What are my chances for DO schools

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New Member
5+ Year Member
Apr 29, 2018
Reaction score
cGPA: 3.3
sGPA: 3.3
MCAT: 517

Excellent Extra-curriculars, with leadership work, good reference letters, shadowing, clinical experience
No problems in Extra-curricular and clinical work.

What are my chances for DO schools? also MD schools...probably not?

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I am canadian, and not a URM
Apply to all DO schools that accept applications from Canadians. You will need to check with each school to see what their policy is.
For MD schools you could try these since you have a good MCAT.
Central Michigan
Wayne State
Michigan State
George Washington
Loma Linda
Medical College Wisconsin
New York Medical College
Rosalind Franklin
Apply to all DO schools that accept applications from Canadians. You will need to check with each school to see what their policy is.
For MD schools you could try these since you have a good MCAT.
Central Michigan
Wayne State
Michigan State
George Washington
Loma Linda
Medical College Wisconsin
New York Medical College
Rosalind Franklin
Thanks, but do you think my stats are competitive for DO schools?
cGPA: 3.3
sGPA: 3.3
MCAT: 517

Excellent Extra-curriculars, with leadership work, good reference letters, shadowing, clinical experience
No problems in Extra-curricular and clinical work.

What are my chances for DO schools? also MD schools...probably not?

Do you have any amazing reference letters? Those would likely help your application..