn't have a chance to voice my concerns.

I appreciate your post as well as your stance, and like i've said in previous posts, VCOM was and is my #1 choice; if i didn't care about VCOM, i wouldn't feel the need to address these topics.

I agree 100% that we entrusted our education to the administration, but when i entrusted it, it was under certain premises; in some ways i think it could be compared to the "used car salesman" approach...sounds really good when they're talking about it, and once you sign that contract you're stuck no matter what is decided. But it's not a matter of me thinking that i know the best way to present the info, it's a matter of them keeping their word. I'm sorry, but there are many styles of medical education out there, people will choose schools based on that merit (it was my priority), and if a school is going to change it halfway through, our opinion should have some weight; what if you planned vacation for that summer break and they chimed in to say they changed the curriculum and you weren't getting one? - it just doesn't follow, they would have any right to do anything they wanted without the student bodies consideration. Isn't that the reason we have class officers? This is not the same thing as attending an giant institution like ND. If I wanted to go to a PBL, I would have. I wanted lecture style teaching, and I was told that is what VCOM offered - as i'm sure the incoming class of 2012 is being told.

Seriously, you liked this morning? All we did was regurgitate what we had researched on our own, I don't see how that was any different from last blocks fiasco (except we just stood at our seats).

As far as the claim that they have so much education experience...well, why would they need to continually change the curriculum? shouldn't they already know what's best? If VCOM's scores on boards were struggling in an area, shouldn't they first take a look at WHO is teaching it, and their performance reviews? As a class officer, you should know more than anyone about the profs that consistently get poor reviews (probably happens at every school), but nothing ever changes? Correction, something did change, we added an whole new class. The "experience" argument sounds a lot like a certain presidential candidates claims :rolleyes:, looks the same in practice too :thumbdown:

Again, if I disliked VCOM, I wouldn't even bother bringing these topics up; i think it's important that these be addressed in a manner that gets attention b/c I know you guys (class officers) do an awesome job, but it just seems like admin is deaf.

I was unaware of those other changes to the curriculum (most likely because you did not post this before). Thanks for updating us on whats going on.

However, for those of you that feel as though you are being "mislead" by VCOM.

VCOM has developed a hybrid curriculum consisting of lectures, computerized case tutorials, laboratory experiences, clinical skills laboratories and clinical experiences throughout the four years.

That is a quote straight off of the curriculum page on their website. It has been there for a while.

I dont remember ever hearing that at VCOM we will strictly only do lecture...
Can someone address the fact that a school that is only five years old has multiple lawsuits against it by both faculty and students? From what I understand from other students is that the dean is a micromanager and doesn't allow her faculty to do their assigned job e.g. the education guy doesn't even do the schedule or curriuculum, he is just a glorified secretary. I also heard that you have to be family to work there like the mafia. I do have to say one thing I know where everyones tuition goes towards "the grass", I would rather have brown grass and pay only 15K a year.
Can someone address the fact that a school that is only five years old has multiple lawsuits against it by both faculty and students? From what I understand from other students is that the dean is a micromanager and doesn't allow her faculty to do their assigned job e.g. the education guy doesn't even do the schedule or curriuculum, he is just a glorified secretary. I also heard that you have to be family to work there like the mafia. I do have to say one thing I know where everyones tuition goes towards "the grass", I would rather have brown grass and pay only 15K a year.

Where are you getting this information from? Do you have proof?

I was unaware of those other changes to the curriculum (most likely because you did not post this before). Thanks for updating us on whats going on.

I dont remember ever hearing that at VCOM we will strictly only do lecture...

if you look at my original post, my question was, what were you guys told on the interviews? are you saying that you were told that the curriculum had changed to a more problem based learning? My class was told that it was a "lecture based curriculum", which i would interpret, we have lectures. So i present the question again, what were you told on your interview about the curriculum?

The information on the sight seems irrelevant, given that it could be read in multiple ways; except for the fact that it does not make any mention of problem based will find that clinical vingettes during lecture and full on case studies mean very different things when it comes to time, relevant info, and retention (subjective, but still true).

as far as the hear rumors, but that doesn't mean anything. med school reminds me of high school...drama, drama and some more drama.
Where are you getting this information from? Do you have proof?

I have acquaintances in all of the classes and these are where the rumors originate from.

First rumor: Now third years were told in writing by administration that the school would pay for boards and board prep. The school bagged out and the third years lawyered up.

Second rumor: The school has been giving permission to another doctors powerpoints w/out consulting said doctor, can someone say copyright infringement.

Third rumor: Certain first years want to leave VCOM bc. of the new teaching style and the dean will not sign their letter to transfer.

Fourth rumor: Someone on VCOMs personal forum complained about administration and their comments were quickly shut speech anyone?

I highly doubt these are rumors based on the source but it isn't like I am The Deepthroat.

I have received alot of messages about my post and although they all confirm what I am saying about administration (crappy at best). They all believe that VCOM has potential and the education is worth something. I just hope that VCOM is not overlooked by VT (athletics and facility usage) when the new medical school (MD) starts in 2010. I hope that the Roanoke hospitals will still be available since Carilion is helping to start the medical school and their adds can be seen all over TV.