Which company The Princeton Review or Kaplan?

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Texas MD
10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2007
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I know already :beat: but I'm asking for 2008, all the other threads are 2005 and back.

I've never taken anything from either so I really don't know. When I take the class I'll be in Orgo I and Genetics with all the bio, chem, and physics done.

Is one better for if you haven't finished the prereqs yet. I've skimmed a few of the books so far and to me it looks like TPR teaches the material and how to filter it out for the test, while Kaplan is more or a "teach you the tricks of the test."

Is that how it is? I'm an okay standardized test taker. That being said my ACT and SAT scores were REALLY wrong predicting how I would do in college. I kind of choke when I get 60 minutes with 60 problems.

When it comes to classroom study vs. your own study time. I get alot of out the classroom but I really learn the stuff on my onw then just go back and ask questions.....I don't get stuff within the hour like most people. Give me a day or two then I'll have it down really good

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I know already :beat: but I'm asking for 2008, all the other threads are 2005 and back.

I've never taken anything from either so I really don't know. When I take the class I'll be in Orgo I and Genetics with all the bio, chem, and physics done.

Is one better for if you haven't finished the prereqs yet. I've skimmed a few of the books so far and to me it looks like TPR teaches the material and how to filter it out for the test, while Kaplan is more or a "teach you the tricks of the test."

Is that how it is? I'm an okay standardized test taker. That being said my ACT and SAT scores were REALLY wrong predicting how I would do in college. I kind of choke when I get 60 minutes with 60 problems.

When it comes to classroom study vs. your own study time. I get alot of out the classroom but I really learn the stuff on my onw then just go back and ask questions.....I don't get stuff within the hour like most people. Give me a day or two then I'll have it down really good

I would say hands down Kaplan, Why? well I am currently taking the Kaplan course but one of my friends gave me her password to TPR thus I have access to the Kaplan and the TPR material online and I have to say that Kaplan has about 20 times the TPR material. You get so much to practice with Kaplan that it's hard to know where to even begin. As for the TPR material, I got through their verbal, BS and PS material passages in a month during the school year. I believe they have about a total of 40 verbal passages, I think only about one practice passage per subject for the sciences, some additional BS and PS test and some FLs that I have not taken yet. I just don't think that TPR provides you with enough practice material and practice is propably the most instrumental part of the preparation process.