100 Papers in Clinical Psychiatry

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Nov 30, 2009
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often asked what are recommended or must read papers in psychiatry that are clinically relevant. here is my list of recommended papers to work one's way through during the first two years of residency.


Agid O, Kapur S, Arenovich T, Zipursky RB. Delayed-onset hypothesis of antipsychotic action: a hypothesis tested and rejected. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2003; 60:1228-1235

This study shows that if antipsychotics don’t have an effect in the first week, they probably never will, and the most pronounced effects are in the first two weeks of treatment.

Andreasen NC, Liu D, Ziebell S, Vora A, Ho BC. Relapse duration, treatment intensity, and brain tissue loss in schizophrenia: a progressive longitudinal MRI study. Am J Psychiatry 2013; 170:609-615

Important study finding antipsychotics cause brain shrinkage rather than relapses, and suggest using the lowest doses possible

Chouinard G, Jones BD. Neuroleptic-induced supersensitivity psychosis: clinical and pharmacologic characteristics. Am J Psychiatry 1980; 137:16-21

One of the first papers to introduce the possibility of a neuroleptic-induced supersensitivity psychosis

Demjaha A, Murray RM, McGuire PK, Kapur S, Howes OD. Dopamine synthesis capacity in patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 2012; 169:1203-1210

This paper shows that dopamine dysregulation is not found in those with treatment resistant schizophrenia and thus dopamine antagonists are worthless in these patients

Fletcher PC, Frith CD. Perceiving is believing: a Bayesian approach to explaining the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Nat Rev Neurosci 2009; 10:48-58

An extremely clever model uniting Schneider’s first rank symptoms as theory of mind deficits in context of other biological and neuropsychological findings in schizophrenia

Fusar-Poli P, Borgwardt S, Bechdolf A et al. The psychosis high-risk state: a comprehensive state-of-the-art review. JAMA Psychiatry 2013; 70:107-120

Extremely useful review of the field of prodromal or at-risk mental state

Honer WG, Thornton AE, Chen EYH et al. Clozapine alone versus clozapine and risperidone with refractory schizophrenia. N Engl J Med 2006; 354: 472-482

CARE study showed adding risperidone to clozapine no more effective than clozapine alone

Jones PB, Barnes TR, Davies L et al. Randomized controlled trial of the effect on quality of life of second- vs first-generation antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia: cost utility of the latest antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia study (CUtLASS 1) Arch Gen Psychiatry 2006; 63:1079-87

CUtLASS study was British equivalent of the CATIE using more of the typical antipsychotics and confirming the new drugs cost more and have no additional benefit on quality of life

Kahn RS, Fleischhacker WW, Boter H et al. Effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs in first-episode schizophrenia and schizophreniform disorder: an open randomised clinical trial. Lancet 2008; 371:1085-97

EUFEST study found that first-episode psychosis like chronic schizophrenia responds just as well to the older drugs as the newer drugs

Kane J, Hongfeld G, Singer J, Meltzer H and the Clozaril Collaborative Study Group. Clozapine for the treatment resistant schizophrenic: a double-blind comparison with chlorpromazine. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1988; 45:789-796

Classic study demonstrating clozapine’s superiority to chlorpromazine in treatment-resistant schizophrenia that led to re-discovery of clozapine in clinical practice

Kapur S. Psychosis as a state of aberrant salience: a framework linking biology, phenomenology, and pharmacology in schizophrenia. Am J Psychiatry 2003; 160:13-23

A modern classic, this paper describes how the dopamine hypothesis can explain the positive symptoms of schizophrenia

Leff J, Sartorium N, Jablensky A, Korten A, Ernberg G. The International Pilot Study of Schizophrenia: five-year follow-up findings. Psychol Med 1992; 22:131-145

Five-year follow up of the IPSS which found prognosis of schizophrenia was better in developing countries than in the developed world

Leucht S, Cipriani A, Spineli L et al. Comparative efficacy and tolerability of 15 antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia: a multiple treatments meta-analysis. Lancet 2013; 382:951-962

