Where do I find non-PCAT schools?

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Feb 1, 2006
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I tried to contact the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, but that is a discontinued number.

Also, I could look on PharmCas but I dont want to thumb through every college in the US to see if they require it. All I want is a site that lists all non-PCAT schools. I have read some message boards that include some but they were written by students and many speculated if some schools were.

Please help me out! Thanks.

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TennisBoy78 said:
I tried to contact the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, but that is a discontinued number.

Also, I could look on PharmCas but I dont want to thumb through every college in the US to see if they require it. All I want is a site that lists all non-PCAT schools. I have read some message boards that include some but they were written by students and many speculated if some schools were.

Please help me out! Thanks.

TennisBoy78 said:
I tried to contact the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, but that is a discontinued number.

Also, I could look on PharmCas but I dont want to thumb through every college in the US to see if they require it. All I want is a site that lists all non-PCAT schools. I have read some message boards that include some but they were written by students and many speculated if some schools were.

Please help me out! Thanks.

Have you looked at the whole AACP website?
Under the admissions section for students and applicants, there's a lot of links that compare the different schools. All the tables are helpful; includes charts that compare avg GPAs for incoming freshmen, requirements including PCATs, tuition, and program lengths of the different schools.

In case you can't find it, the link for the different tables are Admissions
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Non-PCAT schools are the hardest schools to get into, so why are you wasting time? If you got a low score on the PCAT, then Pharmacy is not for you!
If you live in Florida, I heard this guy named Dr. Putzer. He's a Harvard graduate and is extremely brillant. I need to hear from more people that took his course.