Walgreens Summer Internship???

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Oct 12, 2006
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I have been contacted about working with walgreens as an intern this summer. ill be making 12 an hour but i was wondering what i will actually be doing.
if anyone knows anything about the position please let me know

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Wouldn't that be a question you might want to conisder asking the people who contacted you???
You will most likely spend the first week or two learning how to work at all of the different work stations in the pharmacy (drive thru, filling, input, etc.). We use a program called intercom plus for all of our pharmacy computers. The training modules for that take at least a few days. After you are trained, you will work in the pharmacy, but you will also go to meetings at the district office and work on intern "projects". Nothing about it is tough and afterwards they will let you stay on furing the school year and work as little as 4 hours every 2 weeks. We treat interns very well. I'm not sure if retail is where you are headed, but it gives you a good idea of what working for walgreens is like. Do some research into all of the different things walgreens does healthcare-wise. Actually, you might even do that for one of your projects.
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I have been contacted about working with walgreens as an intern this summer. ill be making 12 an hour but i was wondering what i will actually be doing.
if anyone knows anything about the position please let me know

Just curious - are you doing this in Alabama? If so, do you know what store you've been assigned to yet?
You will most likely spend the first week or two learning how to work at all of the different work stations in the pharmacy (drive thru, filling, input, etc.). We use a program called intercom plus for all of our pharmacy computers. The training modules for that take at least a few days. After you are trained, you will work in the pharmacy, but you will also go to meetings at the district office and work on intern "projects". Nothing about it is tough and afterwards they will let you stay on furing the school year and work as little as 4 hours every 2 weeks. We treat interns very well. I'm not sure if retail is where you are headed, but it gives you a good idea of what working for walgreens is like. Do some research into all of the different things walgreens does healthcare-wise. Actually, you might even do that for one of your projects.

I'm not the original poster but thanks for your response. It was very helpful and informative.
No Problem. To anyone who is thinking about a walgreens internship, talk to the district pharmacy supervisor about it before you commit, different districts may require different things of you. Just remember, most likely, you are being "whoo'd". They do a lot of nice dinners and activities in my district. I am an assistant manager for walgreens who is applying this year, and hoping to be on the other side. The internship can really be a great opportunity if you are willing to take advantage of it. You can request to shadow pretty much anyone in the district that you would like. Also, we employ a lot of floating and part time pharmacists, so it can be a great networking possibility. I got to talk to a floater last week who does transplant in a hospital. Very interesting stuff.
No Problem. To anyone who is thinking about a walgreens internship, talk to the district pharmacy supervisor about it before you commit, different districts may require different things of you. Just remember, most likely, you are being "whoo'd". They do a lot of nice dinners and activities in my district. I am an assistant manager for walgreens who is applying this year, and hoping to be on the other side. The internship can really be a great opportunity if you are willing to take advantage of it. You can request to shadow pretty much anyone in the district that you would like. Also, we employ a lot of floating and part time pharmacists, so it can be a great networking possibility. I got to talk to a floater last week who does transplant in a hospital. Very interesting stuff.

WOW! It sounds like you're in a great district...unfortunately, not all of them are that way. Good luck on your transition from MGT to pharmacy (I've BTDT and have to say that it was one of the best decisions that I've ever made) - are you applying for the 2008 cycle or just waiting to hear back from schools for entry in 2007?
No Problem. To anyone who is thinking about a walgreens internship, talk to the district pharmacy supervisor about it before you commit, different districts may require different things of you. Just remember, most likely, you are being "whoo'd". They do a lot of nice dinners and activities in my district. I am an assistant manager for walgreens who is applying this year, and hoping to be on the other side. The internship can really be a great opportunity if you are willing to take advantage of it. You can request to shadow pretty much anyone in the district that you would like. Also, we employ a lot of floating and part time pharmacists, so it can be a great networking possibility. I got to talk to a floater last week who does transplant in a hospital. Very interesting stuff.
Is there a deadline for applying for such an internship? can i still apply now? Iam waiting to get my work permit, which i will be getting soon hopefully, but i dont know if the opportunity will still be available, let's say, 3 weeks from now. Does anyone knows?
I'm currently a certified tech at Walgreens. After I received my acceptance, I talked to my store manager and he said he would check to see if my status changes to "intern" immediately or when school starts. It has been over a month and a half and he still does not have an answer. He says he's "still looking into it". Should I just go ahead and contact the district supervisor on my own or wait some more?
The laws really depend on the state and the university.
However, most of the internships require that you have completed a year of pharmacy school.
My understanding that in Illinois, you cannot call yourself student pharmacist until you have matriculated. Matriculation doesn't happen until you've taken one class.