This meta-analysis shows substantial differences in efficacy and side-effect profiles of different antipsychotic agents with clozapine, amisulpride and olanzapine coming out as most effective, and asenapine, lurasidone, and iloperidone coming out as least effective

Lieberman JA, Stroup TS, McEvoy JP et al. Effectiveness of Antipsychotic Drugs in Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia. N Engl J Med 2005; 353:1209-1223

CATIE study showed olanzapine was more effective than other atypical antipsychotics and ziprasidone less effective, with no difference between typical and atypical antipsychotics

Tiihonen J, Lonngvist J, Wahlbeck K et al. 11-year follow-up of mortality in patients with schizophrenia: a population based cohort study (FIN11 study). Lancet 2009; 374:620-627

This study found clozapine was associated with reduced morality in comparison to other antipsychotics or no treatment in schizophrenia

Wunderink L, Nieboer RM, Wiersma D, Sytema S, Nienhuis FJ. Recovery in remitted first-episode psychosis at 7 years of follow-up of an early dose reduction/discontinuation or maintenance treatment strategy: long-term follow-up of a 2-year randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry 2013; 70:913-920

Controversial study that confirms older data that continued antipsychotic use leads to poorer functional outcomes with better symptom control than discontinuation/early dose reduction

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Depressive Disorders

Beck AT. The evolution of the cognitive model of depression and its neurobiological correlates. Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165:969-977

Very readable overview of the cognitive model of depression in a biopsychosocial perspective from the founder of cognitive therapy itself

Cipriani A, Furukawa TA, Salanti G et al. Comparative efficacy and acceptability of 12 new-generation antidepressants: a multiple-treatments meta-analysis. Lancet 2009; 373:747-758

Mirtazapine and venlafaxine are the most efficacious, duloxetine and reboxetine don’t work, and sertraline or citalopram are probably the best first-line agents for depression

Fava GA. Can long-term treatment with antidepressant drugs worsen the course of depression? J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 64:123-133

This paper suggests that antidepressants may be contributing to the poor prognosis for depression!

Fava M, Rush AJ. Current status of augmentation and combination treatments for major depressive disorder: a literature review and a proposal for a novel approach to improve practice. Psychother Psychosom 2006; 75:139-153

This paper from the STAR*D team outlines how to maximize initial response and engagement in treatment and proposes using combined or augmentation strategies much earlier than is the case

Harmer CJ, Goodwin GM, Cowen PJ. Why do antidepressants take so long to work? A cognitive neuropsychological model of antidepressant drug action. Br J Psychiatry 2009; 195:102-108

An attempt at explaining antidepressant action in cognitive neuropsychological terms

Kirsch I, Deacon BJ, Huedo-Medina TB, Scoboria A, Moore TJ, Johnson BT. Initial severity and antidepressant benefits: a meta-analysis of data submitted to the Food and Drug Adminstration. PLOS Med 2008; 5:e45 doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0050045

The best known study to report from unpublished data that antidepressants are no better than placebo except in the most severe depressive episodes

Kuhn R. The treatment of depressive states with G 22355 (imipramine hydrochloride). Am J Psychiatry 1958; 115:459-464

First paper to describe the use of TCA imipramine and suggest it is particular beneficial in melancholic depression

McGrath PJ, Steward JW, Fava M et al. Tranylcypromine versus venlafaxine plus mirtazapine following three failed antidepressant medication trials for depression: a STAR*D report. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163:1531-1541

STAR*D report finds response rate after three failed antidepressants is about 14% and that combo of venlafaxine and mirtazapine is easier to use and better tolerated than tranylcypromine

Rush AJ, Trivedi MH, Wisniewski SR et al. Bupropion-SR, Sertraline, or Venlafaxine-XR after failure of SSRIs for Depression. N Engl J Med 2005; 354:1231-1242

STAR*D trial finds only 20% remit after one failed antidepressant, and bupropion, sertraline and venlafaxine are just as bad as each other

