How accurate is this statement for DO reapplications:

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Neuro Spartan D.O.

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Oct 27, 2017
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"Assuming you didn't get in anywhere previously, schools will only know whether you are reapplying to their program, but not others. Moreover, they can only see your previous application if they saved it in their database. However, med schools to which you are applying for the first time will not know whether you previously applied." from shemmassian consulting.

What are you thoughts on how accurate this statement is?

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Statement is true. A few DO schools (2 or 3 IIRC) will ask if you've applied anywhere previously (one asks you to list names). Not saying one should lie, but they have no way of verifying it. I also think that's an inappropriate question considering that applicants apply to 15+ schools to maximize their odds. If such a school prioritizes sending interviews to people who apply to fewer schools, I would bet that most of their class lied and put a lower number
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"Assuming you didn't get in anywhere previously, schools will only know whether you are reapplying to their program, but not others. Moreover, they can only see your previous application if they saved it in their database. However, med schools to which you are applying for the first time will not know whether you previously applied." from shemmassian consulting.

What are you thoughts on how accurate this statement is?
This is all correct. But schools do keep apps on file.

If someone has a very good app and then applies when they are, say, 2-3 years past graduation from UG, we do get a sense of "why didn't this person get accepted somewhere else earlier?"
This is all correct. But schools do keep apps on file.

If someone has a very good app and then applies when they are, say, 2-3 years past graduation from UG, we do get a sense of "why didn't this person get accepted somewhere else earlier?"
Would COVID-19 give you more leeway with regards to thinking that? I would also only be 1 year past graduation when I would apply in the 22/23 cycle.
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This is all correct. But schools do keep apps on file.

If someone has a very good app and then applies when they are, say, 2-3 years past graduation from UG, we do get a sense of "why didn't this person get accepted somewhere else earlier?"
Depends on the school. One school I interviewed at say they "wipe everything and give a new slate and view reapplicants and new applicants the same" but I do suspect most schools keep some sort of file.