It is rather late in the season for internships.
I'm currently a certified tech at Walgreens. After I received my acceptance, I talked to my store manager and he said he would check to see if my status changes to "intern" immediately or when school starts. It has been over a month and a half and he still does not have an answer. He says he's "still looking into it". Should I just go ahead and contact the district supervisor on my own or wait some more?

i would call/email your dist supervisor. i'm sure they'd want to offer you scholarship - if you meet the requirements. i have heard, however, some students getting coded to intern as soon as they get in. i think the code is PHI - and our pay goes up as we progress in school. a graduated intern gets paid pretty well, but they only let you stay as a graduated intern for about 1 month or so - unless there's a good reason why you haven't taken the NAPLEX or MPJE.
WOW! It sounds like you're in a great district...unfortunately, not all of them are that way. Good luck on your transition from MGT to pharmacy (I've BTDT and have to say that it was one of the best decisions that I've ever made) - are you applying for the 2008 cycle or just waiting to hear back from schools for entry in 2007?

I am applying for 2007. I am still waiting to hear from 4 schools I interviewed with. I am in deferment from mercer, I haven't heard anything from Howard since I interviewed in January, I am on the waiting list at South, and I just heard through my DPS that I "will not be denied" from Campbell. I think worst case there is that I will be in the top 5 on the waiting list. What about you? Where are you at and what is your status? I started in Charlotte South as MGT and now I am in Raleigh west. I would like to go to the pharmacy but I just can't take the paycut right now. I'm not even working that much. Even when I become an intern, it will be like a $4 /hr cut.
I'm currently a certified tech at Walgreens. After I received my acceptance, I talked to my store manager and he said he would check to see if my status changes to "intern" immediately or when school starts. It has been over a month and a half and he still does not have an answer. He says he's "still looking into it". Should I just go ahead and contact the district supervisor on my own or wait some more?

It has always been my understanding that as soon as you get your letter of acceptance from your school, that you can be coded as intern status (PHI3). Talk to your DPS. I have even had to do pay adjustments for tech's who became interns to backdate their pay to when they got their acceptance. Also, your store manager cannot promote you to an intern, they do not have the priviledges. It has to be done by your DPS. I wouldn't go so far as to bug the DPS, but it is your money, I'd fight for it.
Is there a deadline for applying for such an internship? can i still apply now? Iam waiting to get my work permit, which i will be getting soon hopefully, but i dont know if the opportunity will still be available, let's say, 3 weeks from now. Does anyone knows?

I'm not sure if there is a deadline, considering that school isn't even out yet for some. What do you mean when you say work permit? Do you mean your application with the BOP? As long as you are in the process of applying you can work in the pharmacy (at least in NC). The best thing you can do (if you are already accepted into pharmacy school) is call 1800 walgreens. I believe the choice is still "0". It will transfer you to the district office closest to the phone number you are calling from. Ask for the DPS (BE VERY POLITE!!!). They are usually actually hard to get a hold of. If this doesnt work after a few days, ask for their email. They are usually better about that. If you are nice to the district admin, she may have information on the program. Some districts have a position called RX Admin, this person will most likely be the most helpful. Sorry if this post seemed to ramble, but I wasn't sure what your exact position was.
[FONT=fmisspellt said:
iwannabpharmer;5076627.] i'm sure they'd want to offer you scholarship - if you meet the requirements. i have heard, however, some students getting coded to intern as soon as they get in. i think the code is PHI - and our pay goes up as we progress in school. a graduated intern gets paid pretty well, but they only let you stay as a graduated intern for about 1 month or so - unless there's a good reason why you haven't taken the NAPLEX or MPJE.

