Why You should not go to Medical School, a gleefully biased rant

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Aspiring Surgeon
10+ Year Member
Jun 6, 2010
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This is from a blog of this guy Ali Binazir on (blogs.law.harvard.edu)

In the few years since I’ve graduated from medical
school, there has been enough time to go back to medical practice in
some form, but I haven’t and don’t intend to, so quit yer askin’,
dammit. But of course, people keep on asking. Their
comments range from the curious — “Why don’t you practice?” — to the
idealistic — “But medicine is such a wonderful profession!” — to the
almost hostile — “Don’t you like helping people?” Since
it’s fairly certain that I will continue to be posed this question for
the rest of my natural existence, I figured that instead of launching
into my 15-minute polemic on the State of Medicine each time, which
could definitely end up cutting into my time sitting in
traffic, I could just write it up and give them the URL. And
so now, unfettered by my prior obligations as an unbiased pre-med
advisor, here are the myriad reasons why you should not enter the
medical profession and the one reason you should enter it. I have
assiduously gone through these arguments and expunged any hint of
evenhandedness, saving you time hunting for them. And here
they are:
You will lose all the friends you had before medicine.
No foolin’. You’ll be so caught up with taking classes, studying
for exams, doing ward rotations, taking care of too many patients as a
resident, trying to squeeze in a meal or an extra hour of sleep, that
your entire life pre-medicine will be relegated to some nether,
dust-gathering corner of your mind. Docs and med students don’t
make it to their college reunions because who can take a whole weekend
off? Unthinkable. And so those old friends will simply
drift away because of said temporal and physical restrictions and be
replaced by your medical compadres, whom you have no choice but to see
every day. Which brings us to…
You will have difficulty sustaining a relationship and will
probably break up with or divorce your current significant other during
For the same reasons enumerated above, you
just won’t have time for quality time, kid. Any time you have
will be spent catching up on that microbiology lecture, cramming for
the Boards, getting some sleep after overnight call and just doing the
basic housekeeping of keeping a Homo sapiens medicus upright
and functioning. When it’s a choice between having a meal/getting
some actual sleep after being up for 36 hrs vs. spending quality time
with your sig-o, which one wins, buddy? I know he/she’s great and
all, but a relationship is a luxury that your pared-down, elemental,
bottom-of-the-Maslow-pyramid existence won’t be able to
afford. Unless you’ve found some total saint who’s willing to
care for your burned-out carapace every day for 6-8 years without
complaint or expectation of immediate reward (and yes, these people do
exist, and yes, they will feel massively entitled after the 8 years
because of the enormous sacrifice they’ve put in, etc etc).
You will spend the best years of your life as a sleep-deprived, underpaid slave.
I will state here without proof that the years between 22 and 35,
being a time of good health, taut skin, generally idealistic
worldview, firm buttocks, trim physique, ability to legally
acquire intoxicating substances, having the income to acquire such
substances, high liver capacity for processing said substances, and
optimal sexual function, are the Best Years of Your
Life. And if you enter the medical profession during this golden
interval, you will run around like a headless chicken trying to appease
various superiors (in the guise of professor, intern, resident, chief
resident, attending and department head, depending on your phase of
devolution) all the while skipping sleep every fourth day or so
and getting paid about minimum wage ($35k-$45k/yr for 80-100 hrs/wk of
work) or paying through the nose (med school costing about $40k/yr) the
whole while. Granted, any job these days involves hierarchy and
superiors, but none of them keep you in such penury for so long.
Speaking of penury…
You will get yourself a job of dubious remuneration and high liability exposure.
For the amount of training you put in and the amount of blood, sweat
and tears medicine extracts from you (and I’m not being metaphorical
here), you should be getting paid an absurd amount of money as soon as
you finish residency. I mean, you’re in your mid-thirties.
You put in 4 years of med school, and at least 4 years of residency (up
to 8 if you’re a surgeon). You even did a fellowship and got paid
a pittance while doing that. And for all the good you’re doing
humanity — you are healing people, for godssake — you
