I find this entire post almost amusing. There are so many variables that you can’t start counting your money now. You may do a great residency, you may not. You may be a gifted and talented surgeon, you may not. You may get a great offer with a hospital. You may not. You may get a great opportunity to become a partner in a multi specialty group. You may not. And the list goes on and on and on.
Things are changing on the horizon. As I’ve stated before, big brother is watching. If a patient goes to Dr. Ivana Billalot with heel pain and ends up with 6 xray views, 3 ultrasound studies, vascular studies (just to make sure it’s not claudication pain!), an injection, custom orthoses, a night splint, some in office PT, a tube of Biofreeze and some expensive topical compounded meds all on the first visit , and another patient goes to Dr. Kenny Doitright who straps the foot and tells the patient how to stretch, use ice and buy a quality OTC insert......the insurance WILL notice. The mentality of do more and get more will be a dinosaur. It will be based on expense vs outcomes.
Elective surgery is headed down the same path. Those of you who perform a lot of elective surgery will attest to the fact that more and more cases are requiring pre authorization. They simply don’t want to pay for non urgent elective surgery. They WILL weed out those abusing the system and it’s long overdue.
Forget about all these surveys. The data going out is only as good as the data going in. I know former residents who have participated in surveys and have greatly exaggerated their numbers. Unless these surveys are looking at financials, they are invalid in my opinion.
Maybe that’s why the numbers never jive. Don’t forget that the National avg for DPMs is supposed to be around $135,000.
Things are not all rosy. Some of you will scrape by and some will make a fantastic living. Some of it is within your control and some is not. Work hard, do well and remain ethical and you will do fine.
Just don’t start counting your money yet. I’ve seen too many young docs go down that road only to be disappointed. Take one day at a time and maintain your integrity. And hopefully you’ll be happy with your income and it will meet your expectations.