virtual interview eye position

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May 27, 2021
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Hello everyone! During the virtual interview, should I be looking at the camera on my laptop all the time? Do you think the admission committee will track my eye movements or assume I'm looking at something if I'm looking at their face instead of the camera? Thank you and appreciate any inputs!

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should I be looking at the camera on my laptop all the time?
No... Frankly I think that would be weird to look dead straight at the camera the whole time lol
Do you think the admission committee will track my eye movements or assume I'm looking at something if I'm looking at their face instead of the camera?
Absolutely not. I would think they care more about what you say and how you interact with others in any group settings than to spend time tracking your eye movements...
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Hello everyone! During the virtual interview, should I be looking at the camera on my laptop all the time? Do you think the admission committee will track my eye movements or assume I'm looking at something if I'm looking at their face instead of the camera? Thank you and appreciate any inputs!
I looked at the direction of my interviewer because it felt more natural that way and the conversation went fine tbh and they didn't look directly into the camera either!
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