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10+ Year Member
May 15, 2010
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I'm taking Physics I, Microbiology, Histology, and a Genetics Lab writing intensive that's required by our school. Advice? Too much of a workload?

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I don't know. I have never had that specific workload. Is it too much?

Would you like me to do some of your work for you so I can tell you if it is too much or not?
At my school that would only be 11 credits, which is one credit shy of full-time. Are you taking other courses? It seems very science-heavy.

Of course, I don't know what your school's credit hour structure is, so I don't think any of us can really help you much
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Given the course list that a typical underclassman engineer is in for a core engineering curriculum, that list sounds like a vacation. That being said, not everyone is as masochistic as the engineers nor can handle 18-20 credits of a technical curriculum in a semester. Do what you feel will be manageable for you.