
  1. M

    CourseSaver Chad's Video Problems

    Anyone else having trouble playing the videos on Coursesaver? Just purchased a subscription. When I try to play them on Safari, I get this message: This video file cannot be played.(Error Code: 224003) On Chrome and Firefox, the loading circle just keeps spinning and the video never plays. I...
  2. T

    OAT Experience 9/8/18

    Hey everyone, I decided I would write about my experience to hopefully help somebody out. I definitely got some good information from these threads so I hope I can pass some of that along. I took this test twice so I will start with my first attempt. First OAT Test (6/1/18) Preperation: I...
  3. K

    Redo Chads or get right to Destroyer? Gen chem

    Finished the gen chem portion of Chad's videos about a month ago. After a small break due to final exams/life I am back and on pace to finish Chad's ochem vids either tomorrow or early Saturday. Upon completion do you guys think I would be okay jumping right into the destroyer? I know it could...
  4. T

    Chad's Videos myspeed plugin faster speed not working

    Hi guys, So I downloaded the plugin for Chad's Videos after downloading the Firefox version that the Coursesaver website recommends (I first started watching them on google chrome). Chrome says it does not support the plugin; On Firefox the plugin is visible but has absolutely no effect on...
  5. dudeethatsrad

    DAT Breakdown! 25AA 25TS

    Hey! If you're reading this, chances are you're preparing for the DAT! You've got this! I'm writing this a bit late (I took the DAT on July 7, 2016 - lol), but I believe this breakdown will give a bit of insight on how to get a great score. I gave myself a little less than 3 months, and felt...
  6. B

    Gen Chem+ Orgo... Chad's Videos, DAT Coursesaver, or Chemistryprep?

    I have noticed that Chad's videos on his free website are too long and there is so many of them...whereas on DAT coursesaver there's fewer videos... and then there is which is chad's videos with paid subscription.... which would help me out more with studying for ochem and...
  7. amalgam2020

    The BEST 3 resources I used for DAT prep

    I only used 3 resources for the DAT: *Chad's videos ( *DAT Bootcamp *AP Bio book by Cliff's Notes. I did well enough to get into school my first year (22 AA and 20 TS). My GPA was 3.8. I took the DAT in July 2015 right before my senior year of undergrad. Anyways, I just wanted...
  8. C

    Advice, help, anything!?

    Hi :) So I have about 6 weeks until my test date and this is week 2 of studying (taking advantage of winter break) I cannot prolong it any further as my winter quarter will be packed with upper div bio classes and labs. I finished Chad's G Chem and QR videos but I don't feel like anything has...
  9. briggsinator2

    At long last...DAT breakdown 24AA 26TS (7/20/2016)

    Had to pay it forward to all of those whose studying habits helped mine. DAT breakdown: BIO 24/GC 24/OC 30/PAT 23/RC 24/QR 18 I'm honestly at a loss for words right now.... When I went through the PAT and QR sections I thought I would have to retake, but when the score came up at the end I...
  10. GlowDrop

    Wanted - Share DAT Bootcamp / Coursesaver Subscription

    If anyone wants to save some money and share a subscription for either or both of these let me know.
  11. big-smiles

    Chad's Videos on coursesaver

    Hey! :) First Question-- I'm aware that Chad is in some sort of dispute with course saver, but his videos are still on the course saver website. I wanted to purchase a 30 day subscription for his videos on course saver-- and tried multiple times to make a purchase-- but the website wouldn't let...
  12. J

    Course Saver vs Chads Videos

    Does anyone know what the difference between Course Saver and Chads videos. I know that Chads only offer general chemistry but wasn't sure if it was the same, or if one is better than the other.
  13. LRJRDH2012

    2016 real DAT AA 20 vs Bootcamp vs DAT Q-Vault vs Destroyer

    Took my DAT today (for the 3rd time) & just wanted to say a few things about what I found most helpful. (Previous scores are listed first/today's scores third.) Biology 18//18/19 General Chemistry 18/18/20 Organic Chemistry 17/18/19 PAT 19/20/18 Reading Comprehension 22/20/22 Quantitative...
  14. Mavis

    Coursesaver DAT Coupon Code?

    Hi everyone! I'm about to start studying for DATs and one of the resources I planned on using was chad's videos from coursesaver (I'm aware he has his own website now, but those do not have the ochem videos due to some dispute). My friend who took the DAT used a coupon code according to Ari's...
  15. S


    Trying to open a new CHAD's Videos subscription for DAT! 25$ split half and half. Venmo is preferred. Message me!