NSU-COM class of 2008

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oh...and no matter how much you wash your hands...the gross lab smell never comes out until you shower.....thats the Rob medical school learning tip for the day...


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Yeah, yeah, so you guys won. It was only like 3 M1s for every M2 so I am still pretty proud of the fight we put up. AND I only push important stuff on you thank you very much..like umm retractable badge holders, yeah, they are a MUST HAVE! :D Anyhow, I am glad that your orientation went well and you got to meet everyone and settle in. BTW, have you bought one of our t-shirts yet? :p

Yep, Rob bought a shirt...i just looked through the order forms.


Audacious is right--we only sell important stuff! Cool NSUCOM t-shirts, and the badge holders.

I hope everyone else is also enjoying school. I know some stuff is long and boring...but such is life. Have a great weekend everyone!
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DoctorInSpace said:
Yep, Rob bought a shirt...i just looked through the order forms.

Yes....I was threatened to be beaten with a case of rubber hammers if I did not purchase a M2 NSUCOM shirt. (In actuality they looked pretty damn cool but I don't want to give the M2's a bigger head then they already have) :D

DoctorInSpace said:
Audacious is right--we only sell important stuff! Cool NSUCOM t-shirts, and the badge holders.

I heard this is part of the essential equipment for clinical practicum now. Plus I hear the badge holders are made of titanium so they never break! :p

DoctorInSpace said:
I hope everyone else is also enjoying school. I know some stuff is long and boring...but such is life. Have a great weekend everyone!

I had a great week and even though they kinda spoon feed us I feel like I need to study all the time. 5 hours in the gross lab yesterday and 10-1:30 there today.....now I am going to the beach with some others to study biochem and crap....its nessessary to get some sun while you work hard!
5hrs? wat in the world are you doing in there.
11-200 was enough for me! did you by any chance get the impression that thereview was like 70%limb related?
Fin-Nor said:
lol, i was in on saturday for 45 min and that was enough for me :scared:

yeah it was a bit overbaord....then I was with Dr. Tu today and he went off on all sorts of stuff and I felt a little behind even though we haven't covered a lot of it. He did help a lot though. I was super happy I went.

Then I spent the rest of the day reading biochem on the beach....eating pizza at a place next to the school....and going to see alien vs predator.

In all it was a pretty sweet day!
I found this fairly cool on our email listserve today. I thought i would post it here for those that don't look at their email that much or to show others a neat perk we get.

Effective Monday, August 23, NSU students will have access to lap swimming facilities at the Town of Davie Aquatics Center located at Pine Island Park. There will be no charge for this access for NSU students.

NSU students must present a valid NSU I.D. cards when entering the aquatics center. Students without proper NSU student I.D. will not be granted access or will be asked to pay the daily swim rate of $2.00.

The hours of operation of the Town of Davie Aquatics Center are Monday through Friday from 12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m. and weekends from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Here is a website for general info

I think the reason for that is because they are building a new fitness complex....and probably building a new pool. Which means the old pool will be gone soon...
I was glad to hear that the school made arrangements for us to swim elsewhere, although I personally am not a swimmer.
DoctorInSpace said:

I think the reason for that is because they are building a new fitness complex....and probably building a new pool. Which means the old pool will be gone soon...
I was glad to hear that the school made arrangements for us to swim elsewhere, although I personally am not a swimmer.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh. That makes total sense. I actually didn't know where our pool was. This is better for me cause its like a bock away from my apartment. :) he he he.

Plus my roomate would be totally interested cause he is an advid swimmer and joined balleys as a main reason to use their pool.
I just want some type of weights--free weights, machine weights, Im just not the YOGA type
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doc3341 said:
I just want some type of weights--free weights, machine weights, Im just not the YOGA type

Come to my apartment complex...they have a crap load of handbells, if you liek free weights. Sorry...no huge dumbbells though. :D
LOL..I still havent met you Rob but you seem like quite a character. I just got home from studying....Anatomy is a Bit@h. Damn Brachial Plexus!! :confused:
Brachial Plexus---draw it out. Study your drawing. Cover it up and try drawing it again on your own. Keep doing this until you can draw it out without looking at the original or getting anything wrong. There are some mnemonics...like MARMU, I just can't remember where I got them from (AUdacious...do you remember??). I know it all seems overwhelming, but you will be fine. YOu have to put the work in, but it will pay off.

Good luck! And go to whatever reviews the anatomy department or the various clubs hold for you. They are priceless!!
I think we got them from the SOSA Anatomy Guide for the most part. It usually had some good mnemonics in it. Also, some people liked the Clinical Anatomy Made Ridiculously Simple book; one of my friends used it and she says that the funny pics really stick. I agree with DoctorInSpace's advice, draw it out AND go to the reviews. The reviews are amazing. When I went, I would bring paper and a pencil (and a clipboard so you can write) to write down the good secondaries that the M2s will give you. Also, LEARN YOUR BORDERS. If you know them, it can help you big time with elimination on the written. You can do it! Good Luck.
doc3341 said:
Damn Brachial Plexus!! :confused:

The tapes in the library are great for the plexus and learning the actions of the muscles. I think Dr. Conover's test will go beyond just memorizing what nerve goes in what direction to what muscle. I read through the "practice test" and if you don't know that entire plexus inside and out you'll be up a creek. I thought it was going to be point and identify, however, it seems the test will be much more in depth. In my humble opinion that's a good thing. However, I may revise this statement after the first test.

Oh and BTW, I've met Rob and he's great when he comes to class sober.

Jk big dog :laugh:
AU, I agree. Clinical Anatomy made... is pretty interesting and a little bit fun at times.

Even if you don't like the rediculousness of some of the drawings etc, it does have GREAT info on nerve damage in the brachial plexus (if you can stand the dance scene where Mr. C5C6 is grabbing Ms. C7's bootie and Mr. C8T1 tries cutting in, the two Misters kick each other's feet and yadda yadda yadda)

There is a CD-ROM and a text (2 copies of each) on reserve in the HPD Library.

Well, I spent most of the weekend looking at it and I think I got most of it by now, but then again theres always room for improvement. The practice test was a bit tricky, but I thnk once we all get the SOMA test packets and start ripping through those well all have a better idea of Conovers style of questions.

iliacus said:
The tapes in the library are great for the plexus and learning the actions of the muscles. I think Dr. Conover's test will go beyond just memorizing what nerve goes in what direction to what muscle. I read through the "practice test" and if you don't know that entire plexus inside and out you'll be up a creek. I thought it was going to be point and identify, however, it seems the test will be much more in depth. In my humble opinion that's a good thing. However, I may revise this statement after the first test.

Oh and BTW, I've met Rob and he's great when he comes to class sober.

Jk big dog :laugh:
Yo, I bought last year's SOMA packet off an M2 who transferred closer to her fiance (in Pennsylvania). I'll compare it to the one that comes out on Wed and will be more than happy to swap for ones I don't have (or just let you make copies). Reciprocal generosity will not be discouraged. :)

Wazzaaaaaaaaa M1's!!!!
Ca$h MaNi Records in effect here...

here's a personal suggestion for help in anatomy....definitely buy yourself the A.D.A.M. Interactive Anatomy CD. It is well worth it when you can sit at home and dissect the human body and learn where everything is in the comfort of your pleasant-smelling home(vs. the formaldehyde misty atmosphere of the anatomy lab)...and its nice to go thru the layers anatomically...it labels all the nerves, muscles, bones, joints, spaces, etc...and it even has radiology images, bones, etc...check it out!! Good luck on the anatomy test!! and keep laughing when Dr. Connover sniffs...you'll miss him later...he's the man!

peace from south beach,

p.s. time to go party with usher and p.diddy on their yachts...haha
iliacus said:
Oh and BTW, I've met Rob and he's great when he comes to class sober.

Jk big dog :laugh:

MUHAHAHHAHAH I found it highly ironic that I had a drink in my hand as I read this statement. I needed it after the hours i was putting in studying this week ...

besides I hear that I'll need my saturday evening free to partake of the sweet nectar so I can be clean a sober for more anatomy studying on sunday!!!!

Ain't no thang. Kept the MICU quiet for me today and hopefully tomorrow (no transfers from outside hospitals).
lot of lost power in our area and the beaches got hit like hell. I haven't been out yet but in my little area there was just a bunch of branches down and my tennis courts got beat to crap.

I'm just annoyed now that its nice outside and I can't go or do anything cause EVERYWHERE is shut down and there is no gas available.

AHhhh I guess its forcing me to study.
Just a bump showing that this thread has now been moved to the osteopathic forum....we're all growing up.

we're not in the kiddie forums any more... ;)
ahhhhhhhh yes it feels like were in a new world....oh wait. That me having 6 exams within a 3 week period. My mind is going to explode....plus my butt is sick so I need more damn sleep and that takes away from studying.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh.....I guess the game plan is take it one at a time and once this fun fun october goes by it will be a little bit easier sailing until december time.

Can you believe its been like 7 weeks of school already?
7? wow, that's crazy.

Finally, it's the end of another wacky Wednesday and my mind is pudding. Days like this are a true test of your determination to be a doctor... thank gawd tomorrow night will be fun

hey, that reminds me...Everyone come out to Mr. NSU tomorrow night! It's gonna be wicked fun and...oh, I wish I could think right now. Hooters girls...nursing students will be there (chicks we haven't met yet).

lol dat would b u my friend goin to chk out da guys..im talking about da girls
did you say hooters??????

maybe I'll go.

I need some ETOH....it will help me get rid of this cold....
Yep. Hooters girls will serve you wings.

Girls, come out and stare at some hot med school dudes.

Dudes, let me re-emphasize the fact that while there WILL be guys, there will also be tons of HPD girls drinking and getting hot and bothered while watching those guys! :idea:

I went and spoke in front of the Nursing students today (there's only 30 of them, but 28 are chicks) and they seemed pretty interested in meEting us. Believe me, you will be interested in meAting most of them.

Only a $5 cover, $1 drinks. Starts at 8:30, goes to about 11, and you can get tickets at the door. Flight Deck, in the same building as the bookstore on campus.

ALL OF HPD IS INVITED, NOT JUST COM! This is going to be lots of fun, see you there!

Oh yeah, all proceeds go to hurricane relief... :)

Here here to a good time at the Mr. NSU competion last night. Even though our M1 got schooled we all had a good time. (considering the voting methods could easily be manipulated)

Common...dollar guiness and corona drinks????? Hell yeah.

Heres to stress relief from both of our classes....

(hmmmm maybe next year I can do my chaps and kazoo skit)
NotShorty said:
I went and spoke in front of the Nursing students today (there's only 30 of them, but 28 are chicks) and they seemed pretty interested in meEting us. Believe me, you will be interested in meAting most of them.

Didn't meet a cute nursing student but I talked to a cute M2.....

I don't think I have seen many nursing students yet.....
I just wanted to put out a note hoping that everyone is ok during yet another hurricane that is hitting our area.

I got screwed and couldn't get out of school till late last night and then there was no gas available. WHOOP WHOOP! I hope others faired well.

I hope everyone stays safe and we only get glaced by this puppy.
This should be easy ! Heck, I used to be an embryo!

:laugh: -NS
oh yeah, maybe too late now, but SOSA's packet said that medial plantar nerve innervates ADductor hallucis, but we all know that it innervates ABductor hallucis. ADductor is innervated by lateral plantar nerve.

Right? Aaaagammaphlaglablaghaphlugh.... Brain=poo.

:luck: Good luck to everyone on practicals this afternoon! :luck:

NotShorty said:
oh yeah, maybe too late now, but SOSA's packet said that medial plantar nerve innervates ADductor hallucis, but we all know that it innervates ABductor hallucis. ADductor is innervated by lateral plantar nerve.

Right? Aaaagammaphlaglablaghaphlugh.... Brain=poo.

:luck: Good luck to everyone on practicals this afternoon! :luck:


Test was cool....practical kinda sucked for me....not that I did bad but I thought it was pretty tricky.

its over and I need some beer.
Although the old exams are helpful, always go with what you think over the old keys. You will find that there are numerous errors in the keys. I think they tried to put some of the errors we found last year in this year's release but I would always look up the answer before I just went with what the test packet said. Glad to hear your exam is over and went well.

War Eagle! (Sorry Robz, had to do it :p )
NSUCOM Class of 2007
How is the mandatory attendance going for you folks?

Is it true that you have 10 ppl to a cadaver? How's that working out?

Just curious, since I interview there Friday.
with 8-10 ppl, you'll get enough experience with the cadaver than you'll even want. trust me.

per cadaver, 5 ppl disect on tues, then next 5 disect on thursday. on days where you dont disect, you prosect.

attd policy... i wouldnt be in class if it weren't in effect. i'd study til 3-4am and show up for lab only. but it's ok.
Thanks for the perspective Fin-Nor.

Anyone else?
well, i haven't had full attendance by any means and my grading sheet the other day said I had 100%. how that works, I don't know. But anyway, many people have ways of getting around some of the policies at our school. I swear I see a lot of M2's wearing jeans and a t-shirt all the time. but i'm sure we'll turn into that soon enough.
Fin-Nor said:
with 8-10 ppl, you'll get enough experience with the cadaver than you'll even want. trust me.

per cadaver, 5 ppl disect on tues, then next 5 disect on thursday. on days where you dont disect, you prosect.

attd policy... i wouldnt be in class if it weren't in effect. i'd study til 3-4am and show up for lab only. but it's ok.

even so..theres days where i hate the idea of sticking around for prosection.
Question for the people currently at the school from someone who may be going ther next year...Although this never really crossed my mind, my family seems significantly worried about this.

Do you find that the mere fact that you are in Ft. Lauderdale is a distraction from school (this coming from someone who is obviously not native to the area)?
we dont really have time for anything other than school/studying, at least this month of october. so, not a big distraction for me.