Trivedi MH, Fava M, Wisniewski SR et al. Medication augmentation after the failure of SSRIs for depression. N Engl J Med 2006; 354:1243-1252

STAR*D trials finds augmentation strategies all as bad as each other and no better than switching to another agent

Trivedi MH, Rush AJ, Wisniewski SR et al. Evaluation of outcomes with citalopram for depression using measurement-based care in STAR*D: implications for clinical practice. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163: 28-40

STAR*D study finds remission rates only 30% for first trial of citalopram and that it takes about 6-8 weeks to note remission, longer than previously claimed

West ED, Dally PJ. Effects of iproniazid in depressive syndromes. Br Med J 1959; 1:1491-1494

One of the first papers to report MAOIs are effective especially in atypical depressions

Bipolar Disorders

Cade JF. Lithium salts in the treatment of psychotic excitement. Med J Aust 1949; 2:349-352

Classic paper that first used lithium to treat mania, absolute must read.

Cipriani A, Barbui C, Salanti G et al. Comparative efficacy and acceptability of antimanic drugs in acute mania: a multiple-treatments meta-analysis. Lancet 2011; 378:1306-1315

This meta-analysis finds that antipsychotics are the best treatment for acute mania rather than lithium or mood stabilizers.

Cipriani A, Hawton K, Stockton S, Geddes JR. Lithium in the prevention of suicide in mood disorders: updated systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2013; 346:f3646

Updated meta-analysis finds lithium still appears to have anti-suicidal properties

Geddes JR, Miklowitz DJ. Treatment of bipolar disorder. Lancet 2013; 381:1672-1682

Reviews the evidence for pharmacological and psychological treatments in bipolar disorder

Janowsky DS, Epstein RS. Playing the manic game –interpersonal maneuvers of the acutely manic patient. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1970; 22:252-26

Describes the frustrating and destructive maneuvers ‘manic’ patients catch clinicians in. Possibly more relevant to borderline patients, I find this slightly outmoded and offensive, but seems well-loved by more seasoned psychiatrists of all stripes

McKnight RF, Adida M, Budge K, Stockton S, Goodwin GM, Geddes JR. Lithium toxicity profile: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2012; 379:721-728

Toxicity of lithium has been overblown with ESRD being a rare complication. Li also causes hyperparathyroidism and checking Ca periodically is recommended

Miklowitz DJ, Otto MW, Frank E et al. Psychosocial treatments for bipolar depression: a 1-year randomized trial from the Systematic Treatment Enhanced Program. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2007; 64:419-426

Shows family focused therapy, IPSRT and CBT as useful therapies in treatment of bipolar depression

Nierenberg AA, Ostacher MJ, Calabrese JR et al. Treatment-resistant bipolar depression: a STEP-BD equipoise randomized effectiveness trial of antidepressant augmentation with lamotrigine, inositol, or risperidone. Am J Psychiatry 2006; 163:210-216

Bipolar depression is hard to treatment and augmenting antidepressants with lamictal, inositol or risperidone are just as bad as each other

Sachs GS, Nierenberg AA, Calabrese JR et al. Effectiveness of adjunctive antidepressant treatment for bipolar depression. N Engl J Med 2007; 356:1711-1722

STEP-BD study found antidepressants don’t work in bipolar disorder

Geddes, JR, Goodwin GM, Rendell K et al. Lithium plus valproate combination therapy versus monotherapy for relapse prevention in bipolar I disorder (BALANCE): a randomized open-label trial. Lancet 2010; 375:385-395

Lithium is better than valproate, and there benefit of combining the two isn’t clear

Yonkers KA. Management of bipolar disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161:608-620

Nice review of management of bipolar disorder in women
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Harris EC, Barraclough B. Suicide as an outcome for mental disorders. A meta-analysis. Br J Psychiatry 1997; 170:205-228

Meta-analysis finds mental disorders except for mental ******ation and dementia increase risk of suicide

Gitlin MJ. A psychiatrist’s reaction to a patient’s suicide. Am J Psychiatry; 156:1630-1634

Discusses the experience of losing a patient to suicide

Mann JJ, Apter A, Bertolote J et al. Suicide prevention strategies: a systematic review. JAMA 2005; 294:2064-2074

A comprehensive but biased review of suicide prevention strategies that places too much emphasis on clinical approaches and not enough on means prevention but still worth reading

Rosen DH. Suicide survivors. A follow-up study of persons who survived jumping from the Golden Gate and San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridges. West J Med 1975; 122:289-294

Classic study interviewing survivors of the Golden Gate Bridge attempted suicides argues for suicide barriers. Must read.

