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Life is consciousness.

Emmet Fox

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When a man tells you that he got rich through hard work, ask him: 'Whose?'

Don Marquis (1878 - 1937)
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Liking the quotes. So true still today.
One thing about this whole mess I'm in...I got out of shoveling snow.
One thing about this whole mess I'm in...I got out of shoveling snow.

well, I guess we should be thankful for small blessings ;)
Strive for excellence, not perfection.

H. Jackson Brown Jr
People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.

Thich Nhat Hanh
I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in my body. Then I realized who was telling me this.

Emo Phillips
The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his client to plant vines - so they should go as far as possible from home to build their first buildings.

Frank Lloyd Wright (1869 - 1959)
People don't have to like or support you, so you always have to say thank you.

Ruben Studdard
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Shopping was great fun today. At least I wasn't in a hurry, or I might have been upset.
Will be quite busy the next few days though. Bad thing about staying at the parents is that I have to help clean and prepare everything.
'Busy' watching tv and doing a puzzle right now though.
All I want for Christmas is my first choice match,
My first choice match,
My first choice match!

Ok, Santa?
going where? or is it a secret for right now?
I am looking for a new coat. Will need a warmer one for next year.
Anyone know what happened to chumbo?

:cry: :cry:

Santa, I promise, if I get the internship and residency in KY I will never ever ever complain about the inlaws again.
Santa, I'll make you a deal-I don't even need the KY thing, just turn my in-laws back into normal in-laws like they were before. This whole Orthonut-bashing thing is starting to get to me.
Here's a quote for you, can't remember who said it

"the only difference between in-laws and outlaws is that outlaws are wanted"
Wait, do they need vets in Antarctica? I'll go there-there's no way the in laws would be able to visit, right? I'd pay to work there...
Awww....hope it gets better for you orthonut!
this thread brings me back to the padding days..
u guys and gals r great.

BTW whats up with that silly ethics thread.
Don't know...after it became really ethical I left and quit paying attention.
Don't know...after it became really ethical I left and quit paying attention.

same here-stopped lurking when things got silly.
God Bless Henry Weinhard.

mmmmmm Henry's mmmmmmm
i just got Emergency Doctor. I am really excited about reading it...
i know, i know... im a total dork!
Here I sit on Christmas Eve, waiting for my shift tomorrow and the call shift the day after.
My wife is at her parents, over 360 miles away. She will be back at work by the time I am post call, so I won't get to drive up and see her there either.
So I sit here, alone except for my dog, waiting for the 24 hours of A Christmas Story to start. Maybe I'll go get some Chinese, or go to the Waffle House for dinner, since I don't have any food here at the house.
Hope everyone else has a Merry Christmas this year for me.
If anything, I'm thankful that my family doesn't have to have Christmas in the NICU while I am on the vent, unlike the kid (20s) we admitted a couple days ago. So everyone drive safe this year.
Awww....hope it gets better for you orthonut!


here's something for the amusement of y'all

Conversation excerpt from my SIL the other night (at the family christmas dinner out-to a normal restaurant where people wear jeans and whatnot)

SIL: Yes, it's a very formal dinner
ME: Are you sure? It's down at Ye Olde Greasy Spoone Diner.
SIL: Yes, formal dress
ME: What are you going to wear?
SIL: The same dress I wore to XYZ's wedding
ME: That's not a formal dress, it's an above the knee length sundress that happens to be black and white
SIL: NO, it's a formal gown! I bought it at ABC Bridal Shop!
ME: Well, I've been in the White House but that doesn't make me the President!
Mr O'Nut-incapacitated on the sidewalk with laughter.
Here I sit on Christmas Eve, waiting for my shift tomorrow and the call shift the day after.
My wife is at her parents, over 360 miles away. She will be back at work by the time I am post call, so I won't get to drive up and see her there either.
So I sit here, alone except for my dog, waiting for the 24 hours of A Christmas Story to start. Maybe I'll go get some Chinese, or go to the Waffle House for dinner, since I don't have any food here at the house.
Hope everyone else has a Merry Christmas this year for me.
If anything, I'm thankful that my family doesn't have to have Christmas in the NICU while I am on the vent, unlike the kid (20s) we admitted a couple days ago. So everyone drive safe this year.

i wonder when the writers will stop their strike....
one of the things i most looked forward to during my fourth year was television....
that and my bed
one of the things i most looked forward to during my fourth year was television....

I was looking forward to it over my 2 week break. So much for that.
Here I sit on Christmas Eve, waiting for my shift tomorrow and the call shift the day after.
My wife is at her parents, over 360 miles away. She will be back at work by the time I am post call, so I won't get to drive up and see her there either.
So I sit here, alone except for my dog, waiting for the 24 hours of A Christmas Story to start. Maybe I'll go get some Chinese, or go to the Waffle House for dinner, since I don't have any food here at the house.
Hope everyone else has a Merry Christmas this year for me.
If anything, I'm thankful that my family doesn't have to have Christmas in the NICU while I am on the vent, unlike the kid (20s) we admitted a couple days ago. So everyone drive safe this year.

Hope you get a Christmas next year!

here's something for the amusement of y'all

Conversation excerpt from my SIL the other night (at the family christmas dinner out-to a normal restaurant where people wear jeans and whatnot)

SIL: Yes, it's a very formal dinner
ME: Are you sure? It's down at Ye Olde Greasy Spoone Diner.
SIL: Yes, formal dress
ME: What are you going to wear?
SIL: The same dress I wore to XYZ's wedding
ME: That's not a formal dress, it's an above the knee length sundress that happens to be black and white
SIL: NO, it's a formal gown! I bought it at ABC Bridal Shop!
ME: Well, I've been in the White House but that doesn't make me the President!
Mr O'Nut-incapacitated on the sidewalk with laughter.

EM2B, are you at least getting to be lazy at your parents'?
EM2B, are you at least getting to be lazy at your parents'?

Ya. My mom knows all that's going on, so if another kid is around (which is usually the case), she has them help her. I even got to take a nap today too.
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