should get paid more than some investment banker soullessly shifting
around spreadsheet numbers, some lawyer defending a tobacco company or
some consultant maximizing a client’s shareholder value.
Right? Wrong. For the same time spent out of college, your I-banking, lawyering and consulting buddies are making 2-5 times
as much as you are. At my tenth college
reunion, friends who had gone into finance were near
retirement and talking about their 10-acre parcel in Aspen, while
80% of my doctor classmates were still in residency, with an
average debt of $100,000 and a salary of $40,000.
But wait, we’re not done yet. Who amongst these professionals
has to insure himself against the potential wrath of his own
clients? The doctors, of course. Average annual
liability premiums these days are around $30,000. That goes
up to $80,000 for an obstetrician-gynecologist (who remains liable for
any baby s/he delivers until said infant turns 18) and into
the six-digit realm for neurosurgeons. Atul Gawande
wrote a dynamite article about docs’ compensation in a recent (May 4,
2005) issue of The New Yorker entitled Piecework (http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/050404fa_fact) — check it out.
You will endanger your health and overall well-being.
The medical profession is bad for you. Just ask any current
doctor or med student. You will eat irregularly, eat poorly when
you do get the irregular meal (unless it’s a drug-company
sponsored meal — god bless their generous hearts and bottomless
pockets), have way too much cortisol circulating in your system from
all the stress you experience, have a compromised immune system because
of all the cortisol in your blood, get sick more often because of the
compromised immune system (and the perpetual exposure to disease
– it’s a hospital, surprise), and be perennially
sleep-deprived. If your residency is four years long, on average
you will spend one of those years without any sleep. A whole year of no sleep. Do you get that? This is as bad for you as it is for patients (you’ve heard of Libby’s Law, right? Check out http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/health/features/n_9426/).
My good friend and college classmate James — a serious contender for
the title of Nicest Guy on Earth – had a severe
car accident one morning on the way to the hospital because he fell
asleep behind the wheel. Luckily, his airbag deployed and he
didn’t suffer long-term injuries. Everyone seems to know already
that medical care can kill patients (haven’t read The House of God
by Samuel Shem yet? Go get it now – brilliant and
easily the funniest book I’ve ever read), but it’s usually news that it
can kill the docs, too.
You will not have time to care for patients and treat them as well as you want to.
This is how the math works: Many patients. Few of you –
usually one, unless you have florid multiple-personality
disorder. So you have to take care of many patients. And if
they’re in the hospital, that means they’re really sick, otherwise
they’d still be at home. So you are scurrying around trying
to take care of all of them at once, which means that each individual
patient can only get a little bit of your time. Which means that
you won’t have a chance to sit at the bedside of that sweet old vet and
hear his stories of Iwo Jima. Or get to the bottom of why that
LOL (little old lady — medical slang’s been around way longer
than internet slang, buddy) can’t get her daughter to come
visit. Or to do any of that idealistic stuff that you cooked up
in your adolescent brain about really connecting with
patients. Get a grip! This is about action, about taking
care of business, about getting **** done, about making that note look
sharp because the attending is coming to round in an hour and he’s a
hardass, and that’s the difference your passing and getting recommended
for honors, so get on it already and quit yakking with the gomer (which
is an older patient with so many problems you should have never
let him/her get admitted in the first place — stands for ’get out
of my ER’, and I didn’t make it up the acronym, so direct
your indignant wrath elsewhere, thank you very much).
It’s about CYA — cover your ass. For better or for
worse, you just start to treat patients as problems and illness-bearing
entities for the sake of mental efficiency (“55yo WM s/p rad
prostatectomy c hx CHF & COPD”), which does not do much for your
empathetic abilities. Which brings us to…
You will start to dislike patients — and by extension, people in general.
OK, so now you’re overworked, underpaid, underfed, and
sleep-deprived. Whose fault is that? Well, it’s not really
the hospital’s fault — it’s just drawn that way. And it’s
not your boss’s fault, because somebody has to take care of patients,
and he can’t do it because he’s the boss, duh. So whom to
blame? Ah yes — patients. It’s the patients’
