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Mar 8, 2019
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Hello all, I'm pretty new to sdn but I really like the community and a lot of you seem to be very knowledgeable about these topics. Right now I find myself in a predicament with respect to applying to schools, and I wanted to see what my best options are. I'll just give my stats straight away:

Majored in Genetics graduated 2017
3.53 cGPA at a state school, 3.38 sGPA (upward trending)
509 MCAT
Completed undergraduate thesis with highest departmental honors, spent about 1500 hours in that lab
EMT for almost 4 years (currently working as one, but volunteered up until graduating)
Also work at Columbia University Medical Center and just got published
Currently volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
Leadership position in marching band

I think that's most of it, I applied to 20 MD schools and 5 DO schools, and only got one II from one DO which I have yet to hear back from.

I applied to a bunch of SMPs and I was hoping someone could let me know which would be best for me since I've gotten conflicting information from advisers/websites. I got into:

Rutgers Piscataway Masters in Biomedical Sciences at RWJ
Temple ACHS (Applied to ACMS, but I know II's go out in March/April)

Right now, I think Georgetown is my best bet. I also have family that lives near DC so I wouldn't have to pay for housing if I do main campus.

What does everyone else think? I'd prefer an MD school, but I'm also 100% fine with DO. if the one DO I interviewed at accepts me, I'll happily go there. What would you recommend though if I'm not accepted?

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Just curious but which MD and DO schools did you apply to? It seems odd that you didn't receive more II, especially from DO.
Just curious but which MD and DO schools did you apply to? It seems odd that you didn't receive more II, especially from DO.

I applied to a bunch of state schools in NJ, where I live and random other public/private schools in other states I thought I had a chance at. As for DO I only got a II from LUCOM, and I applied to PCOM, Touro, WVSOM, and one or two more I think. I shadowed an MD, however, not a DO. I didn't even get secondaries from PCOM and a couple others because I guess they require a DO letter.
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Hello all, I'm pretty new to sdn but I really like the community and a lot of you seem to be very knowledgeable about these topics. Right now I find myself in a predicament with respect to applying to schools, and I wanted to see what my best options are. I'll just give my stats straight away:

Majored in Genetics graduated 2017
3.53 cGPA at a state school, 3.38 sGPA (upward trending)
509 MCAT
Completed undergraduate thesis with highest departmental honors, spent about 1500 hours in that lab
EMT for almost 4 years (currently working as one, but volunteered up until graduating)
Also work at Columbia University Medical Center and just got published
Currently volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
Leadership position in marching band

I think that's most of it, I applied to 20 MD schools and 5 DO schools, and only got one II from one DO which I have yet to hear back from.

I applied to a bunch of SMPs and I was hoping someone could let me know which would be best for me since I've gotten conflicting information from advisers/websites. I got into:

Rutgers Piscataway Masters in Biomedical Sciences at RWJ
Temple ACHS (Applied to ACMS, but I know II's go out in March/April)

Right now, I think Georgetown is my best bet. I also have family that lives near DC so I wouldn't have to pay for housing if I do main campus.

What does everyone else think? I'd prefer an MD school, but I'm also 100% fine with DO. if the one DO I interviewed at accepts me, I'll happily go there. What would you recommend though if I'm not accepted?
As a reinventor, you will need to have both MD and DO schools on your eventual list, and chances will be best with the SMP-hosting medical school, and your state schools. hence, I lean to the two NJ programs

Your MCAT score puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage for MD as a revinventor. Successful SDNers tend to have >513, and lots of nice ECs as well.
Do you have a one-track mind for medical school? If not, be sure you've thoroughly looked into all the career options you can pursue with your genetics training. You might find one that's a great fit for you, pays well, and that you can start 7-9 years sooner than you could start practicing as a doctor.
Do you have a one-track mind for medical school? If not, be sure you've thoroughly looked into all the career options you can pursue with your genetics training. You might find one that's a great fit for you, pays well, and that you can start 7-9 years sooner than you could start practicing as a doctor.

Medical school is all I want to do, I have no interest in a PhD or being a genetic counselor. I have a passion for medicine and want to be a doctor more than anything, I just kinda got screwed by some early chemistry/orgo grades.
As a reinventor, you will need to have both MD and DO schools on your eventual list, and chances will be best with the SMP-hosting medical school, and your state schools. hence, I lean to the two NJ programs

Your MCAT score puts you at somewhat of a disadvantage for MD as a revinventor. Successful SDNers tend to have >513, and lots of nice ECs as well.

I kinda figured I might have to take the MCAT again, but I was gonna ask the advisors at Georgetown SMPs. I'm perfectly fine with DOs though, so if I don't retake I might just bank on DO schools.
As of right now, you're fine for any DO school, including mine.

