your luck on getting supplies paid

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15+ Year Member
May 3, 2009
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Just want to get a quick survey of what everyone has been getting paid for these commonly used supplies (if any).

J1030 Depomedrol 40mg
J2001 Lidocaine 10mg, 100mg, 300mg
J3490 Bupivacaine 0.25%, 10ml
J1100 Dexamethasone, per mg
J1885 Toradol, per 15mg
Q9966 Omnipaque 240, per ml
J2250 Versed, per mg
J3010 Fentanyl, per 100mcg
A4215 Spinal needle
A4209 Syringe & Needle, 5ml

Anyone getting paid for spinal needles? bilateral MNBB with 6 needles costing me more than $6, so far haven't got them paid by either medicare or commercial payer.

How'bout Tuohy needle?

Anyone billing out a pain management tray and getting paid?

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This has come up in the past at our facility, I believe we don't get a damn thing but I will get back to you.
I bill for a tray and have variable success with commercial, wc and auto
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No no for Medicare.. Trial and error with commercial and wc.