Zoo and Small Animal Internships

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Nov 21, 2013
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Any current or past interns from U of T's Zoo and Small Animal Medicine and Surgery internship on SDN? I'm curious about your experience. I'm going to be applying for internships for the 2018-2019 year and am just trying to get my ducks in a row and figure out where I want to visit.

If anyone has any input about other internships, like CSU or TAMU, I'd appreciate it.


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Any current or past interns from U of T's Zoo and Small Animal Medicine and Surgery internship on SDN? I'm curious about your experience. I'm going to be applying for internships for the 2018-2019 year and am just trying to get my ducks in a row and figure out where I want to visit.

If anyone has any input about other internships, like CSU or TAMU, I'd appreciate it.

I know TAMU's next intern, and she is really excited about it. I don't know specifics about the program, but I'm assuming her being thrilled is a good sign. She seemed to have done a lot of research for the match.
Any current or past interns from U of T's Zoo and Small Animal Medicine and Surgery internship on SDN? I'm curious about your experience. I'm going to be applying for internships for the 2018-2019 year and am just trying to get my ducks in a row and figure out where I want to visit.

If anyone has any input about other internships, like CSU or TAMU, I'd appreciate it.


The current intern in that position at Tennessee is the only person who has done it, as the program is brand new. It's basically a big experiment to see if a half SA/half zoo internship can help applicants avoid having to do a full rotating internship followed by a full zoo internship (or more) before getting a zoo residency. I don't think the current intern is on SDN but from talking to her I think she liked the program a lot and I do know she got her first choice of zoo residencies, although that could simply be because she's extremely talented and knowledgeable to begin with.
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