Worst OT school EVER!!!! Abort! Abort! Run away. There is anger here towards that school. But bear in mind, I am also currently
in the program at a school in New England.
I am a former insider in that program and I am here to tell you that there is a wholesale lack of ethics
and basic decency that runs rampant in the school. They are there own corrupt little village.
Their M.O. is to over book the co hort and start right away to run the entire group ragged by giving
an overload of assignments that are not relavant to the practice of occupational therapy.
Through these fear tactics, they are able to play the cliques that form against each other. Divide and conquer.
At the end of the first semester they have a tradition called the " pulling of the weeds". This is the process that they REALLY use to determine their
cohort size. Out of the first semester class of 32 usually 15 people get to stay. The the other 17
are "asked to leave". but only after you've SPENT THE MONEY,which is not refundable. Those are the weeds that have been pulled.
There are FAR superior programs in Chicago that treat their students like students
instead of a source of income to fund their other programs. Apply at those programs.
Also if you don't mind applying out of state, try Eastern Michigan University. This is
a vastly over looked program which excels in every way. I also suggest you apply
at UIC.
Remember, If you screw up at CSU, they will go out of their way to mess up your life for a very long time after.
Save yourself the wasted money and the headache and apply at a REAL OT school.
If you DO get in and end up going, make as little contact with admin as you can.
If you have any personal issues or problems NEVER EVER DISCUSS WITH ANY ONE
AT THE SCHOOL. THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED. I have a disability and they used it
Bear in mind, I am also currently
at another program in New England. At the meeting
when they "let me go" they were unusually cruel and sarcastic with me. I remained polite
even though they said some things that violate the OT code of ethics.
OT code of ethics
Veracity : They lie every year to the whole class about weeding out.
Beneficence: they violate that by taking money from people they don't believe will finish.
Non maleficence: Refused to make reasonable accommodations for a disability.
Fidelity: They stab 15-20 students in the back each year. That is NOT fidelity to your future
Justice: I reapplied and was interviewed. During the second interview, I was told I would
not get back in and the interviewer raised her voice to my and tried to bait me into an argument.
Save yourself time and heartache. Find a legitimate OT program without an inferiority complex.