Where to Pickup on Path to MedSchool?

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2+ Year Member
Oct 9, 2020
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I’ve always wanted to go to med school for psychiatry, but I 1.) never thought I could do it and 2.) didn’t think I could pay for it. I became a teacher instead, and while in that career, I got a PhD in psychology (I thought it would make me a better teacher if I better understood motivation, emotions, etc). As I completed the degree, I started to feel like, “huh, maybe I could have done med school after all” but still didn’t think I could pay for it. A couple of years ago, I decided to move into counseling and therapy, and with my PhD in hand, became a counseling psychologist. A few months after I got licensed to counsel, the military rated me at 100% disability, and this comes along with 100% tuition reimbursement. So here I am now, thinking I can do it AND having a way to pay for it.

My question, though, is this: I now have two masters (Education and Counseling) and a PhD (Psychology). Where does this put me with regard to applying to medical school? I planned on going back next semester to refresh my chemist, biology, physics, and the other core competencies for med school, but is it necessary? Would I be competitive if I just applied right away? Would it be better to go back and get an entire BS in something more pertinent (i.e. biology/chemistry)?

I feel like I have all these tools, but I’m just not sure which ones are relevant. Thoughts?

Oh, and to paint a bit of context, I’m 34, married, have three children (no more coming), and still practicing as a counseling psychologist.

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