Where are my future UCLA classmates?

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I thought it'd be nice and useful to see who have decided on going to UCLA. We can share ideas, questions and concerns. As for me, I'm interested in housing arrangements. Where will others be living? Anyone looking for roommates?

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hi bbpower,
I guess i am UCLA Class of 2008. (90%sure) Thanks for seting up the thread. Looking forward to meet more students going to next year.

I'm glad you started this thread... I am going to UCLA 100% sure! I am hoping we get a chance to maybe meet people at some point to find roommates.... but it seems a little late to wait for orientation to find a roommate... does anyone else know something about this?
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Great! Yes I'm very interested in making housing arrangements, or at least have some ideas about it. I will be new to So Cal and the UCLA area, so I'm open to any suggestions.
hey guys, I also am attending UCLA next year. I already several friends there and we are trying put together some type of core group to study and support eachother cause it is my understanding UCLA kicks your @ss first couple of years. I am currently UCSD and can't wait to graduate in June. Anyways tell me what you think and I very much look forward to meeting all of
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That's great! You can count me in for a support group.. I'll surely need one.

So far, here's our list of UCLA classmates:

Let's keep it going!
I also know two others currently at UCLA, and I was thinking if maybe we were all in the same area for an evening or something, We could all have dinner or go out or something. I am planning on moving to westwood the week after my finals in the spring. I prolly am going to be renting a place at Westside terrace in palms or living with my brother in woodland hills in the valley. so maybe we can all get together then for a barbecue or something anyways I'm just throwing out ideas..... its still a long time away but whatever.....:) I am starting to get really excited about next year. I wish this year was over all ready so i could relax finally the whooooooooole summer. Well good luck to you with your shhhhtuff and yeah..

Later on,

Get together sounds cool. invite me, invite me!

btw, rcmonkeypie,
I just PMed you.
Could I ask you a huge favor?
could you sign up for aim?
This get-together sounds great to me :) I will be visiting UCLA this spring break... probably the wednesday of the week (March 24th I believe).... and meeting up with amicakes (from sdn) who is also going to ucla... please let me know if anyone is available to meet this day! :)
Hm, well, count me in too. =)

Oh, before I forget...anyone read up about the selling of body parts of UCLA's cadavers? Sick stuff.
I just heard that from the news.
It sounds pretty bad.
Price on a cadaver, a past human being.....
That's more toward the medicine part, right?

do u use aim?
mine is eric2035ecv
Well, my spring break starts March 13 and ends March 21, so no go on the UCLA get together...

But anyone from NorCal going to UCLA? I'm from Sacramento...maybe we can get to know each other before school starts; it's always good to have a few friends the first few weeks of dental school hell. =)

My AIM is z1ptree if anyone is interested.

What's the list at now?
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OKAY, this my first message, but since I will be a Bruin too, I must post one here!!!! I will be living at home with my parents in Woodland Hills in the Valley. My concern is traffic and parking so car pool would be great. My boyfriend is still waiting for word from his Medical School UCLA interview, so that might not be a problem. I cannot wait thil school starts maaannnnnnnnnnnn!!!
I am barely sending out my $200 deposit and stuff, do they immediately send you more info regarding orientation and stuff?
Can't wait to meet you all......

Here's the current Bruin list:
Another idea....let's post our names so when we meet we won't be all so where is "dentique," my name is Sanam Soroudi, nice to meet you all.
i emailed sarah
it seems a huge package will be delivered to us in April
I cant wait.

Welcome to both sdn and ucla, dentique.
Or Sanam.
Hey, this is Eric.
We exchanged email couple times.
Welp, my name is Nick.

=) Nice to meet all my fellow UCLA classmates.
My name is Stephanie :) I go to Berkeley now.... so I'll be up here till May... then San Diego all summer!! Nice to meet you
hey everybody,

Talk to you soon, i am studying for finals bleghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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oh yeah, my AIM is Stephlm

And I see Mr.Hung on campus a lot... if you wanted his autograph Jeff ;)
who is mr hung?
William Hung is the guy who goes to Berkeley and was on American Idol.... no professional training :)
and he is going to make music his living............muahahahahaha


Check it out, it will change your life
hahahaha... it will change your life. I second that
BTW, i just found out that I have 40 hrs vacation time
and 40 hrs sick time.
i guess i could be sick for a week in Europe.
no, you shouldn't be kidding.... this sounds like a serious illness you have ;) I say go with mono... that can last for a loooong time, especially in Europe ;)
dont worry.
i m not a particular person who goes around and kisses everybody.
o wait, aint that the way people greet over there?
mono is definitely a situation...
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Hey, everybody!

