We have contact?

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Oct 12, 2004
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Has anyone heard from schools indicating their level of interest in you?

My friend got an email from UCSF saying she would do well there given her "interests"

Anyone else get something similar?

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Has anyone heard from schools indicating their level of interest in you?

My friend got an email from UCSF saying she would do well there given her "interests"

Anyone else get something similar?

I got a voice mail the other night from a PD letting me know the same things about a different program though.

In addition to that I've gotten 2 other e-mails stating similar things.

I just hope I match in March...
Has anyone heard from schools indicating their level of interest in you?

My friend got an email from UCSF saying she would do well there given her "interests"

Anyone else get something similar?

In the past 2 days, I've gotten a phone call from a PD, a phone call from a newly selected admin chief resident, and an email from a newly selected admin chief resident; all from different institutions. I guess the timing couldn't be more predictable with it only being 2 weeks away from when rank lists are due!
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I've received a phone call and email from one PD, an email from a resident at another institution, and another email from a different PD. Don't know how much I should read into any of the contacts. I'm just ready for match day to be over.
So we have contact.... but which programs specifically?

My friend got an email from UCSF.

I got a phone call from UT-Houston LBJ.

Anyone else hear from cali programs?