Stone M, Laughren T, Jones ML et al. Risk of suicidality in clinical trials of antidepressants in adults: analysis of proprietary data submitted to US Food and Drug Administration. BMJ 2009; 339:b2880

Extensive meta-analysis of clinical trials showing that risk of suicidality is age-related, and antidepressants may reduce suicides in the elderly
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Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD

Abramowitz JS, Taylor S, McKay D. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. Lancet 2009; 374:491-499

Summarizes cognitive-behavioral and biological aspects of OCD and its treatment

Ehlers A, Clark DM. A cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder. Behav Res Therapy 2000; 38:319-345

An insightful and extremely useful model for understanding chronic PTSD from the cognitive perspective

Hoge CW, McGurk D, Thomas JL, Cox AL, Engel CC, Castro CA. Mild traumatic brain injury in U.S. soldiers returning from Iraq. N Engl J Med 2008; 31:453-463

mTBI is common in OIF Veterans and often highly comorbid with PTSD symptoms

Roy-Byrne PP, Craske MG, Stein MB. Panic disorder. Lancet 2006; 368:1023-1032

Concise overview of panic and its treatment

Summerfield D. The invention of posttraumatic stress disorder and the social usefulness of a psychiatric category. Br Med J 2001; 322:95-98

Provocative discussion of PTSD as a sociopolitical construct
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Personality Disorders

Groves JE. Taking care of the hateful patient. N Engl J Med 1978; 299:883-887

Classic paper describes 4 ‘hateful’ patients in the medical setting

Kernberg O. Borderline personality organization. J Am Psychoanal Assoc. 15:641-685

Classic psychoanalytic paper popularizes the borderline personality organization construct which is described from different psychodynamic perspectives

Leichsenring F, Leibing E, Kruse J, New AS, Leweke F. Borderline personality disorder. Lancet 2011; 377:74-84

Comprehensive review of borderline personality disorder and its treatment. The drugs don’t really work.

Vaillant GE. The beginning of wisdom is never calling a patient a borderline; or, the clinical management of immature defenses in the treatment of individuals with personality disorders. J Psychother Pract Res 1992; 1:117-134

Classic, extremely well written and useful discussion of managing different defenses in difficult patients
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Eating Disorders

Treasure J, Claudino AM, Zucker N. Eating disorders. Lancet 2010; 375:583-93

Nice overview on biology of eating disorders and review of evidence for different therapies

Yager J, Andersen AE. Anorexia nervosa. N Engl J Med 2005; 353:1481-1488

Concise summary of management of anorexia nervosa
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Substance Use and Addiction Psychiatry

Anton RF, O’Malley SS, Ciraulo DA et al. Combined pharmacotherapies and behavioral interventions for alcohol dependence: the COMBINE study: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2006; 295:2003-2017

Naltrexone is better than acamprosate for alcohol dependence when combined with CBT

Arsenault L, Cannon M, Poulton R, Murray R, Caspi A, Moffitt TE. Cannabis use in adolescence and risk for adult psychosis: longitudinal prospective study. BMJ 2002; 325:1212-1213

First prospective longitudinal study to establish adolescent cannabis use as a risk factor for psychosis

Johns A. Psychiatric effects of cannabis. Br J Psychiatry 2001; 178:116-122

Reviews the psychiatric complications of cannabis use

Khantzian EH. The self-medication hypothesis of addiction. Am J Psychiatry 1985; 142:1259-1264