fault. They’re the ones creating all the work! The ones who
get in the way of your nap, your catching your favorite TV
show, having an uninterrupted meal, getting together with your
sig-o for some therapeutic nookie. How dare he have an MI while
you’re watching CSI? Does she have any consideration,
letting her blood pressure tank to 40 over palp at 3.30am, while you’re
making out with Elle MacPherson on the shores of Bora Bora (assuming
you’re lucky enough to be actually asleep)? The logic may be
twisted — patients, on the whole, don’t get sick voluntarily or
out of spite to you – but it is deeply ingrained
in medical culture. Heck, there’s even a slang term for it:
a hit. As in, “We got four hits on our admitting shift
at the ER today.” Hit — the same way you would be struck by a
mortar, or a shell, or a bomb. Getting hit is a Bad Thing.
These aren’t people — these are potentially lethal disasters that
can explode all over the place and ruin your whole day. “We got
hit again” — one more patient to take care of, says the
resident. But really, is that resident blameless? Or how
about Dr Hardass and his intransigent ways? Hell, they’re at
fault, too! Soon the circle of blame expands to the outer reaches
of the cosmos, and every potentially accountable organism from amoeba
to blue whale will be personally responsible for your misery. But
lest you think we’ve forgotten you, patients, take heart –
it’s all still your fault.
You will start to be disliked by people who do not even know you.
Once upon a day, in a time somewhere between the Cretaceous and
Triassic eras, physicians were held in awe and respect by the general
public. Their seeming omniscience was revered, and TV shows like Marcus Welby MD glorified their empathetic sangfroid and cool grace. Heck, they
were even considered sexy or something. I only noticed in recent
years that this ain’t the case no more, and doctors rank on the
contempt scale somewhere above meter maids and at or just below divorce
lawyers (but still much higher than I-bankers and other
invertebrates). The average Joe and Janet are tired of the
ever-rising cost of medical care, tired of all the stories of
malpractice, tired of the perceived greed of the pharmaceutical firms,
tired of the heartless profit-focussed practices of insurance
companies. But where do they pin their frustration? To
whom can they direct their ire? Insurance and drug companies are
nameless, faceless entities, as are hospitals. We need a person
to blame, like a nurse or a doc. Nurses are overworked and
massively underpaid, so it doesn’t really make sense to get mad at
them. But doctors — those Mercedes-driving, Armani-wearing,
private-school using, golf-playing
arriviste docs! By being the most visible symbol
of the medical profession, the doctor will have the dubious
distinction of being the scapegoat for all its
maladies. Fair? Hell no — we already told you
docs are overworked, underpaid, and often railing at the same
injustices Joe and Janet are. Most of them don’t even play
golf! But such it is. Just letting you know which
direction the rotten tomatoes are flying so you can consciously
choose to stand at the ‘toss’ or ‘splat’ end of
the trajectory.
And the one reason why you should go into medicine:
You have only ever envisioned yourself as a doctor and can only derive professional fulfillment in life by taking care of sick people.
There’s really no other reason, and lord knows the world needs
docs. Prestige, money, job security, making mom happy, proving
something, can’t think of anything else to do, better than being a
lawyer, etc are all incredibly bad reasons for becoming a doc.
You should become a doc because you always wanted to work for Medecins Sans Frontieres
and your life will be half-lived without that. You should become
a doc because you want to be the psychiatrist who makes a
breakthrough in schizophrenia treatment. You should become a
doc because you love making sick kids feel better and being the
one to reassure the parents that it’ll all be OK, and nothing
else in the world measures up to that. Or as my general
surgery resident put it, you should become a doc because “my dad was an
ass surgeon, my big brother’s an ass surgeon, and by god I’m going to
become an ass surgeon.” But woe betide you if there’s
anything else, anything at all, that would also give you that
fulfillment. Because your pursuit of medicine would preclude
chasing down that other dream and a whole lot more – a dream
that could be much bigger, much more spectacular, much more
enriching for yourself and humanity than being a
physician. Just ask John Keats, Walker Percy, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, Giorgio Armani, or Michael Crichton (some of these
guys being more alive than others these days). Or you can
just ask me a few years down the road, by which time I should have
a blog entry for that question, too.