Which one do you go to? I also need to start shadowing a DO so I can fix the problem I mentioned earlier, but what about the SMP programs? Should I continue with one of those still?
Which one do you go to? I also need to start shadowing a DO so I can fix the problem I mentioned earlier, but what about the SMP programs? Should I continue with one of those still?
Go for the SMP only if you're boning for MD programs.
Where do I go? Look at the blurb directly underneath my screen name. I could tell you, but then I'd have to reject you.
Dr Goro, As a reinventor myself, must I shadow DO physicians? I am gunning for MD schools far and wide, state and otherwise, high tier and bottom of the barrel tier with no shame. However given your comments regarding needing to consider DO schools as a reinventor, understandably, will my getting LORs and working with MD physicians suffice, or will DO schools expect me to do likewise with DO physicians?

For DO, having DO shadowing (and a LOR) will always help.
Lacking them will not hurt, except at those schools that require a DO LOR.
So I need to schmooze some of the DO physicians at my state university, ask if I can shadow them (or buy them breakfast?) and work it. New information to me but glad you are here to help us reinventors!


This is basically what I did. I called a few DOs in the area and found one to let me shadow her a couple of times. She was happy to write me a LoR. I did not include it with any of my MD applications because I knew it wouldn't be as strong as my other letters, but it checked the box for the DO schools that required it.
Go for the SMP only if you're boning for MD programs.
Where do I go? Look at the blurb directly underneath my screen name. I could tell you, but then I'd have to reject you.

My bad, still new to the site and trying to understand the little caveats. No disrespect intended, and I appreciate the responses. I will probably end up doing the SMP because I figure it will help me with either MD and DO. I also hear that students that go through SMPs have a leg up in med school classes which sounds advantageous. In the mean time, I will also try to find a DO to shadow before I start the program so I can maximize my options. Thank you so much!
When I look at your application, it looks okay, not great but not awful. I would have thought that just taking more high level science classes to boost your sGPA, more clinical volunteering (yes you have a lot but can always use more), and bringing your MCAT score up would do as much as a SMP.
Hello all, I'm pretty new to sdn but I really like the community and a lot of you seem to be very knowledgeable about these topics. Right now I find myself in a predicament with respect to applying to schools, and I wanted to see what my best options are. I'll just give my stats straight away:

Majored in Genetics graduated 2017
3.53 cGPA at a state school, 3.38 sGPA (upward trending)
509 MCAT
Completed undergraduate thesis with highest departmental honors, spent about 1500 hours in that lab
EMT for almost 4 years (currently working as one, but volunteered up until graduating)
Also work at Columbia University Medical Center and just got published
Currently volunteer at Habitat for Humanity
Leadership position in marching band

I think that's most of it, I applied to 20 MD schools and 5 DO schools, and only got one II from one DO which I have yet to hear back from.

I applied to a bunch of SMPs and I was hoping someone could let me know which would be best for me since I've gotten conflicting information from advisers/websites. I got into:

Rutgers Piscataway Masters in Biomedical Sciences at RWJ
Temple ACHS (Applied to ACMS, but I know II's go out in March/April)

Right now, I think Georgetown is my best bet. I also have family that lives near DC so I wouldn't have to pay for housing if I do main campus.

What does everyone else think? I'd prefer an MD school, but I'm also 100% fine with DO. if the one DO I interviewed at accepts me, I'll happily go there. What would you recommend though if I'm not accepted?
Hey OP,

I actually am new to SDN as well but I lurk around here quite often. I agree with the poster above, saying that your application is ok, not awful nor great. Your stats are not bad, especially with the upward trend. Like Goro said, your fine for DO schools (I honestly think you are a strong candidate for DO schools and I’m surprised you didn’t get more IIs from there). PCOM actually doesn’t require a DO letter either from what I know and I’m surprised you got no secondary from them. Are you sure there are no red flags in your application like your personal statement or LORs or something else? Also, if you want MD either you can bring up your MCAT, preferably, 515+, or do the SMP. I would recommend trying to get your MCAT score up because I know people with your gpa or lower but higher MCAT getting into MDs. If you can get a 509, then with a little more effort a 515+ is also possible and open way more doors for you than an SMP. Also, I think maybe you should get some hospital/clinic volunteering or maybe even scribing because some schools have different opinions on EMT since your not exactly working in a hospital setting so just keep that in mind. Your research looks very strong, which is great! Anyway, this was just my take on your app! Best of luck, OP!
When I look at your application, it looks okay, not great but not awful. I would have thought that just taking more high level science classes to boost your sGPA, more clinical volunteering (yes you have a lot but can always use more), and bringing your MCAT score up would do as much as a SMP.