This psychodynamic view of addiction as self-medication has proved enduring and influential in clinical practice and popular culture despite no supporting evidence

Koston TR, O’Connor PG. Management of drug and alcohol withdrawal. N Engl J Med 2003; 348:1786-1795

Comprehensive overview of withdrawal syndromes and their management

Laaksonen E, Koski-Jannes A, Salspuro M, Ahtinen H, Alho H. A randomized, multicenter, open-label, comparative trial of disulfiram, naltrexone and acamprosate in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Alcohol Alcohol 2008; 43:53-61

Disulfiram may actually be better than naltrexone or acamprosate when combined with behavior therapy in alcohol dependence

McKetin R, Lubman DI, Baker AL, Dawe S, Ali RL. Dose-related psychotic symptoms in chronic methamphetamine users: evidence from a prospective longitudinal study. JAMA Psychiatry 2013; 70:319-324

First prospective longitudinal study to establish causal relationship and dose-dependence between methamphetamine use and psychosis

Project MATCH Research Group. Matching alcoholism treatments to client heterogeneity: project MATCH three-year drinking outcomes. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1998 22:1300-1311

12-step facilitation, CBT, and motivational interviewing are all beneficial in alcoholism, with patient characteristics helping to match best treatment. Angry alcoholics do better with MI.

Van Winkel R, Kahn Rs, Linszen DH et al. Family-based analysis of genetic variation underlying psychosis-inducing effects of cannabis: sibling analysis and proband follow-up. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2011; 68:148-57

Shows gene-environment interaction between SNPS in AKT1 and cannabis use in increasing risk of psychosis which has been replicated, unlikely previous studies involving SNPs of COMT

Volkow ND, Swanson JM. Clinical practice: adult attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder. N Engl J Med 2013

Up-to-date review of adult ADD
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Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Baron-Cohen S. The extreme-male brain theory of autism. Trends Cogn Sci 2002; 6:248-254

This paper gives a compelling account of autism as the extreme variant of the ‘male brain’

Bowlby J. The making and breaking of affectional bonds. I. Aetiology and psychopathology in the light of attachment theory. An expanded version of the Fiftieth Maudsley Lecture, delivered before the Royal College of Psychiatrist, 19 November 1976. Br J Psychiatry 1977; 130:201-210

Very readable paper summarizes key findings of attachment theory and its relevance to psychopathology throughout the lifespan

Jensen PS, Arnold LD, Swanson JM et al. 3-year follow-up of the NIMH MTA Study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2007; 56:989-1002

Important ADHD study showed benefits of stimulant treatment did not persist after initial phase of treatment compared with behavior therapy

March J, Silva S, Petrycki S et al. Fluoxetine, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and their combination for adolescences with depression: Treatment for Adolescents with Depression Study (TADS) randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2004; 292:807-820

TADS study showed combination of CBT and fluoxetine was best treatment for adolescent depression

Rutter M, Sroufe LA. Developmental psychopathology: concepts and challenges. Dev Psychopathol 2000; 12:265-296

The father of child psychiatry outlines the developmental approach to psychopathology

Sikich L, Frazier JA, McClellan J et al. Double-blind comparison of first- and second-generation antipsychotics in early-onset schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: findings from the treatment of early-onset schizophrenia spectrum disorders (TEOSS) study. Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165:1420-31

TEOSS study finds molindone (now defunct) is just as good as the newer drugs in early onset psychotic disorders
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Geriatric Psychiatry

Burns A, Jacoby R, Levy R. Psychiatric phenomena in Alzheimer’s disease. IV: Disorders of behavior. Br J Psychiatry 1990; 157:86-94

Outlines the most common behavioral disturbances in Alzheimer’s from a sample of 178 patients, and finds features of Kluver-Bucy syndrome occur more commonly than is realized

Howard RJ, Juszszak E, Ballard CG t al. Donepezil for the treatment of agitation in Alzheimer’s Disease. N Engl J Med 2007; 357: 1382-1392