Walgreen's, like most corporations, has an education assistance program. It isn't quite a scholarship. If you have a years experience with walgreens, you can apply for pre-pharmacy tuition reimbursement. You can apply as of March of the year you will be matriculating into pharmacy school. The program has a maximum award value of $3000. The award carries a 2 year commitment to work for walgreens after you become an RPh. The other assistance program is a cumulative program. You can apply for it for every year that you are in pharmacy school. I believe you can apply starting in May of each year. For a 4 year school, you will receive $1500 (1 yr commitment) the first year you apply, $2000 (1 yr commitment) the second, $2500 (1 yr commitment) the third, and $3000 (1 yr commitment) the fourth. If you attend a three year school, the awards are: $1500 (1 yr commitment) the first year you apply, $3000 (1.5 yr commitment), and $4500 (1.5 yr commitment) the third year. Keep in mind that if you only work part of your commitment, you still have to pay Walgreen's back for all of the awards. The maximum value of this is $12000 if you did everything. The other assistance program is the location based program. You are eligible to apply in the last 2 years of your Pharm. D program. You are committing to work 1 yr in an area that has a shortage of Pharmacists (by Walgreen's standards). You will be able to choose this area and there are a lot. The award is $5000 per year and replaces the progressive award for those years. Walgreen's isn't the only company that does this, but they have been really great about working with me and letting me work part time during school. The only other program I have found that is better (monetarily) is from Publix (if you have heard of them). They offer $5000 per year for a 1 year commitment for each year the award is accepted. Sorry for the long post if no one cares, but I thought some might find it interesting.

Oh, the position codes for interns are as follows:
PHI3 - first year Pharm. D student - $12.00/hr
PHI4 - second year Pharm. D student - $13.00/hr
PHI5 - third year Pharm. D student - $14.00/hr
PHI6 - fourth year Pharm. D student - $15.00/hr
Grad interns are those who have graduated but have not taken or passed NAPLEX. As far as I know you can have this position for mostly as long as it takes, but you never know. The pay is 75% of RPh rate for the store you are in. It varies store to store, but in Raleigh, NC the pay for RPh varies from $50/hr to around $60/hr depending on location.
What about you? Where are you at and what is your status? I started in Charlotte South as MGT and now I am in Raleigh west. I would like to go to the pharmacy but I just can't take the paycut right now. I'm not even working that much. Even when I become an intern, it will be like a $4 /hr cut.

I started in Birmingham (MGT) before the district split, went on maternity leave, came back and moved over to pharmacy (as a senior certified tech) in what is now considered B'ham North. Once I started school (2004), I took over Market Scheduling (only for a year or so) and have been floating b/n North and South ever since. I don't like being 'homeless' and entertained the thought of doing the whole DPTC thing, but changed my mind b/c I was afraid it would take up too much of my time. I'm looking forward to getting settled in Auburn and having a home (store) again.

Good luck on your applications - I hope you get some good news soon!
Thanks! Congratulations on Auburn!

Does it feel like a conflict of interest since they helped with that 20/20 story that burned us so bad? ;)
Thanks! Congratulations on Auburn!

Does it feel like a conflict of interest since they helped with that 20/20 story that burned us so bad? ;)

