WAMC c/o 2027

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Full Member
Dec 13, 2022
Reaction score
Male, 20 OH.

I am currently a first time applicant. I would not have a degree if I was accepted this year but I am majoring in Chemistry at Wright State University. GPA and Science GPA are 4.0.

Current schools applied to: OSU (top choice), Purdue, Mizzou and TENN

My experiences on my application include (summarized with hrs after):

My dad and his dad were both veterinarians. My dad owns his own practice and does about 70% small and 30% large. (4200)

I worked an all small animal clinic in high school for a year as a veterinary assistant. (400)

Farm hand help with a few local farmers who own beef cattle and feed lots. (260 combined)

Dog sitting (420 as I was house sitting as well and had to be there most of the time)

4-H (1200)

Intramural sports (28)

I own and manage my own apiary (52)

National Honors Society in HS (40)

Working as a delivery driver for the past few years in the summer. I am also a licensed CDL driver. (2750)

Another summer job working as a corn detassler (240)

Research in college through the psychology department studying “depression-like” symptoms in dogs in shelters. We published a few papers on it (60)

Helping the fair vet with various emergencies and catching urine of the champions and reserves. (50)

2 week internship in Stephensville TX to shadow one of my dads classmates. He did strictly high end equine sports management but saw a lot of different things. (120)

1 week internship in Attica NY to follow another one of my dads classmates. All dairy cattle work. (55)

Anatomy lab TA in college (68)

Few small volunteer hours from HS sports like PeeWee football camp etc. (40)


High Honor roll in college


Valedictorian Scholarship from HS

My letters of recommendation are from:

DVM that I shadowed in TX
DVM that I shadowed in NY
Associate DVM to my dad
Organic Professor
Anatomy Professor who I TAed for
Psychology Professor who I did research with


Because I did about a year of college in HS, my class load has been pretty light (11-14 credit hours per semester). I’m alittle concerned that it could be a problem. Also, although I have quite a diversity of hours, most of mine come from working for my dad

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You've got a great chance at acceptance this year. Your gpa is perfect and you have plenty of experience hours that are varied. Since you aren't using your dad as a reference and have experience with other vets I wouldn't worry too much about having worked at your dad's clinic. Hopefully you highlighted what you've been doing while in college so that the lighter course load isn't an issue.

With your stats, I'd focus on the most affordable schools. Ohio State, Purdue, and Mizzou are all close in cost and reasonably close to home for you. Tenn costs a good bit more.

Best of luck!