Donepezil doesn’t help agitation in context of Alzheimer’s disease

Howard RJ, McShane R, Lindesay J et al. Donepezil and memantine for moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s Disease. N Engl J Med 2012; 366:893-903

There is a small functional benefit to donepezil or memantine in moderate-to-severe Alzheimer’s with no difference between the two and no additional benefit of the combination

Inouye SK. Delirium in older persons. N Engl J Med 2006; 354:1157-1165

Nice overview of diagnosis, causes and management of delirium in the elderly

McKeith IG, Dickson DW, Lowe J et al. Diagnosis and management of dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurology 2005; 12:1863-1872

Most recent guidelines for diagnosis and management of LBD

Saczynski JS, Marcanonio ER, Quach L, Fong TG, Gross A, Inouye SK, Jones RN. Cognitive trajectories after postoperative delirium. N Engl J Med 2012; 367:30-39

Reminder that most patients post-delirium do not return to baseline and experience significant decline in cognitive functioning

Schneider LS, Tariot PN, Dagerman KS et al. Effectiveness of atypical antipsychotic drugs in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. N Engl J Med 2006; 355:1528-1538

CATIE-AD study compares antipsychotics for Alzheimer’s – they are all as bad as each other and do more harm than good
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Psychosomatic Medicine

Appelbaum PS. Assessment of patients’ competence to consent to treatment. N Engl J Med 2007; 357:1834-1840

Definitive review of decisional capacity assessment for clinicians

Barsky AJ, Saintford R, Rogers MP, Borus JF. Nonspecific medication side-effects and the nocebo phenomenon. JAMA 2002; 287:622-627

Describes the nocebo effect as a common occurrence in anxious patients, and a cognitive model for understanding its development

Beach SR, Celano CM, Noseworthy PA, Januzzi JL, Huffman JC. QTc prolongation, Torsades de pointes, and psychotropic medications. Psychosomatics 2013; 54:1-13

Comprehensive up-to-date review on QTc prolongation and psychotropic drugs. Turns out we vastly overestimate the significance of cardiac risk of drugs.

Block SD. Psychological issues in end-of-life care. J Palliat Med 2006; 9:751-772

Comprehensive review of psychological problems and psychiatric disorders at the end-of-life

Boyer EW, Shannon M. The serotonin syndrome. N Engl J Med 2005; 352:1112-1120

Comprehensive review of serotonin syndrome comparing it to other differentials

Eastwood S, Bisson JI. Management of factitious disorders: a systematic review. Psychother Psychosom 2008; 77:209-218

Systematic review of case reports and series of factitious disorder highlighting bleak prognosis and difficulties keeping these patients engaged in care.

Groves JE. Management of the borderline patient on a medical or surgical ward: the psychiatric consultant’s role. Int J Psychiatry Med 1975; 6:337-48

Practical suggestions on how to manage difficult patients in the medical setting

Kayser MS, Kohler CG, Dalmau J. Psychiatric manifestations of paraneoplastic disorders. Am J Psychiatry 2010; 167:1039-1050

Discusses the emerging field of autoimmune-mediated neuropsychiatric disorders

McDermott BE, Feldman MD. Malingering in the medical setting. Psychiatr Clin N Am 2007; 30:645-662

Detailed review of malingering and its detection

Stone J, Carson A, Sharpe M. Functional symptoms and signs in neurology: assessment and diagnosis. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005; 76(Suppl I): i2-i12

Stone J, Carson A, Sharpe M. Functional symptoms and signs in neurology: management. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2005; 76(Suppl I): i13-21

These two papers discuss the assessment and management of conversion disorder including examination maneuvers for eliciting functional neurology

Strawn JR, Keck Jr PE, Caroff SN. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome. Am J Psychiatry 2007; 164:870-876

Up to date review of neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Electroconvulsive Therapy

Anjala AV, Smetana GW. Medical evaluation of patients undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. N Engl J Med 2009; 360:1437-1444

