NSU-COM class of 2008

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Diango said:
pick up a book sometime.

This is a problem with many young people who have a little education. They think everything..all life's solutions can be found in a book. They ingnore reality and live in an idealistic fantasy world passing judgement on others. Reality isn't in a book it's all around you. Take you're nose out of a book and look around...you might see that we're getting screwed and the money you take loans out to live on is getting wasted. Robz, pass me a tall drip and some equal :D

As for the passive aggressive guilt trip about calling names...Calling somebody unethical and telling them they'll be bad doctors without really knowing them..That kind of sounds like name calling to me. But i'm not sure let me go read a book to if it is.

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cgt3477 said:
Ahhh thanks for clarifying that you don't care if it's wrong.

Do you even have a clue what kind of responsibility being a doctor entails...the kind of trust that people will have for you? With that kind of power over people- YES I am going to be critical of you. Maybe you will get it when/IF you start out as an M-1.

And I think it's funny that you have to resort to calling me names :rolleyes: How old are you again?

Do I have a clue?? What kind of question is that? Of course I do!!! Actually Im sure I have had more exposure to patients than you can even fathom. You have no right to judge me, or criticize me for my decicions. Im sure your just pissed that someone thought of it before you did! Name calling...i dont think so, Im just calling it as I see it. You really are out of line to be questioning my ethics and abilities as a physician.

This has gotten completely out of hand. Do me a favor and post whatever you please but stop attcking me over some STUPID toll. Get off your high horse and grow up.

Your not perfect..your ethics arent perfect. "Ethics" arent a set of rules and regulations. If you were so perfect youd realize that your childish criticism of my ethics are a reflection of your poor ethics since at the end of the day, all you know about me are your ignorant assumptions.

Adn dont worry, when I DO get into med school, and graduate, Ill be sure to send you business card.

Just because someone feels better falling in line with the 99.9% of the people out there who can't think for themselves and don't mind handing over money to the government so they can waste it, you shouldn't critisize those of us who don't.

I mean for real, you couldn't possibly have a more juvenile thought process.That may sound a bit harsh, but it seems you can't grasp the idea that if more people like you didn't pay the toll, they'll raise the toll price to get the proper revenues to maintain highway safety and road stability. People aren't getting on your case for no reason you know...they just don't like more money taken out of they're wallet because some people think like 5th graders.

This is some corrupt government you're trying to overturn...its a toll. I promise, you won't be labelled a conformist for paying.

And with my dinner analogy, you didn't realize that its an example of reaping the benefits of a system (i.e. eating dinner or using the highway) by tranferring the economic burden onto others. Yes, you do have the choice of not going out to dinner...you also have the choice of staying off the highways.
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turkdlit said:
iliacus said:
If the system is flawed and unfair are you still supposed to go along with it? What if they consider it an unfair tax?
Arguing that you're exempt from doing something because you view it as flawed, or unfair, or too expensive becaue you're just a poor medical student +pity+ reminds me of the person who conveniently forgets their wallet when they go out to an expensive dinner with a group of people. Get over it an pay like 99.9% of the people do.

You're not making a profound statement by cheating the system...just making yourself look like a tight-wad.

AWWWW...cry me a river :scared: You must be one of those people who were against americans getting their prescription drugs from canada because they were cheaper. Were they cheating the system too?? Aww poor billion dollar pharmaceutical companies +pity+ C'mon you know nothing about be sooo please stop assuming.
turkdlit said:
I mean for real, you couldn't possibly have a more juvenile thought process.That may sound a bit harsh, but it seems you can't grasp the idea that if more people like you didn't pay the toll, they'll raise the toll price to get the proper revenues to maintain highway safety and road stability. People aren't getting on your case for no reason you know...they just don't like more money taken out of they're wallet because some people think like 5th graders.

This is some corrupt government you're trying to overturn...its a toll. I promise, you won't be labelled a conformist for paying.

And with my dinner analogy, you didn't realize that its an example of reaping the benefits of a system (i.e. eating dinner or using the highway) by tranferring the economic burden onto others. Yes, you do have the choice of not going out to dinner...you also have the choice of staying off the highways.

DuDE! Ive done this toll thing twice!! Its not like Im scamming the system alll the time. I happily pay the toll on a regular basis. Get over your self rituous attitide :thumbdown:
Interesting conversation. I was a "poor" medical student, just like many of you. I currently owe 200k in loans (although I do have a job now as an EM resident). I think its pretty absurd and immature cheating the whole highway toll system.

