Which practice test is the "least important"?

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Apr 14, 2020
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I have a back-up date for the MCAT in case my first try this year doesn't go well, so want to save one of the practice tests. I was thinking of saving the Sample Test for later (since I hear that's the easiest / least representative?) and completing the other materials before the first test. Does this sound like a good idea?

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When is your exam? If you have enough time to study, I would recommend using all of your materials and going all out the first time. The MCAT is an exam you do not want to retake unless you absolutely have to (but of course it's okay to cross that bridge if you get there).
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The "least" important is the sample test since it was never officially administered to students, but I agree with the poster above- don't plan for a retake, plan to do as well as you can on the first try. If you aren't confident that you can kill it your first time, then postpone your exam.

Kevin W, MCAT Tutor
Med School Tutors
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I found the sample test heavily inflated, especially with CARS, but it was still a very good resource to gauge my knowledge level before I started taking the actual AAMC FL’s. Just based on my AAMC FL average percentile, AAMC FL1 was the furthest away from any other FL’s.
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My test is in around 2 weeks! If the test ends up going badly though (let's say a monitor breaks down or some other unfortunate circumstance) and I need to void / retake, in terms of practice tests how would I re-prep for the second time if all of the available ones are used up?
I wouldn’t worry about that until after you get your score back. Lack of resources is also why a lot of people who retake end up with a similar score.
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I would use 3rd party material in that situation. Or just review the AAMC materials you already used.

If you have a computer glitch, I promise you that you won't forget anything in 2 weeks or whatever the time to retake is, unless you have a really tenuous grasp of the material.
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My test is in around 2 weeks! If the test ends up going badly though (let's say a monitor breaks down or some other unfortunate circumstance) and I need to void / retake, in terms of practice tests how would I re-prep for the second time if all of the available ones are used up?
Worst case, you would be screwed, and be forced to use third-party materials, but you don't pull your punches now planning for a retake. It's funny how these things go -- the more you plan for a retake, the more likely you are going to find yourself needing one. Nobody "saves" AAMC resources in order to have some in reserve for a retake!!!
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