Year off between Medical School and Residency

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I am a MS3 and will soon be an MS4. I want to take an Year off between medical school and residency. What are the pros and cons? What can I do to help my chances?

I have a few reasons, for needing the time off.

1. I want an MPH, for knowledge purpose and because I eventually want a leadership position. My school offers an accelerated online program that I love and is highly recommended.

2. I am a DO student, will be applying for residency a/r merge happens so even though I am applying for primary care things will be tough. I had taken COMLEX and passed it on first try, however, with a lower score. I want to take STEP1 and level 3.

3. I have medical issues and need surgery for that. I have been postponing things but I want to start my residency wherever it may be on a healthy note.

4. I am starting to feel brunt out and don’t want to start residency an emotionally lost.

I will do my best to stay in contact with residency program. There is a good program near my place, I plan to contact the directors or resident and ask to shadow them. So they get to know me, maybe, get a foot in.

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Taking a year off = not a great idea. Finishing medical school and graduating, then enrolling in an MPH means you won't be doing any clinical work for a year. If your scores are already not great, a lapse like this is going to make things worse.

Extending your training and getting an MPH = fine. You get the MPH next year, then complete your 4th year and match. I realize it may be too late for that, but that's your best plan.
All I can say is that I've heard it's really not good to do that, so I would recommend taking a year off between MS3 and MS4. I know a lot of people who took a year off during that time to pursue research or additional degrees.
Taking a voluntary year off between medical school and residency is the absolute worst time you could possibly take a year off. It will be assumed by 100% of people that you did it solely because you didn't match. Your chances of matching will only get worse from your chance as an MS4.
Plus I know plenty of people who got the MPH during residency. It doesn't seem like the most pleasurable way to do it, but it somehow got done (though with the caveat that the people I know who did it off the top of my head are EM and Psych).
AS others have said, this is a bad plan. Some other points.

There's actually no real evidence or logical reason to think that applying to primary care residencies as a DO will be any tougher after the merger than before.

The chances of you going back to Step 1 material and doing well on the exam, 2 years after the fact and not scoring well the first time, is optimistic to say the least.

"Shadowing" at programs, if you're already a US-grad physician, is weird. The only time this works is if you are an IMG that already lives in the US and is trying to get your foot in the door. You don't need a foot in the door, you would be a US grad that voluntarily chose to take a year off for no good reason.

Taking time off to do the things you mentioned (MPH, surgery, relax) is a fine idea, it just needs to be done between MS3 and 4 as others have said, not between graduation and starting residency. It's only March, you should have plenty of time to set this up.
As the Argus suggested, you may still be able to slip into an MPH program. They typically are happy to have future MDs in their programs.

I'll echo what others have said (sorry to beat a dead horse): Year off between M3 and M4 = fine (I did it myself to get an MPH). Year off after med school before residency = no.
Just fyi for a lot of licensing and credentialing purposes they ask you if you ever took more than one month off in your medical career.
Do not do this. Why don't you take the year off between third and fourth year?
Yeah def don't take a year off after med school unless you're going to be out there winning the Nobel Peace Prize or a Pullitizer.

I'd take a year off between 3rd and 4th year. I did just that and have no regrets, it worked out well and I was able to have a unique experience.