How many people still want to go to medical school, and be a Doctor?
Me me me, this guy XeRex:D

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Members don't see this ad :)
Sure u didnt, but guy is telling the crucial truth about pursing the path to being a doctor and no one can deny it. After reading this i donno if i want to be a doctor or not
I read the whole thing. If you've ready House of God, this douche basically paraphrased the message of that book and made it seem like his own work. There are ways around each point he makes.
Its not a story "bro", its the painful truth that we all have to accept.

And "cool story, bro" is an internet meme that you painfully took literally
I read the whole thing. If you've ready House of God, this douche basically paraphrased the message of that book and made it seem like his own work. There are ways around each point he makes.
Well i never read the house of God, so i didn't knew that he copied it. My friend who is also a premed posted it on my facebook wall. So i just wanted to share with SDN premed community.
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Its not a story "bro", its the painful truth that we all have to accept.

Honestly, in my opinion, there are lots of people that are going to try and sway your decision. Everyone has a different experience of medical school. Some are exhausted, but love what they do. And some are exhausted and hate every second of it.

Don't let someone's random blog sway your decision, and if it already has, then maybe you never wanted to be a doctor to begin with. You will never know what it is really like unless you experience it. Yes, the hours will be long. Yes, you will be away from family. But if you really want it, and you have a great support system, you can do it.

Your tag over your avatar even says "aspiring surgeon." Did you really expect it to be a walk in the park?
And "cool story, bro" is an internet meme that you painfully took literally
hahahahahahah :laugh: i am sorry man i didn't knew that, no hard feelings though.
I'm sorry, OP. I read your first post and actually look forward to all of that happening, except for my own decline in health.


About the terrible relationships, a best friend of mine met and fell in love with his wife the first day of medical school. Of course, the two of them were incredibly responsible and aware of each other's demands.
Sure u didnt, but guy is telling the crucial truth about pursing the path to being a doctor and no one can deny it. After reading this i donno if i want to be a doctor or not
How the hell do you know if it's a crucial truth? You're a pre-med. This guy apparently didn't even do a residency (which is a good thing, seeing how much he's crying about being a med student).

That "article" is a steaming pile of ****.
Sure u didnt, but guy is telling the crucial truth about pursing the path to being a doctor and no one can deny it. After reading this i donno if i want to be a doctor or not

After reading this I felt the same slightly. Today I was talking to my grandparents about how their primary care physician spends 10 minutes with them and then the nurse does everything else. He also seems really depressed all the time and what not. I was left thinking this career is really something I'll need to consider hard. Though my backups are PhDs. So I think there's no real chance there.
hahahahahahah :laugh: i am sorry man i didn't knew that, no hard feelings though.

hey, no harm, no foul. Like above said, be sure to take in all the info you can about it but one random blogger's jaded opinion is just that
Honestly, in my opinion, there are lots of people that are going to try and sway your decision. Everyone has a different experience of medical school. Some are exhausted, but love what they do. And some are exhausted and hate every second of it.

Don't let someone's random blog sway your decision, and if it already has, then maybe you never wanted to be a doctor to begin with. You will never know what it is really like unless you experience it. Yes, the hours will be long. Yes, you will be away from family. But if you really want it, and you have a great support system, you can do it.

Your tag over your avatar even says "aspiring surgeon." Did you really expect it to be a walk in the park?
Nah dude i wasnt swaying from my decision on being a doctor, i just didnt knew that people really have to go through all the stuff that this guys talking about. I mean there must be reasons for why he is not practicing medicine after going through undergrad and the crucial life of medical school. But anyway i am not deviated from my commitment to being a doctor as you said after reading this random blog.
Which residency and school did this guy even go to. The school schedules vary from school to school. Some dont require you to go to lecture. That means you can do meaningful studying during the week which could then free up your weekends and some weekday nights. Not all residencies are the same. I doubt someone in derm does the same amount of work as someone in neurosurgery. Your overplayed scare tactics are lame n old. Maybe this applies to some people, but I really doubt this would apply to everyone.
Nah dude i wasnt swaying from my decision on being a doctor, i just didnt knew that people really have to go through all the stuff that this guys talking about. I mean there must be reasons for why he is not practicing medicine after going through undergrad and the crucial life of medical school. But anyway i am not deviated from my commitment to being a doctor as you said after reading this random blog.

Sure u didnt, but guy is telling the crucial truth about pursing the path to being a doctor and no one can deny it. After reading this i donno if i want to be a doctor or not

Maybe you want to re-read what you already wrote?
How the hell do you know if it's a crucial truth? You're a pre-med. This guy apparently didn't even do a residency (which is a good thing, seeing how much he's crying about being a med student).

That "article" is a steaming pile of ****.

This gives me hope. Thank you.
This gives me hope. Thank you.

Like it's always been said, you know where the physicians are that are happy? Doing their jobs and then doing what they want in their lives.

You know where the physicians are that are unhappy? Posting on SDN and other online websites talking about how their decision sucks.

Keep that in mind.
I think all premeds should have to read this before applying.

On the other note, what is your sig saying? You sure you have real words with the right cases and genders? :p
And why should all people that are thinking about going into medicine read that?
I think all premeds should have to read this before applying.