People that are often caught shoplifting small items (candy, CDs, etc) almost always have more than enough money to purchase the items.

I'm sure as a college student, an MBS student, or a medical student, you have money to go out for pizza or a beer or a nice new set of clothes. I'm sure you can afford a toll that the entire population of the United States has to pay. +pity+

I had a friend at NSUCOM who graduated with me, he did the same sort of things. He would "dine and dash" as well. So very frustrating.

I just made the hike to Orlando via the toll road and I have to admit that taking advantage of the toll scheme was tempting. However, I paid the toll of $14.70 one way. I did not like paying it and I wish I never knew about the toll scheme. Ignorance is bliss sometimes. It sometimes sucks to have a conscience. I just tell myself there is a reason for everything, including high tolls to pay, and there is always a price to pay for breaking rules. I might not get caught, but in the end there will be a higher price to pay and it will not be monetary. It is not worth it to me. I honestly do not care if others break the rules, because I know I break rules sometimes. It is harder for me to judge someone harshly when I know at some point in the past I have done or will do an act that is similiar or the same. Again, I am not trying to convince others the way they should think. I am only sharing my experience with the toll situation. I have enjoyed reading everyone's arguments for and against.

On another note, is anyone else having wierd dreams about starting medical school? I've had a couple of dissecting dreams. If you want to check out some cool videos on dissections this link below has some gross anatomy videos. Try not to watch them just before bed because I think that is what has been making me have wierd dreams.


QuinnNSU said:
Interesting conversation. I was a "poor" medical student, just like many of you. I currently owe 200k in loans (although I do have a job now as an EM resident). I think its pretty absurd and immature cheating the whole highway toll system.

People that are often caught shoplifting small items (candy, CDs, etc) almost always have more than enough money to purchase the items.

I'm sure as a college student, an MBS student, or a medical student, you have money to go out for pizza or a beer or a nice new set of clothes. I'm sure you can afford a toll that the entire population of the United States has to pay. +pity+

I had a friend at NSUCOM who graduated with me, he did the same sort of things. He would "dine and dash" as well. So very frustrating.


I respect your opinion...really i do. Finally theres an argument that doesnt question ones ethics. I can say with confidence that i do pay tolls!! I just put up an idea; people can use it or forget about it. I go to orlando about once or twice a year, havent gone this year, but I have done the toll scheme in the past. But the truth is, I dont do the "same sort of things" as you eluded to about your frined with dine and dashs. So please dont charactirze me in that light. One quick question, what would you say about someone who gets off the turnpike, bypasses the hefty toll and gets back on? Are they cheating too?? I think all these arguments for or against have gone way too far.

And to Cola, good post as well. and cool link :D
Coca Cola said:
On another note, is anyone else having wierd dreams about starting medical school? I've had a couple of dissecting dreams.

Coca Cola--I have dreams about school all the time, especially the night before a test. I had LOTS of dissecting dreams during anatomy. I should have written down some of them! But every Sunday night I can count on dreaming about whatever test i have the next day. I think you will find that happens to a lot of us. :p
doc3341 said:
I respect your opinion...really i do. Finally theres an argument that doesnt question ones ethics. I can say with confidence that i do pay tolls!! I just put up an idea; people can use it or forget about it. I go to orlando about once or twice a year, havent gone this year, but I have done the toll scheme in the past. But the truth is, I dont do the "same sort of things" as you eluded to about your frined with dine and dashs. So please dont charactirze me in that light. One quick question, what would you say about someone who gets off the turnpike, bypasses the hefty toll and gets back on? Are they cheating too?? I think all these arguments for or against have gone way too far.

And to Cola, good post as well. and cool link :D

Interesting point, and almost had me for a second. I am actually okay with that, believe it or not, as the person is inconveniencing themselves, and not doing a "straight shot" like the rest of the lemming-like herd. But to actively deceive is a different story, IMHO.

