which letter to use?

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Apr 7, 2005
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ok, i'm trying this again since my other thread failed....

basically, i have 5 letters of rec and am torn about the last one...it can either be from:

1) public health nurse i've worked with for a year, will work with her next year, probably not an awfully detailed letter, but has the advantage of relationship duration, etc. plus, it would be a 'clinical' letter of rec.(oh, and i want to go into public health)

2) internship supervisor at my summer intenship at a major international health and human rights organization...i've only known her for a few months, but have worked with her 40 hrs/wk. i'm just assuming that this letter would be more detailed, etc.

anyway, i'm totally unsure about which one to use, (my other letters are from profs and a research supervisor), so i could use some advice!

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The one that is more detailed. So I'm assuming that would be choice 2.
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would it look bad not to have a clinical letter, though?
wetlightning said:
would it look bad not to have a clinical letter, though?

Not really. Its better to have a stronger letter then having a letter just for the sake of a name.
You can get a more detailed clinical letter later from the nurse and send them to schools individually. Send the strongest letters you can, whoever they are written by.
I thought most schools only want to see letters from faculty.
gujuDoc said:
Not really. Its better to have a stronger letter then having a letter just for the sake of a name.

I second that.......schools are looking for letters from people who know you well and can write good/solid stuff about you....choice #2 (but how do you know #2 is going to be more detailed than #1) .... I think the quality of letter matters a lot to rather than just filling one full page.....
TheMightyAngus said:
I thought most schools only want to see letters from faculty.

Three letters from faculty are a must (or committee letter) but most schools allow additional letters of rec as well and they can from anyone who you have worked with etc (I don't think family/friends count though....could be wrong).....it is always good to ask the admissions office at the schools you are applying to.