Withdrew before action?

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10+ Year Member
Jan 30, 2009
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My app was mailed to Case Western last Friday. The status for them on AADSAS says "withdrew before action". Anyone know what that means? I surely haven't withdrawn.

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The same thing here, from Case... I was so nervous because I haven't taken my DAT yet...the only thing missing and thought they withdrew me hehe
Hope we will be fine...
Same here. Mine was also sent last Friday and I JUST checked... whats going on?!
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If this means anything, I just got the email from them that they recieved my application. I also paid the app fee before I recieved the email, so I'm not sure if that has anything to with it.
Post the question in the Case Western Application thread. One of the admissions counselors from CWRU is an active member of the site.
I talked to the school and they said it was an error. Sigh of relief.