I guess my moral compass is way off compared to many of you, but I really don't see anything wrong with skipping the toll. I've always appreciated the opinion of our distinguished alum Quinn, but don't agree that skipping the toll and dining and dashing are equivalent. Paying 14.70 to drive down a highway seems like, well..Highway robbery :oops: Sorry, couldn't pass that one up. Just a show of hands here...an informal poll. If the state of Florida gave you an option to pay or not pay how many of you would pay? No detour...no inconvenience. Your choice.
iliacus said:
I guess my moral compass is way off compared to many of you, but I really don't see anything wrong with skipping the toll. I've always appreciated the opinion of our distinguished alum Quinn, but don't agree that skipping the toll and dining and dashing are equivalent. Paying 14.70 to drive down a highway seems like, well..Highway robbery :oops: Sorry, couldn't pass that one up. Just a show of hands here...an informal poll. If the state of Florida gave you an option to pay or not pay how many of you would pay? No detour...no inconvenience. Your choice.

I see nothing wrong with paying since the toll is actually a method of taxing those of us who use it(ya know $0.75 here $1.00 there). Its understandable, thats what keeps thoe roads in decent driving condition. BUT $14.70 is a of highway robbery. Hence...people finding ways to avoid it.
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I would rather pay the $14.70 than battle the traffic on I-95 ANY DAY OF THE WEEK!! I take the Turnpike to and from school every day. I live a little closer to I-95, but NEVER take it. I would much rather just pay than deal with the traffic.

My transponder stopped working, and instead of going through the tolls with the arm up and for free.....i took my transponder in and got a new one, that worked. But that's just me. I'm not judging anyone.
the whole $14.70 is just when your driving to Orlando or up north.
doc3341 said:
the whole $14.70 is just when your driving to Orlando or up north.

I know. I've done the drive. The other routes to Disney are horrible and I would rather pay the money for the easier drive.
I just made the trip down there and back to move some of my stuff, I started from I-75 and had to pay a total of $34.40 ($17.20 each way). I plan on moving down south for good in a few days which will bring my total to $41.60. OUCH!

I don't cheat the tolls but I fully understand the people that do. I don't think that cheating the tolls will make you a poor physician that's just silly, very silly. People make it out to be like if you cheat the tolls, you'll cheat on everything, cut all corners and not care about anyone but yourself. If I cheated them on my way down this time, I'd still pay my income taxes, open doors for people, leave the toilet set down while women are in the house, study my ass off for exams and become a caring physician.

Please don't judge the ability of a doctor if he/she smokes (though they should know better) or Bill Clinton's ability to run the country, when he was president, over his affair(s?).
It is almost here; does it feel real yet? We just finished our first course as M2s (General Pathology - took the final this morning) and it still doesnt quite feel real to me sometimes. It is kind of scary to think that we will have completed two courses before we are welcoming you guys in - one day at a time. I think there is a party planned for you guys for almost every night of Orientation. Get ready for a wild ride! See you guys soon.

War Eagle!
NSUCOM Class of 2007
I am getting totally psyched.

Its within a week now and the idea of a social even every day for a week sounds really good to me. So does the BBQ this next weekend.

anyway, right now I am enjoying my free time by working for fun and cash. Right now I am chilling out looking at the MK turnstyles, a lagoon, ferry boats, and disney resorts. AHhhhhhhh.

good times
Anyone going to live in Cedar Key? If so, we'll be neighbours!!!! I'll be there on Saturday! back to the pre-dent forums where I belong....

Hi Classmates,

I was browsing through Barnes & Noble today and saw a few books we're required to have on the shelf. There are anatomy atlases (Rohen and Netter), Swartz's physical diagnosis, the highly suggested USMLE first aid, and a couple others I can't remember. I've already bought my books on amazon, but it would have been more convenient to pick them up down the street (same price).
hey u guys..i was trying to find the post where some of you posted where there are some good places to buy bedding, mattresses, etc..but i couldnt find it...
could someone please let me knwo where i can find some furniture/bedding for good prices..

thanks again

by the way i juist arrived in plantation from jersey..so if anyone is around clearly blvd email me/pm me and we can meet up :)
Hey guys,

I just heard about this and thought I would pass it along since there is one not far from the school.

Borders: upcoming 20% off for students
From August 13 to 15, high school and college students get 20% off almost everything at Borders retail stores. (DVDs are 15% off.) A valid student ID will be required.

See you soon.

NSUCOM Class of 2007
You should call the salvation army and/or drive around the nite before garbage pick up. You can get some really neat stuff! Seriously; no joke! Especially in Boca!
Did anyone else read that they are finally finishing up the FLorida residency paperwork this week?

Wooo Hooo!
Robz said:
Did anyone else read that they are finally finishing up the FLorida residency paperwork this week?

