What the heck is druggist?

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A Legal Drug Dealer
15+ Year Member
Jun 10, 2004
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I was looking at yahoo.com and pharmacist are called druggist? i've never heard that term before. sounds so weird. i much prefer pharmacist.

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A little tid bit of info; what is now known as NCPA (National Community Pharmacists Association) was started as the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD...glad that was changed )
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I still like the term "druggist" better than "chemist"...what pharmacists are sometimes called in the UK.
i'm giving this one over to a good friend of mine who is a pharmacist- so hear

Hi-I am an older pharmacist(grown children). The term druggist was used because years before I went to pharmacy school, you could become a "Licensed Practical Druggist" by working in a pharmacy-like an internship-but
without going to pharmacy school. They could do anything a pharmacist could do including shifts without a pharmacist there. But you did have to have one pharmacist on the staff. This was all before the advent of pharmacy techs.We did everything ourselves-and you might find it a little scary that when I first got out of school, we were not allowed to put the drugs name on the bottle and there was no such thing as a computerized pharmacy. There was also not a chain store on every corner that was open
every fricken hour of every single day. We put our phone numbers on the door of the pharmacy and the doctors called us and we went down to the store after hours for emergencies. I have worked retail and institutional pharmacy and still think it is a great career. Only 10% of my class were women and I was the first woman pharmacist in the city in which I live-LOL
Someone must not be required to take History of Pharmacy.....lucky duck!
OSURxgirl said:
Someone must not be required to take History of Pharmacy.....lucky duck!

No history classes at my school thank God. Though I suppose it might be a nice break. Our "non-science" class this semester is med use process, which just deals with ADRs. It bores me. I haven't watched a lecture in over a month.
You mean there is a history class in pharmacy school?!?
A lot of people have called me in the past wanting the "Pharmist" to come to the phone. I wouldn't mind being known as a Druggist; in fact, I'm going to try it out for a bit. I have heard a medical resident use "Pharm dude," which is moderately endearing as well.
A little tid bit of info; what is now known as NCPA (National Community Pharmacists Association) was started as the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD...glad that was changed )

I actually started giggleing when the NCPA presenter came to our school and mentioned that little bit of history.

NARD.....I felt like a dork for laughing though. :laugh: