Workload Question

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10+ Year Member
Mar 18, 2011
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How much of a workload is a fall EMT-B class? Does it tend to interfere with other classes? Would you feel comfortable taking it with a full load of normal classes?

And while I'm asking workload questions: Do you guys think taking a 5-week OChem II class and a Bio II class together would be too much? Both in the same 5-week summer session. It's been about a year since OChem I & Bio I.

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Its essentially nothing, other than the time that your required to be there for lectures.

I took my EMT class (12 credits) at a community college while taking a full 16 units during my 1st year (Gen chem with lab, bio with lab, English, and some BS gen ed) And it worked out great. Plus some schools were impressed with my 28 credit hour semester.

You will be very busy. But its doable.
Its essentially nothing, other than the time that your required to be there for lectures.

I took my EMT class (12 credits) at a community college while taking a full 16 units during my 1st year (Gen chem with lab, bio with lab, English, and some BS gen ed) And it worked out great. Plus some schools were impressed with my 28 credit hour semester.

You will be very busy. But its doable.

That's encouraging to hear. I'll be taking it with two upper division computer science, two upper division math, and BioChem I so it's a godsend that it isn't that difficult.
That's encouraging to hear. I'll be taking it with two upper division computer science, two upper division math, and BioChem I so it's a godsend that it isn't that difficult.

Warning, friend. It is certainly not difficult. It will, however, require significant time for lectures and clinical training. Having an unavoidable ride-along the night before a biochem test can be a real PITA. It is a timesuck, and with the classes you're talking about, you need to remember that that GPA is vastly more important than aceing your EMT-B exams.