Discusses the medical workup and preparation of patients for ECT

Rose D, Fleischmann P, Wykes T, Leese M, Bindman J. Patients’ perspectives on electroconvulsive therapy: systematic review. BMJ 2003; 326:1363

This user-led study reveals that autobiographical memory problems persist more commonly than is believed

UK ECT Review Group. Efficacy and safety of electroconvulsive therapy in depressive disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet 2003; 361:799-808

The most comprehensive meta-analysis of ECT for depression showing its efficacy in depressive states
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Psychiatric Diagnosis

Kendell RE, Cooper JE, Gourlay AJ, Copeland JRM, Sharpe L, Gurland BJ. Diagnostic criteria of American and British psychiatrists. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1971; 25: 123-130

The UK-US diagnostic study showed American Psychiatrists diagnosed more schizophrenia than their British counterparts in every case, including cases of depression, manic-depressive illness and even personality disorder, establishing importance of reliability in psychiatric diagnosis

Murphy JM. Psychiatric labeling in cross-cultural perspective. Science 1976; 191:1019-1028

This paper describes the concept of madness or mental illness existing across cultures dispelling mental illness as the result of simply labeling deviance or a convenient myth

Rosenhan DL. On being sane in insane places. Science 1973: 179:250-258

This classic study questioned the validity of psychiatric diagnosis by having pseudopatients get admitted to psychiatric hospital who then remained there despite no further reports of symptoms of mental illness!
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Conceptual issues in psychiatry

Engel GL. The need for a new medical model: a challenge for biomedicine. Science 1977; 196:129-36

This classic paper popularizes the biopsychosocial model and the application of general systems theory to medicine.

Kandel ER. A New intellectual framework for psychiatry. Am J Psychiatry 1998; 155:457-469

Kandel suggests firmly rooting medicine of the mind in the biology of the brain

Kendler KS. Explanatory models for psychiatric illness. Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165:695-702

Kendler proposes psychiatric disorders are understood best pluralistically with multiple levels of explanation and biological understanding will not supplant more macro level understanding of disorders but enhance it

Szasz T. The myth of mental illness. Am Psychol 1960; 15:113-118

This classic article of the book with the same title claims because the mind is a metaphor, it cannot be diseased, and thus mental illness is a myth. Szasz prefers to conceive of psychiatric disorders as problems in living. Given the cachet of these views in popular culture, this is essential reading.
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Simply outstanding. Well-played sir. Some true classics there and definite must reads for trainees and practicing psychiatrists alike.
splik! Wow... I have been looking for good reads before I start in June but this takes the cake. A thousand thank you's!
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Dang. Where have you been all my life? Thanks for the head start.
Great list. You should add them to the stickie with this topic..
This is one of the best posts I have seen on this board. Thank you for sharing.
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Interesting....and some to do's have been added to my reading list.

It's also noteworthy that a lot of the papers can basically be summarized as following: A lot of those things that everyone does(and are often even on treatment algorithms and have fda indications)....yeah, they don't help at all.
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Excellent post. Mods, please stick this. Now I have some good foundational papers to read through this year and into next.

Sad to see how so much of what we do pharamcologically still doesn't really "work" per se. Hopefully the next decade or two changes this. Hopefully... Also gives me more motivation to be better at therapy.
Excellent post. Mods, please stick this. Now I have some good foundational papers to read through this year and into next.
We already have a sticky named Know any good psychiatry books (or articles)?. I think this list would make an awesome addition, but I'd leave to to splik to decide if he wants to contribute and he can paste it in there.

I'd avoid creating a redundant sticky. When the forums have more than a handful, it makes the navigation painful every time you load the site, particularly on mobile computing.
We already have a sticky named Know any good psychiatry books (or articles)?. I think this list would make an awesome addition, but I'd leave to to splik to decide if he wants to contribute and he can paste it in there.

I'd avoid creating a redundant sticky. When the forums have more than a handful, it makes the navigation painful every time you load the site, particularly on mobile computing.

Agreed. This is a great list of articles though.

