The Resistance "WW" Official Game Thread

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The choice of number 7 is based totally on previous posts. I'm only just starting to believe Lissa might be resistance, but not enough to gamble on it. Maybe I'm overly wary from the first round result but if Lissa is playing us and was the spy in the first round and then gets picked again then we totally got played.

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The choice of number 7 is based totally on previous posts. me are only just starting to beleive Lissa might be resistance, but not enough to gamble on it. Maybe me are overly wary from the first round result but if Lissa is playing us and was the spy in the first round and then gets picked again then we totally got played.

The point is that the odds that Lissa is a spy are lower than WildZoo being a spy.

That's why I disagree.

Yes, we would have been played, but it's not the end of the game with this mission so it's not worth scratching now.
*******disapprove******** as I said, I will disapprove of any group for now that had rojo in it. If you really did agree with me, you wouldn't have put rojo in there rather than put a cop out disclaimer in there, but whatever
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The choice of number 7 is based totally on previous posts. me are only just starting to beleive Lissa might be resistance, but not enough to gamble on it. Maybe me are overly wary from the first round result but if Lissa is playing us and was the spy in the first round and then gets picked again then we totally got played.
Like eye said, didn't really matter who you picked. You are outside my circle of trust, and after last mission eye very much believe Devyn is a member of resistance, so eye want her picking this squad.

Eye wanted to see who you nominated, because eye am less trusting of them too, but it didn't matter who you picked (including Lissa)...
Eye dunno, this game is seeming less and less fun. Lets just all go with what jojo and escalla want and be done with it.
*******disapprove******** as me said, me will disapprove of any group for now that had rojo in it. If you really did agree with me, you wouldn't have put rojo in there rather than put a cop out disclaimer in there, but whatever
Sorry STL, I had to go with the votes though. I was trying to meet in the middle of what everyone wanted as well as going with my own gut and figured if I threw out Rojo than many would instantly reject. Might not matter anyway apparently :(
Oh, I thought we were still talking about who loves les miz the most
Sorry STL, me had to go with the votes though. me was trying to meet in the middle of what everyone wanted as well as going with my own gut and figured if me threw out Rojo than many would instantly reject. Might not matter anyway apparently :(
Don't apologize, it's no skin off my back. But when you try and meet in the middle and appease everyone, it comes off wolfy (spyish for this game). If you are gut tells you something then go for it. If you are just trying to get your thing approved then go with what everyone wants. But don't have your words disagree with your actions, as I am now pegging you for a spy
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Sorry STL, me had to go with the votes though. me was trying to meet in the middle of what everyone wanted as well as going with my own gut and figured if me threw out Rojo than many would instantly reject. Might not matter anyway apparently :(
I applaud your not being a sheep last round and going against the grain, but your excuse was weak (and poorly timed) and i got suspicious of you, and Devyn who is next in line was on the mission last night and thus is one of 5 people I trust the most right now, so you were in a no win situation.
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I think I would rather have lissa on the team.

the issue now is that STL is going to disapprove the next pick anyhow... so not sure we will get my picks approved either.....

we could continue to have vetoed picks

the issue now is that STL is going to disapprove the next pick anyhow... so not sure we will get my picks approved either.....

we could continue to have vetoed picks
It's majority though, right? It doesn't have to be a full consensus.
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Reject, I would also prefer lissa to wildzoo, swap that and I'd approve.

Also, I would definitely reject one that doesn't have rojo on it - I strongly think he's resistance for a couple of reasons, and the most obvious is he's the only one who had used any real resistance code in the beginning.
Also oh my god these me's are driving me crazy. Eye genuinely thought eye was going crazy for a few minutes when eye was reading through posts.
Official Vote Tally

Approve 1 (WZ)
Reject 9 (Rojo, Escalla, STL, dyachei, 98cats, Lissa, FFM, devyn, Cyndia)

10/16 votes cast

Looks like people aren't a fan of this group! I'll give this some more time to be consistent and try to get as many people voting as possible, but @devyn should start thinking about who she'd like to pick!

the issue now is that STL is going to disapprove the next pick anyhow... so not sure we will get my picks approved either.....

we could continue to have vetoed picks
Approve or Disapprove is a majority rules. You would think the 7 people in the mission would approve.
haha wow... me thought one person could reject and the entire thin' was off.... me have to read the intro thread again
Approve or disapprove of the mission is majority rules
Success or failure of the mission is all success or nothing (unless Chillbo specifies otherwise, which is common for mission 4 to require 2 failures).
Disapprove because why not. I will tell you that I'm not a spy, so your chances of picking a spy from the original group is really 50/50 since you won't pick me. Good luck with that. Not trusting a person for acting suspicious when they always act suspicious isn't the best of moves, but you'll learn that after our inevitable loss.
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Reject, me would also prefer lissa to wildzoo, swap that and me'd approve.

Also, me would definitely reject one that doesn't have rojo on it - me strongly think he's resistance for a couple of reasons, and the most obvious be he's the only one who had used any real resistance code in the beginnin'.

Lissa was actually the first person to use the resistance code, so that makes me trust her a lot more. Which is why I would like to see her on the mission instead.


the issue now be that STL be goin' to disapprove the next pick anyhow... so not sure we will get my picks approved either.....

we could continue to have vetoed picks
It's on principal at this point. Ik that I will get overridden, and it doesn't matter that I am rejecting, I just strongly believe he is a spy and am sticking to my gut on this one.
Lissa was actually the first person to use the resistance code, so that makes me trust her a lot more. Which be why me would like to see her on the mission instead.


All she said was that she had to vote success (which was in the write up). Granted, I still think I trust her and would prefer her in the group, but just saying that I think rojo is definitely someone who should be included.
Reject, I'd rather have lissa in the mission than WZ
I don't have time to run all the stats, but you all seem to be pretty clear on this so I will go with the group on this vote.
Lissa was actually t' first person to use t' resistance code, so that makes me trust her a lot more. Which be why me would like to see her on t' mission instead.



I'd rather have Lissa than WZ. For the reason above AND she was the first to respond saying she also didn't have to send in a PM the first mission(after I said it). I fully trust her. (as fully as you can in these such games)

The pirate talk is great, but it's realllly hard to read fast when you are short on time. :( I'll be glad when it goes back to normal tomorrow.

me'd rather have Lissa than WZ. For t' reason above AND she was t' first to respond sayin' she also didn't have to send in a PM t' first mission(after me said it). me fully trust her. (as fully as ye can in these such games)

t' pirate talk be great, but it be realllly hard to read fast when ye be short on time. :( me'll be glad when it goes back to normal tomorrow.
This is permanent
Can he do that? I thought if majority rejected his roster, it went to the next person...I don't think he gets a redo
Can he do that? me thought if majority rejected his roster, it went to t' next don't think he gets a redo

you are correct. It moves to Devyn, who is most likely sleeping and we will get a new roster in 6+ hrs.