VCU Class of 2011

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YES! how did you know that's how i roll? :thumbup:


You make me laugh so hard.

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hey saltysug, what did you think of the west end? was it expensive? that is where I plan on "stayin". got any advice or real estate contacts?
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hey saltysug, what did you think of the west end? was it expensive? that is where I plan on "stayin". got any advice or real estate contacts?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH saltysug...i love you all :thumbup:
hey saltysug, what did you think of the west end? was it expensive? that is where I plan on "stayin". got any advice or real estate contacts?

I loved the West End, it is very safe yet it has a decent population. I lived at the Gateway apartments on N. Parham. Rent may have gone up, but at the time (2004) I was paying $530 for a large 1 bdrm apt. The bedroom itself was 15*15 I think with a full wall closet. The Living Room was 25 (or 27)*15 or something like that. If I could choose to live anywhere, it would be the West End. Also, when it was nice, I used to bike the 8 miles to and from the academic or medical campus depending bc its very direct. It's safe and quaint.
I loved the West End, it is very safe yet it has a decent population. I lived at the Gateway apartments on N. Parham. Rent may have gone up, but at the time (2004) I was paying $530 for a large 1 bdrm apt. The bedroom itself was 15*15 I think with a full wall closet. The Living Room was 25 (or 27)*15 or something like that. If I could choose to live anywhere, it would be the West End. Also, when it was nice, I used to bike the 8 miles to and from the academic or medical campus depending bc its very direct. It's safe and quaint.

uh oh we have an athlete on our hands! :thumbup:
We are like 1/14 of the way to reaching the under 3.0 thread in popularity... though they may have a bit more diversity...we must be #1.
We are like 1/14 of the way to reaching the under 3.0 thread in popularity... though they may have a bit more diversity...we must be #1.

OMG WE CAN DO IT! LET'S POST RANDOM JUNK! you know you want tooooooo
Nah, just working on my legs so i can kick your butt when I finally meet you.

you don't know who you're messing with! i think you need to reread the first PM i sent you HAHA
I loved the West End, it is very safe yet it has a decent population. I lived at the Gateway apartments on N. Parham. Rent may have gone up, but at the time (2004) I was paying $530 for a large 1 bdrm apt. The bedroom itself was 15*15 I think with a full wall closet. The Living Room was 25 (or 27)*15 or something like that. If I could choose to live anywhere, it would be the West End. Also, when it was nice, I used to bike the 8 miles to and from the academic or medical campus depending bc its very direct. It's safe and quaint.

so, how long did it take to drive and at what time? How long did it take to bike?
so, how long did it take to drive and at what time? How long did it take to bike?

Ok, pretty much anywhere in the west end is nice, even 4 mi from the medical campus but I lived 8 mi from there. It took me about 10 mins to drive in (I-64 to I-95) almost any time of day...maybe 15 mins in rush hour. When I traded in my mountain bike for a road bike, my time was cut from almost 50 mins to just over 35 mins. Wanna race?
you don't know who you're messing with! i think you need to reread the first PM i sent you HAHA

Oh I forgot about your black belt..hehe... ah... on second though, I just got this kind, warm feeling over me. I think I'll be nice to you and stay on your good side.
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no thanks, haven't ridden my bike since graduating last semester, thanks for the info though.
Oh I forgot about your black belt..hehe... ah... on second though, I just got this kind, warm feeling over me. I think I'll be nice to you and stay on your good side.

good girl :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Ok, pretty much anywhere in the west end is nice, even 4 mi from the medical campus but I lived 8 mi from there. It took me about 10 mins to drive in (I-64 to I-95) almost any time of day...maybe 15 mins in rush hour. When I traded in my mountain bike for a road bike, my time was cut from almost 50 mins to just over 35 mins. Wanna race?

i wanna race! (i have no clue what i'm getting myself into:eek: )
You are so on! Meet me, Aug 4, 2PM sharp, corner of 12th and Leigh. Loser has to transfer their best grade in the first semester of dental school to the winner.

o dear im screwed :thumbdown:
So, what type of students are you two ladies? Are you gonna be the type that just want to get through or will you be the type to try and excel?
So, what type of students are you two ladies? Are you gonna be the type that just want to get through or will you be the type to try and excel?

just wandering, because I have a friend who is D-1 at Nova and he said he was having trouble finding someone to study with because everyone seems to be trying to just get by. He and I used to study together so I'm sure I'll be looking for the same.
just wandering, because I have a friend who is D-1 at Nova and he said he was having trouble finding someone to study with because everyone seems to be trying to just get by. He and I used to study together so I'm sure I'll be looking for the same.

shoot there's no way im getting this far just to get by haha im trying my best :thumbup:
Yeah, I agree. I tried really hard my first 2 years of college and I did well. After that I got involved with a lot of things and got caught up with the social aspects and became a major pre-class crammer. I would work on running my medical fraternity stuff late into the night and then an hour before microbiology, I would look over my notes for the first time. Now I'm anti-social (jk) but I have definitely matured a lot more. In grad school I tried hard and did well, so I agree with Koochooloo, I'm going to try my hardest. I'm honestly not a good group studier though...maybe 2-3 days before an exam I will be, but definitely not the night before or probably even 2.
Yeah, the group thing doesn't really work for me either. I like having one maybe two people, just to get a different prospective. Too many ideas are cumbersome.
Yeah, the group thing doesn't really work for me either. I like having one maybe two people, just to get a different prospective. Too many ideas are cumbersome.

so you're gonna have to pick me or suga HAHA im kidding
looks like it, not able to get to know anyone else.
LOL...hahaha. Well I can't extend my real hand bc we are it's virtual. I don't have a hook or anything :p

: phew wipes sweat off head with sigh of relief :
Ok, what happened to the other 5 that were going to VCU, do they ever get on and acknowledge their future classmates?
Ok, what happened to the other 5 that were going to VCU, do they ever get on and acknowledge their future classmates?

yea people get on hurr and talk!
I like that, I can see you are very intuitive, I think I'm gonna have to take you away from koochooloo for a study partner.
by the way saltysug, why have I not received a reply from facebook to add you as a friend, is that just the way it is?:smuggrin:
by the way saltysug, why have I not received a reply from facebook to add you as a friend, is that just the way it is?:smuggrin:

hahaha i think she's still trying to get used to facebook...ive posted on her wall about a million and 4 times and i still received no response:rolleyes:
Oh no guys... am I not keeping up my end? ... or am I just trying to retain a aura of mystery. :confused: something to think about.
Oh no guys... am I not keeping up my end? ... or am I just trying to retain a aura of mystery. :confused: something to think about.

or, maybe she's one of "America's Most Wanted" !!! yikes:scared: