Texas A&M c/o 2017 Applicants!!!

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Nope, I can't log in. Mine just refreshes the page, and my password is deleted.

Hopefully that just means I haven't been put in yet? :< Congrats though! I'm pretty sure it sounds like you got an interview. :D
It did the same to me too at first. This might sound stupid, but try clicking the "login" button, rather than hitting enter on your keyboard.

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Thank you... I'm sure they are still scheduling everything and that's why no one has gotten any confirmation yet.

For the current DVM students:

How did you prepare for your interview? Besides mock interviews and reviewing ethical situations...

Does anyone work while in school? I would assume there isn't much time for a job.

Did the majority of students know exactly what they wanted to focus on and do post Vet school?


Okay so to answer your questions:
There really is no way to prepare for the interview. Look over ethical situations and practice communication skills. What they're really looking for is how well you communicate/can you think on your feet/can you take a stance and act on it. Beyond that, there's not much I can tell you.

Some students do work during school. I personally know and know a few of my classmates who work as well. As a first year, there may not be much time for a job, but I have found it manageable so far. Granted I have a job that is willing to work with my hectic schedule so it really depends.

Most people do know what they want to do and some will change that plan. I personally thought I wanted to be a SA surgeon period, but have found that I really love histology and microbiology so clinical pathology might actually be the road for me. It all depends really on the person and what they like/dislike. TAMU is actually pretty good about getting a diversity of students so not all of my classmates are strictly SA or LA. It's a good variety.

Hope that helps some! Good luck guys! :thumbup:
If it helps, I went to undergrad out-of-state, so like you, I had to take some of the pre-reqs online through other universities and had to talk through getting some courses waived. My school also did not offer a pre-vet major, but if you have a good advisor it all works out in the end. It was a huge stress, I'll admit. But I couldn't be happier where I'm at. And, to level things out, the interview process is the MMI style, so everyone is in the same boat there, regardless of where you went to school.

I guess what I'm saying is relax and take a deep breath (I know its hard...I was in your shoes last year).
Did you just meet with A&M admissions, bring your transcript and course plan and get everything signed off on? Where did you take your classes that were not offered at you undergrad? Were you able to take them online?
I am a little flustered being from a school that does not exactly cater to pre-vet students like it does pre-med or dent during this application process.
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Did you just meet with A&M admissions, bring your transcript and course plan and get everything signed off on? Where did you take your classes that were not offered at you undergrad? Were you able to take them online?
I am a little flustered being from a school that does not exactly cater to pre-vet students like it does pre-med or dent during this application process.

I sat down with my pre-vet advisor and went through all of TAMU's requirements and checked off the ones I knew my school could cover. The courses that my school didn't offer, like animal science and nutrition, I took online at K-state and the speech class I took at a community college. If there were ever any issues, I called up admissions and worked out a way to make it count. I basically had to email them my course syllabi and see if they could count any questionable courses. It was a long, annoying process, but it worked out in the end. I started getting in contact with them early and working with the admissions department to make sure I had all the pre-req's done and taken care of.

The kicker for me was having a really awesome pre-vet advisor. My undergrad also catered heavily toward pre-med/dental and not so much pre-vet, so I understand where you're coming from. You just have to find a way to make it work and it can absolutely be done. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me!
It did the same to me too at first. This might sound stupid, but try clicking the "login" button, rather than hitting enter on your keyboard.

Haha it works! Interview on Jan 11th. :D
whoa... mine was 730 and I assumed that was just when we all showed up for a tour and then did interviews after... maybe not!! yuck. I am def going to get a hotel room for the night before
I'm no longer seeing the interview tab there... it's like they took it down. so confused. still hoping it wasn't a mistake, and waiting on an email for confirmation!
I'm no longer seeing the interview tab there... it's like they took it down. so confused. still hoping it wasn't a mistake, and waiting on an email for confirmation!
Hm, yeah looks like they took it down. They probably just didn't mean to have it up prematurely. If I had to guess, I think they'll send out all their invite e-mails very soon (probably tomorrow, because after tomorrow the university is closed until after new years) and then put that link back up for people to accept or decline.
If it makes y'all quit worrying, that interview tab was up before my actual invite as well. The university hasn't figured out how to communicate with the tech people to not do that until the actual emails went out. :rolleyes:

:xf: for you guys!!! Hope to see some good news soon!!!
If it makes y'all quit worrying, that interview tab was up before my actual invite as well. The university hasn't figured out how to communicate with the tech people to not do that until the actual emails went out. :rolleyes:

:xf: for you guys!!! Hope to see some good news soon!!!

Alright, well thanks for clearing that up. I don't think it's worry, more so confusion about it. I love A&M but sometimes it seems like the administration on all fronts can be so unorganized.
The interview link is back! January 11th at 8:40 :) Although I still have not received any kind of email.

EDIT: Received the email at 12:16PM Central.
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Thank you!! I am applying in the upcoming cycle this fall, so I might take PM you as the questions come up, much appreciated.
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Congrats to everyone that got an interview!! I'm not on here very much but if anyone has any questions I'll be more than happy to help answer them :)
Congratulations to everyone who got an interview! I'm traveling to mine from Michigan on the 11th and was wondering if anyone knows of the best way to get there? I know there's an airport in College Station but is there a shuttle from the airport to the school? Or is it cheaper to fly into Austin and go from there?

I've never been to Texas- I'm really excited!
Congratulations to everyone who got an interview! I'm traveling to mine from Michigan on the 11th and was wondering if anyone knows of the best way to get there? I know there's an airport in College Station but is there a shuttle from the airport to the school? Or is it cheaper to fly into Austin and go from there?

I've never been to Texas- I'm really excited!

Yes, Easterwood Airport is in College Station. There are free to use buses all that go all around the Bryan/College Station area, but I don't think they go to the airport, so you might have to pay for a taxi. It's not far though, the airport is off of University drive, about 7 minutes (~2.5 miles) down the road from the College of Veterinary Medicine. You could get a ride to the CVM and then jump on the bus from there.

The problem is, flights to Easterwood are only either from Houston or DFW. I can't say how much the price disparity will be, but if you don't want to pay more for the ticket, you might as well just drive from that point instead. Obviously, driving from Houston is a lot closer than from DFW, but either way you'd need a rental car or some form of transportation. Bush International airport in Houston is about 100 miles from College Station, DFW is about 200 miles. My parents house (where I am currently sitting) is about 15 minutes from DFW airport; takes a bit over 3 hours to make the trip from here. Should take 90 minutes-2 hours to make it from Houston.
Congratulations on everyone who got an interview!!!

As far as prep goes, I did find it helpful for my husband to ask me lots of situational type interview questions. No, you probably won't get the same ones, but it did help me practice taking a stance and sticking with it. I really liked the MMI format personally. Good luck!!
So I got an interview invite for the 12th but had to say no and try to reschedule the interview because I am currently in Vietnam for a wedding and don't get back till the 14th. I tried to switch my flight to an earlier o/ne but they were none available :(. Does anyone know if asking to reschedule is frowned upon? or if it'll look bad? Its making me stress b/c I finally got an invite but there's nothing I can do to make it to my allotted time.
So I got an interview invite for the 12th but had to say no and try to reschedule the interview because I am currently in Vietnam for a wedding and don't get back till the 14th. I tried to switch my flight to an earlier o/ne but they were none available :(. Does anyone know if asking to reschedule is frowned upon? or if it'll look bad? Its making me stress b/c I finally got an invite but there's nothing I can do to make it to my allotted time.

Honestly, it wouldn't hurt to call the admissions office and ask what they can do.
AND congrats to everyone who got an interview!!!!! Whoop!!
Hi all,
I am deciding on Texas vs Iowa. I have heard great things about both. While everyone i've talked to said they would go to their school again here are the few things I've heard.

It seems that a main area of complaint is live animal experience besides 4th year. While I'm sure this isn't necessary, it is nice to see a live animal every so often to remind you why you are going to school and break up classroom time. Can anyone tell me about the animal experience at either school .

Also can any one tell me about living in Ames vs College station. Is there anything fun that students do in the summer, boating, lakes etc??

How about the profs at the school, are they interested in how the students do/ try to make classes as fun as possible (I know the main reason we are here is still to learn!)

Lastly how about the people. Everyone in Texas seemed super friendly, but I didn't get to spend really any time in Iowa. Are the people pretty outgoing and friendly there overall.

Any iowans or Texas input would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance !!!!!!!
Hi all,
I am deciding on Texas vs Iowa. I have heard great things about both. While everyone i've talked to said they would go to their school again here are the few things I've heard.

It seems that a main area of complaint is live animal experience besides 4th year. While I'm sure this isn't necessary, it is nice to see a live animal every so often to remind you why you are going to school and break up classroom time. Can anyone tell me about the animal experience at either school .

Also can any one tell me about living in Ames vs College station. Is there anything fun that students do in the summer, boating, lakes etc??

How about the profs at the school, are they interested in how the students do/ try to make classes as fun as possible (I know the main reason we are here is still to learn!)

Lastly how about the people. Everyone in Texas seemed super friendly, but I didn't get to spend really any time in Iowa. Are the people pretty outgoing and friendly there overall.

Any iowans or Texas input would be very greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance !!!!!!!

Texas is pretty nice. Summer can be kinda hot, but mild winters if you're not a fan of the cold. Over summer it does clear out quite a bit with all the students who leave, but it's not a ghost town when school isn't in session. There is lake Bryan that you can boat/fish/camp/picnic/hike/etc at. It's a pretty small lake, and honestly not the nicest (Lake Travis in Austin is like, literally 20x the size of it), but still something. The restaurant and bar on the lake that does live music at nights is cool though. However, cstat isn't too far from Austin and Houston, and there you can find much bigger lakes and areas for outdoor activities. San Marcos also has a river that is a common spot for tubing (All of those places are less than 150 minutes drive). While there are a couple parks in the area, during the summer it's your call, because especially in later summer, it can get pretty hot.

I'm sure it's a different experience as a veterinary student, but still, I've had interactions with and taken many undergraduate classes from faculty in the college of veterinary medicine who also teach vet students. I have no qualms with any of them, quite the contrary, I've enjoyed most of the classes and most of the profs have seemed very nice in my opinion. Taking a leap, but you figure if they're nice to and seem to care about their undergrads, it should be the same or more so with the vet students.
I don't know anything about Ames. At the risk of making any Aggies here mad, I gotta say I personally feel extremely out of place in College Station. Now, take this with a grain of salt as I 1) came from an area that was super mountainous/foresty with tons of outdoor activities and 2) I'm overall a pretty liberal person.

The entire town revolves around Aggie this, Aggie that, etc...very rabid. It's a smallish town, very, VERY conservative, and often it seems there really isn't anything to do besides drink and watch football . The undergrad scene has more organizations/clubs, etc...but I feel creepy as a 28yo professional trying to hang out with 19-21yos. Most of the people in my age group have either left town or are married with a few kids.My social life is basically only my colleagues (and trust me, I've tried). Maybe it's easier for vet students, I don't know. There are a few spots of culture (one gay-friendly dance club, one ok Indian place, etc), but far and few between. Not much to do outdoors...too hot in the summer anyway. But there is hiking in the Hill Country and such. There's a national forest about an hour away. But overall quite flat. Great if you like to bike, though.

Luckily, Austin and Houston are ~1.5 to 2 hours away, and there is much more to do there. Austin is fantastic.

Oh, and I forgot to mention if anyone needs a place to crash for a night free of charge for an interview, send me a PM - the fiance and I have an extra couch if you're strapped for cash :)
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So as we all know we had to take the revised GRE test this year and I was reading that whenever they change standardized tests people tend to do worse on them at first. I was wondering if anyone that got an interview was willing to post their scores? Guess I'm wondering where I stand and if I should take it over if I don't get accepted this year.

As for Texas, I love it. I have never been to college station but I can def see how the town, according to WhtsThFrequency "revolves around Aggie this, Aggie that, etc...very rabid. It's a smallish town, very, VERY conservative, and often it seems there really isn't anything to do besides drink and watch football." Which to me doesn't sound all that appealing.. but for someone starting vet school, maybe this means less distractions.

My brother (whose account I am using because I'm simply too lazy to create one right now) is currently in Kingsville TX going to pharmacy school... and I have to say that town is depressing! But he doesn't seem to mind it anymore... doesn't have much time for going out and his free time is spent with friends from school.
So as we all know we had to take the revised GRE test this year and I was reading that whenever they change standardized tests people tend to do worse on them at first. I was wondering if anyone that got an interview was willing to post their scores? Guess I'm wondering where I stand and if I should take it over if I don't get accepted this year.

As for Texas, I love it. I have never been to college station but I can def see how the town, according to WhtsThFrequency "revolves around Aggie this, Aggie that, etc...very rabid. It's a smallish town, very, VERY conservative, and often it seems there really isn't anything to do besides drink and watch football." Which to me doesn't sound all that appealing.. but for someone starting vet school, maybe this means less distractions.

My brother (whose account I am using because I'm simply too lazy to create one right now) is currently in Kingsville TX going to pharmacy school... and I have to say that town is depressing! But he doesn't seem to mind it anymore... doesn't have much time for going out and his free time is spent with friends from school.

This is true :laugh:

I'm not saying it's a bad town, it's just really not where I want to be right now. I feel stifled. If I had a larger social circle or more people my age, it might be easier. Actually, CS is 2x bigger than the town I spent 8 years in for undergrad and vet school (where I was very happy)....so it's not a size issue, just an activities/social issue.

Being in Texas has definitely been an experience. I've rarely met people who are so proud of their state. But it's not quite the right state for me.
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Being in Texas has definitely been an experience. I've rarely met people who are so proud of their state.

Oh god, it's like a cult :laugh:

I would be happy staying at TAMU (I'll take where I can get in), but honestly I think I'd rather go somewhere else if possible. I'm not a native Texan, I want a change of scenery, at least for a little while.

So as we all know we had to take the revised GRE test this year and I was reading that whenever they change standardized tests people tend to do worse on them at first. I was wondering if anyone that got an interview was willing to post their scores? Guess I'm wondering where I stand and if I should take it over if I don't get accepted this year.

Admissions statistics are here: http://vetmed.tamu.edu/dvm/future/admissions-statistics
And there is a concordance table to compare old and new scores on this page: http://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/faq/?viewfaq=faq6

If you have to reapply I see no reason not to give it another go (I sure will, only took the GRE once), but if you really want to know, PM me and I'll share my scores.
Yeah I had found the concordance table and all the previous year admissions stats, I just know the people at GRE tell the schools to expect lower than normal scores and was wondering if this were really the case.

Will pm you, Frozenshades, with my own scores too :)
I just learned some universities still practice terminal surgeries. What is A&M's approach? Are terminal surgeries required or electives? If they are required and I refuse to do it, will I be kicked out/fail? What is the source of the subjects? Are they shelter animals slated for euthanasia? Are they purposely bred for this? Do they intentionally harm animals to practice the repair surgeries (i.e. break a dog's bone and then practice pinning and casting)?
I just learned some universities still practice terminal surgeries. What is A&M's approach? Are terminal surgeries required or electives? If they are required and I refuse to do it, will I be kicked out/fail? What is the source of the subjects? Are they shelter animals slated for euthanasia? Are they purposely bred for this? Do they intentionally harm animals to practice the repair surgeries (i.e. break a dog's bone and then practice pinning and casting)?
The thread is old but I found a pretty good discussion on it here. Also, This is a blog post by one of the sdn members that I found interesting...
Yeah, I read those, thanks. I know a vet that graduated from A&M in the '70s, and some horrific things took place behind closed doors in the name of education. In this age of increased awareness of animal welfare, I wrongly assumed these practices were obsolete. Does anyone know A&M's current approach to terminal surgeries?
Does anyone know what time the tours are on the day of the interview? I can't find the info anywhere...
Does anyone know what time the tours are on the day of the interview? I can't find the info anywhere...
It sounds like they go on throughout the day, as well as the rest of the weekend while other interviews are taking place. I will be a ball of nerves after the interview, so my plan is to come back either later that day or the following day to really take it all in. But to answer your question, no I don't. :)
Does anyone know what time the tours are on the day of the interview? I can't find the info anywhere...

They're pretty much throughout the interview weekend. After my round of interviews they had those who wanted to take a tour to meet outside the interviewing area. As soon as we had a pretty good sized group, Ambassadors and current students started the tours. And I think there were at least 2 or 3 groups touring at a time as long as people were interested.
Yeah, I read those, thanks. I know a vet that graduated from A&M in the '70s, and some horrific things took place behind closed doors in the name of education. In this age of increased awareness of animal welfare, I wrongly assumed these practices were obsolete. Does anyone know A&M's current approach to terminal surgeries?

From what my 3rd yr roomie told me, yes there are some terminal surgeries at TAMU, generally on rabbits and goats, and I think they are research animals but I'm not sure. I don't know the specifics, ie if it's required or an elective, but they definitely do NOT intentionally harm an animal just to perform the surgery to fix it, nor let the animal suffer in pain. That would be unethical and inhumane; not to mention IACUC would never approve those practices. Most of the terminal surgeries allow you to perform spays and neuters before performing them on a live animal and allow you to get used to working with a live animal rather than just a cadaver. You also perform a survival surgery (spay/neuter) on a shelter animal near the end of the surgery block.
Hey guys! Just curious to see how you feel AFTER the interview? I thought it was not bad at all! I definitely had both good and bad moments during the rooms. I know I felt super confident in one room and then I had another room where I had no idea what I was saying. Hopefully, those two evened out!! The other rooms I felt okay about. Overall, it was actually pretty cool meeting multiple interviewers - I almost wish I could do more rooms so I can keep improving! (obviously do not give details - just curious to see your overall feeling about it afterwards)