I've thought of this too, but I think personally, I would prefer an SMP. More upper level sciences, more MCAT studying, and clinical volunteering is a lot and I feel would be helpful, but I also think an SMP is more certain. Most SMPs also include MCAT review so if I do really wanna take it again, I can always use what I learn in an SMP. Right now, I think my GPA, possible personal statement, and possibly MCAT are my big problems, with the GPA being the most glaring issue. I think acing an SMP rather than chipping away at it with more science classes might be better, but I will also consider maybe going back to my undergraduate to take more upper level sciences. Thanks for the response!
Hey OP,

I actually am new to SDN as well but I lurk around here quite often. I agree with the poster above, saying that your application is ok, not awful nor great. Your stats are not bad, especially with the upward trend. Like Goro said, your fine for DO schools (I honestly think you are a strong candidate for DO schools and I’m surprised you didn’t get more IIs from there). PCOM actually doesn’t require a DO letter either from what I know and I’m surprised you got no secondary from them. Are you sure there are no red flags in your application like your personal statement or LORs or something else? Also, if you want MD either you can bring up your MCAT, preferably, 515+, or do the SMP. I would recommend trying to get your MCAT score up because I know people with your gpa or lower but higher MCAT getting into MDs. If you can get a 509, then with a little more effort a 515+ is also possible and open way more doors for you than an SMP. Also, I think maybe you should get some hospital/clinic volunteering or maybe even scribing because some schools have different opinions on EMT since your not exactly working in a hospital setting so just keep that in mind. Your research looks very strong, which is great! Anyway, this was just my take on your app! Best of luck, OP!

Thanks for the response! I will look into those as well, if I were to take the MCAT again it would be my third time (509 was actually my second score, 507 was my first) and I hear it looks bad if you take it more than twice. I'm pretty okay with my MCAT even though I know it isn't stellar, but other than my GPA, I think my only issue may have been my personal statement. My letters I think were pretty good. I never really considered other clinical volunteering since I always thought being an EMT was enough. I will take all that under consideration though, thank you so much!
Thanks for the response! I will look into those as well, if I were to take the MCAT again it would be my third time (509 was actually my second score, 507 was my first) and I hear it looks bad if you take it more than twice. I'm pretty okay with my MCAT even though I know it isn't stellar, but other than my GPA, I think my only issue may have been my personal statement. My letters I think were pretty good. I never really considered other clinical volunteering since I always thought being an EMT was enough. I will take all that under consideration though, thank you so much!

Hey OP,

No problem! If you look on reddit, there are people who took the MCAT 3-4 times and still got into MD schools! Sure, some schools may frown upon that; however, in the end if your a good overall applicant you will get in somewhere. You just have to improve significantly the 3rd time since you only improved 2 points last time, which doesn’t look that great tbh. If you obtain a 515+ or better yet 518+, then your certainly in a very good spot for both DO and lower/mid tier MD schools! If it makes you feel better, do an SMP but tbh I’m not sure how much it will help you stat wise if your going to do the 30 credit one. Your 3.5 may go to a low 3.6 max if you maintain a 4.0, which is definitely more competitive but not by a lot at least for MD. I personally would say take some time to study really hard for your next MCAT and knock it out of the park and maybe do an SMP or take some upper level sciences if it makes you feel better. Otherwise, since your a good candidate for DO school stat wise and EC wise, I would recommend applying next cycle to mostly DOs and a few lower tier MDs. Revise your personal statement and shadow a DO too! Start now! I would look into some professional editing services for medical schools regarding your personal statement. That is probably why you didn’t obtain more secondaries/IIs from DOs, and you only applied to 5 also. If you apply next cycle, be sure to apply to more DOs: like Rowan, Touro, LECOM, PCOM, NYIT, 1-2 new ones at least 12-15 total in my opinion. Apply to those that are NJ state friendly and private. Regarding clinical volunteering, while EMT is great clinical exposure, I have heard that some schools want hospital/clinic volunteering but I could be wrong. It won’t hurt to have some as well to show your more well-rounded applicant. Overall, this is what I recommend for you: shadow a DO, study really hard for the MCAT and knock it out of the park this time, either SMP or some upper level sciences courses to boost your GPA, more hospital/clinic volunteering, revise your personal statement many times until it’s perfect and prewrite and solidify all your secondaries before you apply next time. And who knows maybe you will get in this cycle! You got this OP! Best of luck to you!
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I wouldn't retake the MCAT. Average for MD is 508+ and DO is 505+. You risk taking again and lowering it. I would apply to low tier MD and you should be good for basically all the DO schools. Did you have any bad letters of req, or poor essays?
I wouldn't retake the MCAT. Average for MD is 508+ and DO is 505+. You risk taking again and lowering it. I would apply to low tier MD and you should be good for basically all the DO schools. Did you have any bad letters of req, or poor essays?

Yeah I'm trying to avoid taking the MCAT again at all costs, I think I would be able to do well on it if I go all in, but the experience is just miserable haha. That, plus I'm not sure it'll make a massive difference. I think my personal statement could have been better, I feel like mine may have been kind of generic. As for my letters, I think most of them were probably pretty good, but I didn't see any of them so I can't really know for sure.
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