Waxing Tips & Suggestions

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5+ Year Member
Aug 25, 2018
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We just started doing wax ups. Since most things are done remotely, it is hard to meet upperclassmen to ask for help. I was wondering if anyone has recommendations or resources as to how to get better (please share tips other than practicing because I will be doing that).

Thank you all for your help I really appreciate it!

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Waxing is very much an art form that will develop over time. Some people will pick it up faster than others. Don't get frustrated for starters. Google or Youtube videos on dental waxups and just watch how they do theirs. Try to emulate some of their techniques and see what works best for you. There have been countless threads here that detail different suggestions for good waxups as well. You may want to try to do a search here on the forums.
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You have to understand the wax that you're working with first. If you have your choice of waxes, find/experiment with wax that works well with your hands. I found that temperature was the most important factor when working with waxing. Everyone has different preferences with temperature since each temperature level changes the working properties of the wax. Also, understand the grading criteria of your waxups. Do they prioritize primary/secondary/tertiary anatomy? Smoothness? Clean/defined cusps? etc... Once you understand what they want, then you need to figure out how to meet those objectives.
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Thank you all for your feedback! I will keep searching the forums!