Oh. I guess my dentist doesn’t have many patients because it is SLOW. He only had maybe 15 patients all day, and we mostly just sat there and I asked him questions basically interviewing him, but I ran out of questions so it ended up just being me standing there. Maybe I need to find a busier dentist.
I saw a list somewhere maybe ADA about questions and topics to discuss during shadowing.
Questions like, if you could change one thing about the Dental Profession what would it be ?
If you run out of questions, ask:
When you first opened your practice what was one thing that happened that you did not see coming ?
When he/she goes on vacation who covers his practice?
Sick Day policy for staff and you ?
Personal Day policy for the staff ?
Do you or another dentist accept emergency calls on weekends, holidays ?
What made you pick this location for your practice ?
What are the biggest changes you have seen in your practice and the Dental Profession ?
Is it difficult to hire dependable, reliable staff ? Do you do all the hiring and firing ?
Do you have an in house bookkeeper or is it contracted out ?
If you had it to do all over again about opening your practice what would you do differently?