While that broadcast had a kernal or two of truth in it, it was wrong on so many other levels that I haven't even worried about it since the thread over in the pharmacy forum calmed down :) BTW, Auburn sent out an email the day after it aired...I wish I still had it so I could quote directly but it basically said 'we just gave them the information, we didn't have anything to do with how it was presented.' That's a whole 'nother monster in and of itself...
I'm not sure if there is a deadline, considering that school isn't even out yet for some. What do you mean when you say work permit? Do you mean your application with the BOP? As long as you are in the process of applying you can work in the pharmacy (at least in NC). The best thing you can do (if you are already accepted into pharmacy school) is call 1800 walgreens. I believe the choice is still "0". It will transfer you to the district office closest to the phone number you are calling from. Ask for the DPS (BE VERY POLITE!!!). They are usually actually hard to get a hold of. If this doesnt work after a few days, ask for their email. They are usually better about that. If you are nice to the district admin, she may have information on the program. Some districts have a position called RX Admin, this person will most likely be the most helpful. Sorry if this post seemed to ramble, but I wasn't sure what your exact position was.
Thank you for the valuable information.
What i meant by work permit is a card called OPT, given to international student like me upon applying. This will allow me to work legally for a year. I have been accepted to pharmacy school but have no experience, so i got interested in this internship program, because it will give me some good experience in a retail setting.
I was asking about the deadline, bcs i still have not gotten my OPT card, so i still cannot apply for the internship, so i was wondering till when will the door be opened, bcs i have done research summer internships before, and they all had application deadline, so i did not know if this followed the same rules or not.
Pharmacy might be a whole different ball game if you are an international student. I'm not sure about this so don't quote me on this or get mad at me if I am wrong, but I thought some states will not license international students as pharmacy interns.... I could be wrong and I might be wrong but I thought that some states, not all, will not license an international student as a pharmacy intern.
Walgreen's, like most corporations, has an education assistance program. It isn't quite a scholarship. If you have a years experience with walgreens, you can apply for pre-pharmacy tuition reimbursement. You can apply as of March of the year you will be matriculating into pharmacy school. The program has a maximum award value of $3000. The award carries a 2 year commitment to work for walgreens after you become an RPh. The other assistance program is a cumulative program. You can apply for it for every year that you are in pharmacy school. I believe you can apply starting in May of each year. For a 4 year school, you will receive $1500 (1 yr commitment) the first year you apply, $2000 (1 yr commitment) the second, $2500 (1 yr commitment) the third, and $3000 (1 yr commitment) the fourth. If you attend a three year school, the awards are: $1500 (1 yr commitment) the first year you apply, $3000 (1.5 yr commitment), and $4500 (1.5 yr commitment) the third year. Keep in mind that if you only work part of your commitment, you still have to pay Walgreen's back for all of the awards. The maximum value of this is $12000 if you did everything. The other assistance program is the location based program. You are eligible to apply in the last 2 years of your Pharm. D program. You are committing to work 1 yr in an area that has a shortage of Pharmacists (by Walgreen's standards). You will be able to choose this area and there are a lot. The award is $5000 per year and replaces the progressive award for those years. Walgreen's isn't the only company that does this, but they have been really great about working with me and letting me work part time during school. The only other program I have found that is better (monetarily) is from Publix (if you have heard of them). They offer $5000 per year for a 1 year commitment for each year the award is accepted. Sorry for the long post if no one cares, but I thought some might find it interesting.

Oh, the position codes for interns are as follows:
PHI3 - first year Pharm. D student - $12.00/hr
PHI4 - second year Pharm. D student - $13.00/hr
PHI5 - third year Pharm. D student - $14.00/hr
PHI6 - fourth year Pharm. D student - $15.00/hr
Grad interns are those who have graduated but have not taken or passed NAPLEX. As far as I know you can have this position for mostly as long as it takes, but you never know. The pay is 75% of RPh rate for the store you are in. It varies store to store, but in Raleigh, NC the pay for RPh varies from $50/hr to around $60/hr depending on location.

Thank you for the information. It has been very helpful!! As of Friday, my store has a new store manager now. My old store manger told me that he has informed the new guy and he should continue "looking into it". I know things get crazy but does it really take that long to find something out?? It just seems a little ridiculous. If it's not impolite, I would like to just contact the DPS directly. Once again, thanks for the informative and detailed post! :)
Wow so great to see so many former Walgreens MGTS. Working at Walgreens in management made me want to go into pharmacy.

For Lisa: A couple of things. I think in Florida we cannot become interns until we start classes. If you look online at the Florida internship licensing requirements it has to be signed by the dean of the pharmacy school stating that you are a student there. Here's a link to the application. http://www.doh.state.fl.us/mqa/pharmacy/ap1_intern.pdf Also from what I remember of working at Walgreens (which was a few years back) the pharmacy and management can be relatively separated in the store. Ask your pharmacy manager to contact the DPS, they will probably be more successful.

Thank you for the information. It has been very helpful!! As of Friday, my store has a new store manager now. My old store manger told me that he has informed the new guy and he should continue "looking into it". I know things get crazy but does it really take that long to find something out?? It just seems a little ridiculous. If it's not impolite, I would like to just contact the DPS directly. Once again, thanks for the informative and detailed post! :)