What does UOP look for in an applicant? Share stats?

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Apr 2, 2016
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I'm not done with my prereqs yet but I am wondering about rigor of coursework per semester and whether or not online classes are acceptable (not dental school related courses). My major is anthropology so all of the anthro related courses I was hoping to take online or in a hybrid format. That way I can take more classes per semester and spend my time on campus taking the science courses and their labs. I have physics 1&2 and orgo chem 1 &2 left. Also, do I need physics for UOP??
I also am looking for a predental volunteer program so with that and my courses, do you think they would feel like online courses at my four year university were not rigorous enough?

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The people who were offered interviews early often had 23+ on their DAT. They value high DAT scores.

Check out their interview thread.
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From what I understand about UoP from the info sessions I have been to:

1. DAT scores, especially reading comprehension. Their course is condensed into three years, so RC is particularly important to them because it indicates that you can quickly digest information.
2. Volunteer work OUTSIDE of the dental field because any work in the dental field is beneficial to you. To them work outside of dentistry (like tutoring, volunteering in homeless shelters etc) is done because you actually care about giving back and not because you want to pad your resume.
3. Being really, really, ridiculously good looking (e.g. me)
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From what I understand about UoP from the info sessions I have been to:

1. DAT scores, especially reading comprehension. Their course is condensed into three years, so RC is particularly important to them because it indicates that you can quickly digest information.
2. Volunteer work OUTSIDE of the dental field because any work in the dental field is beneficial to you. To them work outside of dentistry (like tutoring, volunteering in homeless shelters etc) is done because you actually care about giving back and not because you want to pad your resume.
3. Being really, really, ridiculously good looking (e.g. me)
Maybe I should have applied to UoP...
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I just interviewed there last week. My interviewer told me he looked for pat and ochem scores specifically

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I just interviewed there last week. My interviewer told me he looked for pat and ochem scores specifically

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Because as a dentist ochem is constantly needed on a daily basis. Facepalm.
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I just interviewed there last week. My interviewer told me he looked for pat and ochem scores specifically

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Did he by chance explain why?

Congrats on the interview btw!
Did he by chance explain why?

Congrats on the interview btw!

He said that 1st year requires a lot of ochem or something so having a good foundation will really help. Then pat for obvious reasons?

Basically he just found a correlation with ochem/pat and successful students at uop

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He said that 1st year requires a lot of ochem or something so having a good foundation will really help. Then pat for obvious reasons?

Basically he just found a correlation with ochem/pat and successful students at uop

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??? In what?
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??? In what?
Biochem courses and etc. im just a messenger. Ochem pat just do well on them and dont question it?

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I got offered an interview but it was after December. My AA is 24. GPA 3.78
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My interviewer told me he looked for pat

I have no idea why PAT is more important than AA (I assume it is since your interviewer valued OChem and PAT and didn't bother mentioning the other sections).

Take a look:

"Gray et al. found that the PAT did not significantly predict grades in years three and four. In a longer-term study, Coy et al. found significant correlations between PAT scores and preclinical operative practical examination scores over eight years, although the correlation coefficients were only in the 0.228
to 0.307 range."

"In recent years, new simulation technology has been introduced for teaching and evaluating dental students in operative dentistry. Gray et al [...] expected to find a correlation between performance with the simulator and PAT scores but did not"

Source: http://www.jdentaled.org/content/69/10/1095.full
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I have no idea why PAT is more important than AA (I assume it is since your interviewer valued OChem and PAT and didn't bother mentioning the other sections).

Take a look:

"Gray et al. found that the PAT did not significantly predict grades in years three and four. In a longer-term study, Coy et al. found significant correlations between PAT scores and preclinical operative practical examination scores over eight years, although the correlation coefficients were only in the 0.228
to 0.307 range."

"In recent years, new simulation technology has been introduced for teaching and evaluating dental students in operative dentistry. Gray et al [...] expected to find a correlation between performance with the simulator and PAT scores but did not"

Source: http://www.jdentaled.org/content/69/10/1095.full

Youre right. Let me clarify. The AA is in fact the most important, but of the other categories he mentioned that pat n ochem stood out

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PAT is ultimately useless. You're taught spatial relationships in year one in the sim lab. There's a reason most schools could care less about it.
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PAT is ultimately useless. You're taught spatial relationships in year one in the sim lab. There's a reason most schools could care less about it.

Canadians have it much worse than we do- they actually have to carve stuff out of soap!
I was accepted to UOP on December 9th.

DAT: 23AA/23TS/21OC/23GC/28BIO/25RC/17QR/26PAT
sGPA: 3.44
BCP: 3.52
cGPA: 3.31
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Canadians have it much worse than we do- they actually have to carve stuff out of soap!
Thank you so much for answering my initial thread question and all of the other questions people posted! You've been very helpful! So when did you apply and then get offered and interview? Was it a long wait?
I just interviewed there last week. My interviewer told me he looked for pat and ochem scores specifically

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Oh also what year are you? Did you apply in junior year? I may have to wait until senior year to make sure I have all my prereqs. Do we need physics? I didn't see it mentioned bit idk if it's just generally for all dental schools.
Thank you so much for answering my initial thread question and all of the other questions people posted! You've been very helpful! So when did you apply and then get offered and interview? Was it a long wait?

There are plenty of SDNers who are going to UoP in the Class of 2020 (edit: class of 2019, not 2020....3 yr program). You can also check the UoP school-specific thread to get those questions answered :) Best of luck!
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