I don't think he said that was the absolute only option but that it would be a quite effective and good option.
Incorrect. In their post just prior to the one that I replied to, on the same thread page, they concluded this post with:
The reality is that psychiatry has a terrible history with ethnic minorities, and I'm talking about patients here. You can't deliver better care if the leadership itself doesn't reflect the makeup of your patients, culturally and ethnically - especially when we're talking about centuries of ingrained racism and discrimination.
They weren’t just advocating for ethnic representation because “…it would make a quite effective and good option.” as you stated in your reply to me. Their statements were pretty clearly saying that it is an absolute necessity. I am glad they mentioned “culture” at the end of their post there, though they don’t value culture as much as color. Their focus and advocacy is on skin color, which is clearly viewed by them as the most valuable proxy for being able to provide quality patient care to ethnic minorities and for being least likely to abuse or provide poor quality care to ethnic minorities.
Do you think this has happened? That people were promoted based solely on skin color without any consideration for their competence? I imagine that in nearly all situations, the people considered meet some minimal level of competence that makes the qualified for the position.
This question is absurd. Of course nobody gets promoted to the highest positions if they can’t even do the bare minimum of the role they have. This just does not exist. Is the bare minimum what you want in those with the most power to do good or do harm? Is that what you want in leaders, those who are most powerful and influential in society, those who rear the next generation, create policies, act as gatekeepers—for them to meet “
some minimal level of competence”?
The MOST competent and MOST qualified need to be those who are at the top of the hierarchies of the major institutions of society. When I work in an administration with a clear hierarchy, those who are above me in the hierarchy better be more competent than I am, or at the very least equally as competent—and they better be of strong character. When people hold positions of power but are not more competent than, or at least equally as competent as, those they oversee, this breeds major instability for everyone involved and those who depend on these institutions—workers will be viewed as threats and competition by the higher-ups, the workers will have contempt for the higher-ups and won’t naturally respect or admire them, and the quality of work coming out of these toxic dynamics will be poorer as a result.
Color alone, disconnected from every other aspect of the person’s life, even when they meet the “minimal level of competence” has no value in a meritocracy and the natural world as far as I am concerned. And just to be clear, a meritocracy values and rewards those with the greatest competence and the highest integrity, and those individuals who embody both should be those who occupy the highest positions. If this is not held to, then corruption blossoms and bleeds throughout the institutions and ultimately into society and culture and the family units.
If true meritocracy is not protected and upheld, and things like nepotism and identity politics are allowed to flourish from within society’s major institutions, especially from the top down as it is nowadays, then these systems will become socially unstable, the overall competence and function of the institutions will decline, and the service to society that these institutions provide will be low quality and will also cause harm to the people, especially those in society who are the most vulnerable and underserved. When society and its major institutions becomes so influenced by artificially selective pressures such as those I mentioned above, ones that deviate far from common sense, rationality, and the natural order of things, then instability and chaos are guaranteed. Fortunately, nature always self-corrects. Though, these vile human beings who are currently running the major institutions into the ground are putting up one hell of a fight, and they are willing to destroy the whole system and everyone within it, including themselves, before they could ever be brought to justice to face punishment for the cruelty and injustice they have perpetrated and the insane ideology they have promoted and indoctrinated into their true-believing lackeys and the fools of society.