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I can't quite decide if I feel irresponsible adopting another dog before I move, especially given that I'm not %100 where I'm going to live, or if really it IS the right to do because he needs a good mommy, my dog needs a buddy and they're already bonded, and because I love him so already.

Everything I've ever impulsively done has been rewarding. I would just say that if you felt so strongly about adopting that you did it despite hardships, it will be ok. :)

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Everything I've ever impulsively done has been rewarding. I would just say that if you felt so strongly about adopting that you did it despite hardships, it will be ok. :)

:) I adopted my first dog because it was love at first sight and she's amazing. So maybe you're right. Besides, they're both little so really they barely equal one dog right? :p
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We went to the zoo over the weekend since my niece/nephew were visiting and there was a petting zoo are with farm animals. I saw this HUGE sheep and asked the volunteer if it was pregnant. She laughed, said nope, and then said that it was a male sheep. :smack:

Can't even sex a sheep... still going to vet school. :smuggrin:
We went to the zoo over the weekend since my niece/nephew were visiting and there was a petting zoo are with farm animals. I saw this HUGE sheep and asked the volunteer if it was pregnant. She laughed, said nope, and then said that it was a male sheep. :smack:

Can't even sex a sheep... still going to vet school. :smuggrin:

As a former zookeeper, I guarantee you that was not the worst question she got that day.
I have been talking with someone super awesome, I am hoping this will work out!!
...I am being semi-pursued by two men at once. They are brothers. I like them both, but not sure yet if either is long-term relationship material. They know they both know me, but as far as I can tell, they haven't told each other they're talking to me.

...I am being semi-pursued by two men at once. They are brothers. I like them both, but not sure yet if either is long-term relationship material. They know they both know me, but as far as I can tell, they haven't told each other they're talking to me.


I read this and immediately thought of Vampire Diaries, which then reminded me of this post:



Thanks for quoting that again. It's always nice to look at him. :laugh:
We went to the zoo over the weekend since my niece/nephew were visiting and there was a petting zoo are with farm animals. I saw this HUGE sheep and asked the volunteer if it was pregnant. She laughed, said nope, and then said that it was a male sheep. :smack:

Can't even sex a sheep... still going to vet school. :smuggrin:

If it was a wether in fleece, I can hardly blame you. There isn't so much to be able to differentiate between a ewe and wether if you can't see under the tail and there's nothing visible on the underline or crutch area.

Rams should be very easy to spot by smell and their masculine features, whether wooly or shorn, including their facial appearance, voice, and hopefully, if he's good a fertile, a large scrotum. Asuming he's not a little lamb.

Most "huge" sheep aren't pregnant. There is a somewhat distinct appearance that takes a fair degree of exposure to sheep to be able to recognize. The best thing to do is check out mammary development. For most sheep a few weeks before birth, the udder starts enlarging and should appear "soft", filling with colostrum, and progressively visible. Close to birth, it usually feels quite warm. Not all sheep exhibit enough udder development pre-parturition, though.

The rumen when quite full will make a sheep appear huge. If it's not bloated, gut fill really is a desirable thing, indicating excellent rumen capacity and good consumption of forages (grain should never look like that!!!). It will look different when they are pregnant. Besides, the lambs in utero will take up so much space that rumen capacity is severely limited, hence the need for really prime feed/forages to support the rapidly growing fetal load. My Finns look like blimps when they are pregnant! :laugh: In fact, I have a couple of aseasonal lambers due in a few weeks so this topic has been on my mind considerably.

If a ewe truly looks that big and you believe she's pregnant, take her off feed for awhile and palpate (ballot) her abdomen and see if you can bounce lambs in there. Usually if she's big and has an empty belly, the lambs are developed enough to be easily felt. :love: :love: :love: This is a really fun thing to do, and kind of impressive because few US sheep farmers know how to do it.

Anyways, don't feel bad, please. There's a procedure done on ewes close to lambing called crutching or crotching, where basically the wool around the vulva, tail, udder, and sometimes the belly is shorn, so that changes can be observed better as well as creating a cleaner birth environment. Others will shear sheep before lambing for the same reason. It took me a couple of years before I could be pretty confident in declaring a ewe in lamb, as a flockmaster.
Well I just learned a thing or ten for today!

Thanks finnsheep!
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Anyways, don't feel bad, please. There's a procedure done on ewes close to lambing called crutching or crotching, where basically the wool around the vulva, tail, udder, and sometimes the belly is shorn, so that changes can be observed better as well as creating a cleaner birth environment. Others will shear sheep before lambing for the same reason. It took me a couple of years before I could be pretty confident in declaring a ewe in lamb, as a flockmaster.

Oh, I didn't feel too bad, it was more funny than anything:laugh:

But thank you for all the helpful info!
Today I bought superhero sheets for my bed at vet school.

