What are the most competitive Industry Pharmacy Functional Roles?

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5+ Year Member
Sep 17, 2018
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I have been wondering this for a while. From what I have researched it seems Regulatory/medical Affairs is the most popular. Fellowships already take a very low percentage of applicants (Less so than Residency) so by attempting to go for a popular role may reduce your chances even more.

Would any Industry Pharmacists or anyone with extensive knowledge on this subject agree or disagree with this?

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Current fellows would know the stats for how many applied per position...

MedComm/MedAffairs are probably the most popular, but they also have the most positions available...

I wouldn't base my decision on that... Odds are only important if the competition is all about the same level. If you want to succeed, you should aim to be *better* than most of your competitors, not 'one of'.