We probably need to consider getting mods together in editing the current stickies to make them more efficient/concise.
Now we just need some kind soul to package all the pdf files into a nice zip file.
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We probably need to consider getting mods together in editing the current stickies to make them more efficient/concise.

I will second this notion. The current sticky for good articles reads more like a stream of consciousness than an organized guide to the subject. This is what I would do:
1) Create a new thread called "good articles to read" or something of the like.
2) Sticky it.
3) Add hyperlinks to this thread and the current stickied thread.
4) Unsticky the old thread.

This keeps all the old stuff visible, allows this to be connected to a sticky, and prevents clutter.

If you take a look at the EM forums they have a nice way of organizing many of their stickied threads--basically just lists of hyperlinks to other threads that address the topic.
Now we just need some kind soul to package all the pdf files into a nice zip file.

All of the PDF's are available for download here, broken up by subject accordingly:
  • Psychosis
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Suicide
  • Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD
  • Personality Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Substance Use and Addiction Psychiatry
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Electroconvulsive Therapy
  • Psychiatric Diagnosis
  • Conceptual Issues in Psychiatry
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This is amazing. Thanks splik.

Also, pyknotic, can you post an update to this thread once splik sends you the missing papers and you have updated the dropbox zip file with all the 100 papers? Since I don't use dropbox I think it would make more sense to download the zip file once it is complete as I will otherwise have to download the full zip file with every update. Thank you also!

Updated, see original post above.
This is simply incredible. Thank you both! I wish my residency program would have compiled this...

To be fair, I have read a fair number of these in my first two years.
What a great post! Thank you to splik and pyknotic!!
Thank you, this is amazing!! :)
Now we just need some kind soul to package all the pdf files into a nice zip file.

I tried but I don't have access to a lot of these files, not being a medical professional. Bummer. Sorry.
All of the PDF's are available for download here, broken up by subject accordingly:
  • Psychosis
  • Depressive Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorders
  • Suicide
  • Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD
  • Personality Disorders
  • Eating Disorders
  • Substance Use and Addiction Psychiatry
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Electroconvulsive Therapy
  • Psychiatric Diagnosis
  • Conceptual Issues in Psychiatry
Holy hell. This is wonderful.
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Holy hell. This is wonderful.

I wasn't able to get the files open, either via download or entry into my drop box on my laptop or iPad
Any tips? it keeps stating the file cannot be opened
I wasn't able to get the files open, either via download or entry into my drop box on my laptop or iPad
Any tips? it keeps stating the file cannot be opened
Did it download a zip file? It worked for me, the file unzipped into neatly organized folders for each topic and all of the pdf files open.
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Reactions: 1 user
7zip worked great for me. It's free and it is safe.
unless things had changed ipad can't handle zip files. try re-downloading the file to your computer as it probably got corrupted.
Thanks, Splik! And thanks pyknotic for the zip file.
I had a required presentation for my psych rotation and I used one of these articles to present on. My team was impressed that as a med student I chose something so up to date and clinically relevant.

Many thanks Splik!
So what is the current state of thinking on supersensitivity psychosis? I read the paper splik cited above and found it fascinating, but when I went to PubMed to see if there had been any more recent developments on this front, I didn't find much. Has the concept been abandoned, and if so, was it because of (a) lack of evidence, (b) lack of interest, (c) lack of clinical utility, or something else that I'm missing?
(d) ignoring an uncomfortable finding

this has just been ignored by mainstream psychiatry for many reasons. if you look for papers by Paul Seeman and Guy Chouinard, you will find some more recent stuff on this phenomena. one finding that many people note in clinical practice is when clozapine patients go off their clozapine abruptly they go really really crazy and this seems more like a withdrawal reaction from the most powerful antipsychotic rather than simply a relapse of illness. also Richard Warner in his book Recovery from Schizophrenia (highly recommended) discusses the possible role of antipsychotics in worsening the course of psychosis.

Because not enough research has been done on this (which is of course suspicious), we don't really have a definitive answer on this phenomenon but it certainly makes sense. Another finding that was mostly ignored in the literature is the tardive dysmentia syndrome.