On the other note, what is your sig saying? You sure you have real words with the right cases and genders? :p
It means 'I love medicine' in Latin
How the hell do you know if it's a crucial truth? You're a pre-med. This guy apparently didn't even do a residency (which is a good thing, seeing how much he's crying about being a med student).

That "article" is a steaming pile of ****.
Thanks for your honest opinion :)
everyone, base your life choices around this random guy's faulty coping mechanisms and grump
Maybe you want to re-read what you already wrote?
Well i deviated for a moment but then i read your comment
Honestly, in my opinion, there are lots of people that are going to try and sway your decision. Everyone has a different experience of medical school. Some are exhausted, but love what they do. And some are exhausted and hate every second of it.

Don't let someone's random blog sway your decision, and if it already has, then maybe you never wanted to be a doctor to begin with. You will never know what it is really like unless you experience it. Yes, the hours will be long. Yes, you will be away from family. But if you really want it, and you have a great support system, you can do it.

Your tag over your avatar even says "aspiring surgeon." Did you really expect it to be a walk in the park?
and it gave me hope that i don't have to think of changing my path after reading a blog of some random blogger.
Well i deviated for a moment but then i read your comment and it gave me hope that i don't have to think of changing my path after reading a blog of some random blogger.

Well, I'm glad for that, but this just proves that you get swayed very easily by other people's words. You weren't sure what you wanted to do after you read that guy's blog, and then you changed back after reading what I said. Make decisions for YOU.

Well, I'm glad for that, but this just proves that you get swayed very easily by other people's words. You weren't sure what you wanted to do after you read that guy's blog, and then you changed back after reading what I said. Make decisions for YOU.

The person who wrote that article is just some loud-mouth overly intellecualizing his life's shortcomings. If he truly was happy with his decision to quit med school or wherever he quit, he wouldn't need some long diatribe to rationalize it in fervent detail.

Med school is hard at times and residency is harder, too f*cking bad. You get to do things no one else can do, and you get to do more GOOD for humanity in a single day than any banker, marketer, ad agent, lawyer will get to do months or years of their careers.

The subtle psychology of his idiot blog with his verbose histrionics is that he is ultimately uncomfortable with his decision and needs to defend it. If he wasn't so self-conscious and intimidated about the success of his friends, he could have sat in quiet confidence at whatever reunion he p*ssed himself at knowing he had two letters after his name they can never have.

:thumbdown: :laugh:
It means nothing written like that.

3/4 words are in the wrong order, at LEAST two have the wrong ending.

...do you know latin?
No sir i don't. If you do can you fix it for me.:)
Sure u didnt, but guy is telling the crucial truth about pursing the path to being a doctor and no one can deny it. After reading this i donno if i want to be a doctor or not

Then don't.
Pretty sure you could write this about any profession.

For example, I spent all four years in college writing nearly fulltime for newspapers. As a career reporter, I would make $24,000 a year, have to listen to crazy people pitch stories to me over the phone, article subjects be angry over the way they were portrayed, random people get upset that their story idea didn't make it to the paper, always get accused of bias, work until the wee hours of the morning and do the work of 100 people because advertisers won't pay.

Way back in high school I worked retail. I had to deal with people who would come in and ask 50 questions asking for advice, listen to none of it and then buy something completely different. I would have to take out the trash, sweep floors, do menial jobs, and end up sitting there with no customers until 2 minutes before we're supposed to close when the browsing people come in and walk around for 20 minutes, don't buy anything and leave.

My sister is a teacher. The kids are fine, other than being raised by compete idiots, but there is always pressure from the government to "do better," crazy parents who think you're out to get their kids, principals who only care about the test scores or just don't care at all, plus people think you are lazy because you get off 4 months a year, etc.

And we could go on and on and on.

What's the point? Every job sucks, unless you have a passion for it. Good teachers don't teach for the paycheck, they teach because they love teaching, love the kids, etc.. Good physicians don't practice medicine just for the paycheck (which is significantly greater than a teacher's, of course), they do it because they love it, they love helping people, etc.
This thread sucks. Let's kill it.
It means nothing written like that.

3/4 words are in the wrong order, at LEAST two have the wrong ending.

...do you know latin?

A+ for still remembering Latin. Makes me wish I put more effort into remembering it form high school :(.
Blah blah blah.

It's not that bad.

Well, maybe if you want to be a neurosurgeon. But even then, it's not that bad.