Why don't mathematics count as sGPA?

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2+ Year Member
Apr 27, 2020
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Mini rant here...

But I did pretty well on my mathematics courses in college and I need the GPA boost. But AACOMAS isn't going to count them

I mean I know there is nothing I can do but can someone provide some clarification?

The courses are Calculus 1, and Statistics Dx

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Good Luck Charlie Idk GIF

Every group of schools and their application services define as they want to. PharmCAS and AADSAS include math courses in science GPA.
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“Mathematics is the science and study of quality, structure, space, and change. Mathematicians seek out patterns, formulate new conjectures, and establish truth by rigorous deduction from appropriately chosen axioms and definitions.”

This detention of math as a science does not sound like alegra2-calculus 1.

Most meth classes are basically logic classes soooo they are humanities.
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As someone who studied years of math in college, I see where you are coming from. However, as a physician (or medical student) you won't need much beyond the basics: + - / x. Med schools expect everyone to have mastered those.

Chemistry, biology, and physics principles are quite commonly used on the other hand and are relevant to your basic sciences taught in medical school. For better or worse, they use those classes and your performance to try and judge how well you'll do in medical sciences.
One of my preceptors in pharmacy school made me watch a video of someone making meth (shake and bake), but that is as close as I got...
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