Wooo Hooo!
If you guys want to buy bedding and stuff then you've got to look at the HPD's entrance to the library or inside the cafeteria. There's plenty of beds, desks and stuff for sale there. take care
doc3341 said:

I just have to add that irony is a killer.

I reread my email from Margie about FL status being issued out by the 30th or the 31st. Then yesterday I checked out our refund/reimbursements being given out this weekend.

Of course thats when irony strikes and today I checked my email and webstar and the computers are down until the 3rd. Hmmmmmmmmm. That means I can't check on crap until tuesday at least. GRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr.

ok...I'm going to get ready to go to the picnic now.
Robz---I tried to warm you guys that residency stuff wouldn't be ready until orientation. I really was serious. That was what happened last year. I know it is a major inconvenience. Make sure you don't forget about it and tell the administration whenever given the chance.

Looking forward to meeting all of you in a few days!
Orietation attire???? Does anyone have any suggestion?? Thanks
Professional clothing. Guys---best bet is shirt w/tie and dress pants. Girls---dress pants/skirt, nice top, a little more flexible than the guys. You don't need to wear a suit, and DO NOT wear your scrubs, or we will make fun of you! hehehe
DoctorInSpace said:
Professional clothing. Guys---best bet is shirt w/tie and dress pants. Girls---dress pants/skirt, nice top, a little more flexible than the guys. You don't need to wear a suit, and DO NOT wear your scrubs, or we will make fun of you! hehehe

Thanks for the tip!! :laugh: Im off to the Dave Matthews concert in West Palm. One last party before things get tough! :D :D :D :D
So, here I am trying to dry off from our picnic today. Plus my roomate is not around so I'm pretty bored.

I had a pretty sweet time there today and it was great to get to meet most of you all.

There was some fun stuff I leanred today.

1. We have a pretty fun class and there are a lot of cool people in it.
2. Most of us like to drink.
3. You can never control the weather.
4. I can only stand in a florida rainstorm for about 10 minutes till everyhting I own is completely soaked.
5. There were a few cuties in our class (stickly observational mind you ;) )
6. Lightning can pretty much destroy a tree and cause M1 students to crap their pants cause it was where we were standing. It's insane no one got hurt.(I'll see if I can get a photo shot of the tree tomorrow. I ended up handing pieces of it to a group hiding from the rain..such fun)
7. I feel better knowing a few classmates by face now...makes the whole thing more realistic.
8. Notshorty...dude your still spastic bro :p I love how you horded the beer and took off while the rest were trying to clean the area....I laughed my ass off.
The best/cheapest place to buy a new bed (other than someone's used one) is at Bedding Barn on University Dr. just south of the school. They don't have a huge selection, but it is the cheapest... and always try to get them to waive the delivery charge since you're so close to them.

Hey guys... I just wanted to FYI you about the Orientation parties this week. You'll get all the info at school, but please come out and get to know your new class and the M2's... It'll definitely take your mind off of the stress of starting school. Hope to see you all then!!

Monday: Tarpon Bend - on Las Olas (sponsered by LOG, $5 cover, 2for1 drinks)

Wednesay: Cafe Iguana - south of school off of University and ?? (I forget); sponsered by HOMSA

Friday: OSTEOBLAST!!! - on Dania Beach (look on the flyers for directions) from 6-11pm; FREE food, DJ and dancing, volleyball, etc. This event is always a highlight of orientation week, so please come and bring your friends/family too! (Ok, I'm biased because I'm the Pres of SOMA, which is the organization throwing the party, but I swear it'll be a good time!) :D

Okay guys... Have fun in Orientation Week!

i havent been really anxious or nervous about starting school in the past... but today, i can feel the butterflies pretty good now.

:scared: :scared: :scared:

It will be great. The butterflies are a good thing. You will meet lots of people during orientation, and will find your niche. Classes will start next week, and everything will be fine. It IS a very exciting time!!
I just have to write that I thought tonights event was freaking awesome....

I can't explain the fun I had at our disorientation meeting.....but I'm feeling it now.

To those that came and had a good time congrats...to those that missed a good time...we have more get togethers this weekend!


edit: I'm impressed with my typing after tonight...
Robz....now i have to figure out which Rob you are. I met one last night....but i did't ask about SDN screen names (well, i did meet Iliacus actually...). Come find me and introduce yourself when you can. If you were in your classroom at 9 am, i'm the M2 in the white coat that made the announcement. (uh oh, did i just give away my anonymity??)
I remember meeting you...It went something like this.