I am a nerd, I am a child, and I have no regrets. :D
I've can quote the whole movie Never Been Kissed.
i hate myself for being stuck on a guy who isn't remotely interested.

i'm delving into some khan academy distractions today.
It is days like this that make me think "Screw it! I am just going to go work at starbucks for the rest of my life!". :(
what happened?

:( Watching other drs I know struggle financially and struggle to find work. When they do find work, they are unhappy. I know it isnt like this for everyone, but it sure is disheartening.

Also, dog I have been working with at shelter for over a month suddenly got very ill last night and needed to be euthanized today. No one called me to tell me....even though there was a note to please do so. Just a bummer. =[
i hate myself for being stuck on a guy who isn't remotely interested.

i'm delving into some khan academy distractions today.

I'm completely like this. Always. Womp
I'm completely like this. Always. Womp

whole situation sucks... and he sucks. and i just watched warm bodies, and i feel lonely. A ZOMBIE MOVIE MADE ME FEEL LONELY. major womp womp. :confused::(
I'm pretty lonely too

Me too... I have only been with one guy since high school. That turned out to be a total bust. Then anyone else I've tried to pursue anything with had been interested in being with someone, just not me. I mean, I know I'm kind of manly and a little aggressive, but I'm cute, and I'm a nice person, so grow some balls and get on board with the fact that I'm a confident woman who likes herself for who she is. Seriously. PS been drinking a lot do excuse me. it's a miracle this is in English.
Me too... I have only been with one guy since high school. That turned out to be a total bust. Then anyone else I've tried to pursue anything with had been interested in being with someone, just not me. I mean, I know I'm kind of manly and a little aggressive, but I'm cute, and I'm a nice person, so grow some balls and get on board with the fact that I'm a confident woman who likes herself for who she is. Seriously. PS been drinking a lot do excuse me. it's a miracle this is in English.

You are totally cute and not manly! Also I understand how you feel.
Now for a short time aka 20 minutes, I am posting my Batman cat sweater. It is sitting on top of my cat's new carrier blanket I made him.

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Me too... I have only been with one guy since high school. That turned out to be a total bust. Then anyone else I've tried to pursue anything with had been interested in being with someone, just not me. I mean, I know I'm kind of manly and a little aggressive, but I'm cute, and I'm a nice person, so grow some balls and get on board with the fact that I'm a confident woman who likes herself for who she is. Seriously. PS been drinking a lot do excuse me. it's a miracle this is in English.

Getting dumped makes it hard not to go to the "why am I not enough" mindset. At least for me anyway. My good friend said to me that it's not that I'm not enough, I was too much. Of course I gave her a withering look. But she said something along the lines of: You've taken care of yourself since you were 16. You don't give a **** what people think. And that's because you're amazing and you know it. You like who you are and you know what you have to offer the world. You're doing big things with your life and you never let yourself settle. He's younger and not so sure of himself. And you're really intense. You are intense when you decide to love someone, romantic or friendship, whichever. So that's her reasoning. I guess it makes me feel better....
Very cute! And you cant do just 20 minutes at this time of night. ;)

Can i hop on the lonely train too?
Now for a short time aka 20 minutes, I am posting my Batman cat sweater. It is sitting on top of my cat's new carrier blanket I made him.

I definitely need a batman sweater for my cat. I have two, so maybe I'll make a batman and a robin sweater for the other!!! Except I will be knitting mine. I should get on that.

God am I impressed my lonely post was in English last night. I have not been that drunk in a very long time. I vaguely remembered posting last night and it was amazingly coherent. Interesting. But I'm very much like you Abney, I am intense, very intense. I think I can be very overwhelming and guys end up intimidated. I am SUPER straight forward and blunt. I have little shame and no filter. But you know what, I know that I WILL find someone that is going to love me just the way I am. I might be 90 years old, but it'll happen.
'Nother one for the lonely train. But, like, I never planned for any dating stuff and then I made an exception for him...that's still true...I don't want "someone," I want him.

On a happier note, that is an awesome Batman sweater.
FWIW, I'm in a relationship and I still feel super lonely. Long distance sucks. :(
Now for a short time aka 20 minutes, I am posting my Batman cat sweater. It is sitting on top of my cat's new carrier blanket I made him.


I don't understand this posting pictures for a short time thing....I mean if it is yourself I get don't want to end up as some meme or something, but why delete pictures of babies and animals and inanimate objects.....
I don't understand this posting pictures for a short time thing....I mean if it is yourself I get don't want to end up as some meme or something, but why delete pictures of babies and animals and inanimate objects.....

I left it on all night and part of this morning. Mostly I delete stuff because I post the same stuff on FB and don't want irl people to figure it out