My name's Sujain, and I'm 90% sure (heya, EC! ;) ) that i'll be choosing UCLA... this is where my fam is, and that prolly is the better way for me to go about it, considering how i can be such a homebody... hehehe! Well, tell me more about this shin-dig!!! If it's a potluck, count me in! I would love to get to meet you guys, and forming a support group really sounds GREAT. (not to mention, reassuring!) I agree, the best way to get through this is by sticking together. I did my undergrad at Cal State Fullerton, and am looking forward to a nice, relaxing summer as a beach bum-- although i am seriously excited/anxious/spazzing about September...
Thanks so much for starting this thread... :D
William Hung that guy is hilarious.

He should win American Idol!

He knows how to represent.
BTW, i'm gonna need to find a place to live closer to campus, too...

--Sujain :D
yeah, I am interested in living near campus also.....

maybe we should start posting what kind of roommate we are looking for?

Let me know if anyone is interested in doing something like this...

I need someone funny as hell, wants a balanced experience (not study 24/7 while also not being hung-over in class), responsible, clean....... ummm I'll think of more later :)
Please continue posting AIM names also.... much easier to talk this way :)

once again, I am Stephlm
toothpixie, nice to see you here.
when will you have spring break?
that's perhaps the best time to meet.

sdn name, real name, aim name
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
toothpixie, nice to see you here.
when will you have spring break?
that's perhaps the best time to meet.

sdn name, real name, aim name
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
Hi everyone! I'm glad this post was started. My name is Amy and I'm a current bruin right now. =) I think it's a great idea that we organize some sort of get-together or something...or in the event any of you decide to visit..I'd be more than happy to show you guys around. I look forward to meeting all of you!


P.S. As for housing..don't worry..the apartments around here don't really fill up that fast (prob because rent is so high). On the other hand, they're constructing some graduate housing facilities in the heart of westwood village which should be done next year. Rent is suppose to be cheaper so I guess we can keep that in mind.

sdn name, real name, aim name
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
amicakes, Amy, kaoru013
sdn name, real name, aim name
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
ziptree, Nick, z1ptree
amicakes, Amy, kaoru013
sdn name, real name, aim name
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
ziptree, Nick, z1ptree
dentique, Sanam, (dont have one yet)
amicakes, Amy, kaoru013
So glad this thread is alive!
I think around summer is better for us to get together since we'll all have conflicting schedules until school ends. I too would like to live near campus, at least my first year there b/c I don't really know the place real well. Maybe us ladies can get a bigger place and split among us.

Ok here's the updated list:

sdn name, real name, aim name
bbpower, Kim, buby108
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
JFrave74, JEff , JFraven74
ziptree, Nick, z1ptree
dentique, Sanam, (dont have one yet)
amicakes, Amy, kaoru013
Amer idol, William, Rockstar #1
This is so fun. I am very excited to meet you guys. I'm 99% sure that I'll go to UCLA also. I currently attend UCLA so if you guys have any questions feel free to aim me!

sdn name, real name, aim name
bbpower, Kim, buby108
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
JFrave74, JEff , JFraven74
ziptree, Nick, z1ptree
dentique, Sanam, (dont have one yet)
amicakes, Amy, kaoru013
Amer idol, William, Rockstar #1
tina4281, Tina, tina4281
Hey all!

First of all, i must say, that Will Hung guy is my new hero... i seriously gotsta give him props for going all out for his dream. Makes me think if he can, then there's still *hope* for me and this dentist thingie... :D
awwww. Well, there the Hungster goes... changing my life!!!

to follow along the vein stephlynn started for a roomate, i would also like a well balanced person-- or rather, girl like me, although when it comes to partying, i'm pretty much a lightweight-- gimme a wine cooler and i'm out like a light. (pathetic!) So, for me to have fun, which ideally requires me to stay awake, i don't drink all that much...:laugh: i love to go out and have a good time, but when it comes to hitting the books, i can't get away with last minute stuff, so i tend to pace myself... i do TRY to be neat, but sometimes i forget. But i'm not a slob! At least i don't THINK i am ;) i get pretty sloppy when finals roll by, though... and sadly, i can't study with loud music on... and that really sucks, because i do love music.

i'm really glad to come across all you guys. i was feeling pretty intimidated at the thought of meeting my future classmates, but now, eh, not so much. :) J/K! But Honestly, it's a real relief. You guys are all so nice! One of my main concerns about attending UCLA was if the class might be a bit competitive, which is something i'm def not.

