do 7 year program

  1. S

    New Paltz/NYCOM 7 Year BS/DO V. Regular Undergrad at Vassar

    I was recently accepted into NYITCOM's 7 year program in which i would spend three years a as a undergrad at SUNY New Paltz and then take the MCAT and only be guaranteed matriculation into NYITCOM if i achieve the median MCAT score of the previous entering class and pass the interview. On the...
  2. student2471

    PCOM DO/PhD (Questions about program)

    Hello everyone! I was invited to PCOM to take part in their DO/PhD interview. This seems like a really exciting opportunity. However, there's some questions I have that I'm not able to find online. Hoping to get insight from anyone else who has good knowledge about this program! 1. How does...
  3. student2471


    Hello everyone! I was invited to PCOM to take part in their DO/PhD interview. This seems like a really exciting opportunity. However, there's some questions I have that I'm not able to find online. Hoping to get insight from any DO/PhD or DO students at PCOM, or anyone else who has good...
  4. F


    So Nova has this DO/DMD program and I am interested in both medicine and dentistry. I also would like to help my parents with their debt because they have provided a lot for me. Is the DO/DMD a good business option? Apart from the science and helping people which is obviously a factor, I am...
  5. F


    So Nova has this DO/DMD program and I am interested in both medicine and dentistry. I also would like to help my parents with their debt because they have provided a lot for me. Is the DO/DMD a good business option? Apart from the science and helping people which is obviously a factor, I am...
  6. F

    Am I screwed? Help please

    I am going to be applying for dental school and truly thought about it and now want to switch to medicine. I am out of time and have to apply to dental school and take the DAT because I haven't taken courses for mcat yet. Would DO/DMD be a good option if program was offered? What are career...
  7. F

    DO/DMD Question

    I am interested in pursuing the DO/DMD degree and wanted to see what your guys' opinions on this were. I was interested in specializing in oral surgery and either family medicine or orthopedic surgery but am unsure how that would work after I would graduate and if it is the best option. What do...
  8. W

    Gannon University and PCOM Accelerated Program

    Hello! I was accepted into Gannon University and PCOM's (3+4) year medical program. I was just wondering if there was anyone who went through the program and had any insight on what the program is like and whether or not it is worth it. Thanks, all comments are greatly appreciated!