And good luck to the Saturday interviewees! :soexcited:
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Hey guys! Just curious to see how you feel AFTER the interview? I thought it was not bad at all! I definitely had both good and bad moments during the rooms. I know I felt super confident in one room and then I had another room where I had no idea what I was saying. Hopefully, those two evened out!! The other rooms I felt okay about. Overall, it was actually pretty cool meeting multiple interviewers - I almost wish I could do more rooms so I can keep improving! (obviously do not give details - just curious to see your overall feeling about it afterwards)

And good luck to the Saturday interviewees! :soexcited:

I had the first time today, 7am. Not too bad! I was kinda nervous about the MMI and it being my first vet school interview, but after the first room you realize, hey this isn't so bad. I thought everyone was very friendly too!
Hey guys, I hope your interviews went well. Wasn't as bad as everyone was thinking,right? Its over now... just relax and try not to think too much about the next step (hard not to right?). March will be here before you know it. And they may be early like they were last year, even if i was by like a week or 2. Anyway, good luck!! :xf:
Hey guys! Just curious to see how you feel AFTER the interview? I thought it was not bad at all! I definitely had both good and bad moments during the rooms. I know I felt super confident in one room and then I had another room where I had no idea what I was saying. Hopefully, those two evened out!! The other rooms I felt okay about. Overall, it was actually pretty cool meeting multiple interviewers - I almost wish I could do more rooms so I can keep improving! (obviously do not give details - just curious to see your overall feeling about it afterwards)

And good luck to the Saturday interviewees! :soexcited:
I am right there with you. A couple I felt really good about, and a couple I had no experience with so it made it hard to answer. Right now, I can only remember the bad moments but I'm hoping that will pass as the 2 months of waiting go on...

In one of the rooms the interviewers told me they read the question and were taken aback as well. Ha... made me feel a little better... esp since it was my first room.

I loved that it went by quickly and all the interviewers were really nice... once they lost their poker faces and were "off the record". Plus the fact that it was all in one area made it so easy... I've been to interviews where you literally have to run across campus to find your second interview on time.
Thought it went okay, but I guess everyone else did too, so I don't know what that means. Despite being warned about how everyone was supposed to be "cold", I thought people were definitely super nice, and one lady was nodding SUPER hard at everything I said. Also, the dean is the friendliest!

Ugh, I've been psychoanalyzing everything I said since Friday and wishing that that I could have answered certain questions differently. But oh well. Definitely want to go to TA&M now that I've visited, and good luck to everyone in March! :<
Thanks for your reply. I am comparing all aspects of interviews at each school. In rare cases, I have come across offers involving video conference and phone. Congrats to all who got their interviews!!
Just wanna say congrats to everyone who interviewed this past weekend. Now that it's over, take a deep breath and relax. March will be here before you know it. TAMU was my first interview as well, and honestly the MMI is not as bad as many think. Keep it up guys!
So it's been crickets here for quite awhile... I'm sure the waiting is killing everyone as much as it is me! I was wondering, and am not trying to think negatively... but what are your plans if you all don't get in this year?
I got into Michigan State, so I probably will end up there if I didn't get any other school. But Mich State is really expensive, so I'll defeinitely be trying to do super well so I can try to transfer to TAMU or somewhere else, if possible.
I got into Michigan State, so I probably will end up there if I didn't get any other school. But Mich State is really expensive, so I'll defeinitely be trying to do super well so I can try to transfer to TAMU or somewhere else, if possible.
Congrats! I wish we didn't have to wait until middle of march to hear from TAMU... esp since its the only place i applied
I got into Michigan State, so I probably will end up there if I didn't get any other school. But Mich State is really expensive, so I'll defeinitely be trying to do super well so I can try to transfer to TAMU or somewhere else, if possible.

I'm with you on heading out of state, despite the cost. I'd probably go to KSU. Not waiting another year and applying again, that's for sure.

Congrats! I wish we didn't have to wait until middle of march to hear from TAMU... esp since its the only place i applied

Good luck! In the thread for last years applicants it looks like people got letters in late February, so hopefully it'll be a little earlier than you're anticipating!
Not waiting another year and applying again, that's for sure.
Yeah, most definitely not.

But on the bright side, TAMU accepts around 70% of the people they interview, so the chances are pretty high! I wish it was March already. AUGHHH. :<
Sooo, my patience is wearing thin... Does anyone over in College Station have any inside tips as to whether they're close to mailing the letters? (I've already creeped last year's thread and letters (I don't know how many) went out on the 19th)
No rumors in the hallways yet... Hopefully we'll hear something soon like last year!