Thanks again for this thread, bbpower! And i'm all for us girls getting a place together... i think it would be a great source of moral support. First year sounds pretty daunting.
and JFrave, i look forward to contributing in any way i can. Thanks for offering a place for us to have a BBQ party-- i can't wait! Thanx for saying hi, stephlynn, and good to hear from ya, too, EC! I'm kinda on the small side-- so do you think you could fit me in your luggage when you go on your travels? I've graduated already, and am free from April onwards-- might just need to do some odd jobs before Sept. We're all gonna need CPR training too, right?

Take care, all!
Sincerely, Sujain :clap:

sdn name, real name, aim name
bbpower, Kim, buby108
ecdoesit, Eric, eric2035ecv
stephlynn, Stephanie (Steph), stephlm
JFrave74, JEff , JFraven74
ziptree, Nick, z1ptree
dentique, Sanam, (dont have one yet)
toothpixie, Sujain, Lnknqt
amicakes, Amy, kaoru013
Amer idol, William, Rockstar #1
tina4281, Tina, tina4281 [/B][/QUOTE]
Hey Sujain!
I am te same with sloppyness around finals and no loud music studying :)

Everyone else!!
Once again, I'll be visiting UCLA Wednesday, March 24th, when I'm home in San Diego for spring break...meeting up with Amy. Anyone interested/available (not to date, but to meet up)?
I will be in San Diego from the 18-29. So... lets set something up if ayone is in town :)
Hi, all,
It was another Super Tuesday! I was just sitting at my chair and see my monitor constantly blinking... It was very very fun.

Hum, Sujain, sure, it just that I will bring empty cases there and pack with stuff to come back. Coming back might be a problem.

As for partying, I guess I break the record by not drinking a sip of alcohol the whole nite. I guess they got the wrong liquor for me. I am more like red wine person, FYI.

As for roomate, there are some good turn out. Me and Rita will be in W. LA this weekend to check out different location. Hope to meet you somehow, Amy.

O, this Thursday, if you guys are in town (meaning san diego).
Several students(n=3) are thinking about getthing together at UCSD Price Center. We will have dinner then some of us will attend the UCSD Pre-dental Society Guest lecture series. It is about TMJ disorder.

As for traveling, I am also going back to Hong Kong, my birthplace and Shanghai, part of my ancestor's birthplace, around mid-May till the end of june. If anyone is interested joining, please let me know. And then, I will have my whole summer off and waiting for something to be planned. (Possibly taking the bike exam and doing a research project)
On the contrary, I like loud music to keep me awake while studying. I m considerate that I am going to get a wireless headphone, so it shouldnt be a problem. Except u will see me jamming while eatting thru the books and notes.
Yeah, amy, if you have time, we can meet up. We will just leave eric out of it. kidding...
Thanks for spending your working hrs picking on me.
I am so honored.
But get back to work!!!
Originally posted by ecdoesit
Thanks for spending your working hrs picking on me.
I am so honored.
But get back to work!!!

Haha. You're special, man. =p

So, where are the rest of the future UCLA dental students?!@
Rita and Eric,

Pm me if you guys want to meet up somehow this weekend...maybe have lunch/dinner or something. =)
Welcome to the thread!

ec, rcmonkey, amicakes... i'm so jealous you guys are getting together w/o me.. j/k
If it wasn't for the fact that it takes me 4 hrs to get there, and work, and school.. i'd like to join in. Maybe I'll wait for the next time you guys get together again.
i second that, bbpower, sure wish i was able to hang out this month... but duty calls... hopefully i can join in soon.

i'm located in Walnut, CA. Close to the Pomona area... anyone else coming from that general direction? i'm like an hour or so away from UCLA. So what city are you from, bb? I noticed you mentioned a 4 hr. commute...

are any of you guys registered with DentalTown, by the way? It's a pretty helpful site, too. :) I posted a thread there you guys might find interesting!

Sincerely, Sujain/toofpixie
Sujain, would you please post the link to your thread you started over in dental town?
thanks :)