Docspace: "Hi I'm X, and M2."

Iliacus: "Oh, yea, thanks for the heads up about the car."

Docspace: "Wait,..what's your screen name."

Iliacus: "Iliacus"

Docspace: "Oh Ok, You're welcome. Did you get a car?"

Iliacus: "Nope, wow, you're pretty hot."

Docspace: "I'M MARRIED!!!!"

Iliacus: "Wait.wait..where are you going...I wasn't trying to...I..it was just a compliment.. "

Ahhh...Good times. You M2's rock for inviting us down for the drinks and dancing.
ROFL!! Yeah, something like that. It has been a long time since someone other than my husband told me I am hot....so the fact that i was married was the first thing that popped out of my mouth. I didn't mean to run off, really. I just hadn't seen my husband for 30 minutes, and he wasn't feeling well....so i was glad when i finally found him. Let me know what happens when you find a car
Robz---I did meet you last night. I asked who your mentor was, and i remembered....and i just looked it up on my list and your last name starts w/a Z, so i DID meet you. Finally! Good to put a fact to the name!!
DoctorInSpace said:
Robz....now i have to figure out which Rob you are. I met one last night....but i did't ask about SDN screen names (well, i did meet Iliacus actually...). Come find me and introduce yourself when you can. If you were in your classroom at 9 am, i'm the M2 in the white coat that made the announcement. (uh oh, did i just give away my anonymity??)

Yes .....you did. Yes, you met me yesterday. I didn't realize it then but you in the front of class today and meeting you while drinking heavily yesterday I just put two and two together with your statement.

Besides...I think I may be the only Rob in the class.

Makes me super easy to remember....even while drinking!

hey y'all...

i have a few pairs of scrubs, but i want to shop for a few more. im not really worried about their pricings so i wanted to know where i can go to look at some local stores.

i also dont know where i placed all those emails of scrub distributors in our area either. if you can help me, GREAT!

There are two places to go. One is the place where your white coats came from . I think it is called Uniforms for America. If you take University Drive north from school, you make a Right turn onto Broward Blvd--going east. Go past the first light, and there will be a shopping plaza on your Left with a Blockbusters and a Winn Dixie. Go in there, and you will see the uniform store on the east side of the shopping center.

The other place is a little farther. If you take Broward Blvd east, continue until you get to State Road 7/US 441. You will make a left turn, heading north, and go past Sunrise Blvd. Continue going north until you get to NW 19th Street, and make a right. Then make your first right, onto NW 38th Avenue. Go about 1/4 mile and it is on your left, called Discount Uniform Center. This place is big and has a wider selection.

I hope that helps anyone who needs it. If you need more info, let me know.
You can check out Uniforms of America. That is the same place you got your whitecoat through. They had some good deals last time I went and it is only about five minutes away.

Uniforms of America
Plantation Market Place
7051 W. Broward Blvd.
Plantation, FL 33317
(954) 316-7051
thanks y'all. ;)

will check them out soon.
hey all,

Great orientation week. I actually had a good time, outside the extreme boredom of the first couple days. I was happy to meet most of our class and get to meet some M2's too. It looks like everyone works hard and plays hard. I'm all up for that.

Anyway, I'm throwing down the gauntlet to the M2's....if weather permits you are going down in the tug of war.

That's my warning!

Let have some fun tonight!!!!!!!
wow...this thread has slipped and I'm bumping it up.

BTW the M1 class kicked the crap out of the M2 class in the tug o' war in not only the men's but women's divisions!

ROCK ON M1's!!!!!!

I have to say the orientation and the first week is an intresting mix of getting to know your new home, your new friends, and adjusting to the medical school atmoshphere...even though we are kinda spoon fed a bit.

I will say that today (and gimmie a hell yeah if you agree) was an awesome day! I got to crack a spine in gross with a bone saw and a hammer/chisel set! It was so freaking cool! When you do things like that it kinda sets in your really in medical school.....well that and the near 1000 dollars I spent joining clubs, buying the crazy amount of stuff the M2 sales people push (ahem....doctorinspace/Audacious :) ), and medical equipment.

ahhhhhhhhhhhh. such is the life....now I am going to go write down some biochem notes....