1st Year and Drowning Already!

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Drinking for sanity.
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15+ Year Member
Feb 24, 2008
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This is the first time I have looked at SDN in the last 7 weeks. Why, you ask? Because I am a 1st year pharmacy student and spend every free moment studying!! So this has been my schedule for the month of September:

Week #1 - 3 quizzes and 1 exam
Week #2 - 3 quizzes and 1 exam
Week #3 - 4 quizzes and 1 exam
Week #4 - 2 quizzes and 2 exams

And then to kick off the month of October:

Week #1 - 1 quiz and 3 exams

The above does not include 2 projects that are also due in early October.

Our professors have a bad habit of sending out emails with BIG assignments that we are to turn in the very next day. If we don't check our emails for one day, we are screwed.

I'm sure this isn't any different than what other pharmacy students are experiencing right now, but crap, how do you all endure this schedule for 3 years? I seriously study around the clock, including weekends and am still falling behind. When I ask the P2 and P3 students how they did it, they just laugh at me and say "enjoy this semester while you can." Does anyone have any positive advice to share?

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Your brain will adapt. By the 3rd semester, you'll be doing twice as much work at a higher cognitive level and it will feel about the same. Don't worry too much about it. You'll be fine.
My suggestion is IV caffiene Q4-6h PRN.

Be thankful you have quizes, it's the best way to keep you up to date, they've stopped doing a lot of quizing here and we've lost people that can't fit all the material into their noggin before the test.
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Welcome to pharmacy school.

My best advice is to stay as organized as possible and take it week by week, it seems to help take the stress off a little bit. Also, try to give yourself some time to veg out during the weekends, if you don't its really easy to get burned out.
I only take 1 day at a time now. I have like at least 5 presentations to do and I don't even know when they're due. I just know they're due soon. Sometimes we even have a quiz for what they lectured the day before, then another quiz right after that for what they will lecture, then they lecture...then exam next day. Some professors are just crazy. Don't stress out too much. Quizzes are a good way for you to keep up with the material.
I'd almost be willing to say I wish I was quizzed. I could see it being useful in feeling like I didn't have to make sure I knew everything at once.

As a fellow P1 I hear you, I have a test Weds, Thurs, & Friday this week. The only time we have quizzes is for lab and I have one of those tomorrow.
I haven't had too many problems... lots of quizzes and little things, I think the hardest thing is keeping track of everything. Other than that, been doing lots of partying and TV watching. I think it helps that I have background on my classes (immuno and biochem).

Speaking of, I should get back to my patho reading.
I feel the complete opposite. I have nothing big due except online quizzes that are open book...no thought process there. It would be nice to force me into to learning bit by bit through quizzes. I went from running around like a chicken with his head cut-off in undergrad to a lazy bum in grad school. At least I've been able to catch up on missed episodes of Scrubs, Interventions, and Paranormal State!
I've been watching football and HBO. Waiting for Entourage to come on later.
Thanks for the responses! It is nice to know I am not alone in my misery (except for gabapentin and confetti :p). Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to veg on the weekends because I work (sigh). I'm trying not to be pessimistic, but we only have 18 hours/semester this year; however, we will have 21 hours/semester the next two years.

The solution is most likely for me to give up getting A's. I haven't decided yet if my opportunity for a future residency is worth the insanity. Any other P1's that are going through the same thing, feel free to send a PM to commiserate with me (that is if you have time).
Look on the bright side. In 4 years, you'll just work 40 hours and that's it. I don't have to worry about that huge test next week or carry around that feeling that I "should be doing something." What I should be doing is playing basketball. Heh. I can just chill...

Just keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.
Look on the bright side. In 4 years, you'll just work 40 hours and that's it. I don't have to worry about that huge test next week or carry around that feeling that I "should be doing something." What I should be doing is playing basketball. Heh. I can just chill...

Just keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.

I hate that feeling ;)
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Look on the bright side. In 4 years, you'll just work 40 hours and that's it. I don't have to worry about that huge test next week or carry around that feeling that I "should be doing something." What I should be doing is playing basketball. Heh. I can just chill...

Just keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.

I have that feeling right now. :scared:
welcome to pharmacy school, and to top it all off you're expected to know this stuff. trust me patients/customers will ask!
You watch that Generation Kill show? Interesting stuff...

I actually do...when I think about it, there's no one thing that's particularly interesting (like for Entourage, I watch for Jeremy Piven's outbursts), but I just end up glued to the show for some reason.
Look on the bright side. In 4 years, you'll just work 40 hours and that's it. I don't have to worry about that huge test next week or carry around that feeling that I "should be doing something." What I should be doing is playing basketball. Heh. I can just chill...

Just keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.

Woo, that's a real long tunnel.

But I hear ya...I'm extremely grateful to be where I am. Tons of stress and work for a specific amount of time is far better than what my alternative would have been if I didn't get in to pharmacy school.
I actually do...when I think about it, there's no one thing that's particularly interesting (like for Entourage, I watch for Jeremy Piven's outbursts), but I just end up glued to the show for some reason.

Generation kill is a pretty cool series. Who here is watching true hero??? I am not a vampire show fan but that series got me hook.
I feel like I am drowning too.. I just bombed my first Biochem exam.
Plus, I am still working 25 hr on weekends. Working weekends and studying M-F make me feel like:barf:already.
What makes pharmacy school harder than undergrads is that students here are mostly overachievers with decent GPA. However, considering the outrageously high tuition, I am not surprised that we all want the grades to at least match the price we paid.
I don't get curves, extra credits or dropped exams because class average is so high. :( Just bomb an exam, then your chance of getting a good grade will be gone..
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To be honest, for me it hasn't been so bad. This is beginning to be the worst week by far with 3 exams, 3 quizzes, and about 6-ish other assignments. I was really only worried up until I took an exam this morning, which was MUCH easier than I thought it was gonna be. I was getting worked up for nothing.

Alot of my classmates choose to just get drunk all the time. I feel like I'm hearing the phrase "oh man I was so hungover yesterday morning" more and more often lol...I guess it'll get harder real soon.
I'm also a P1 and its definetly a lot faster of a pace than undergrad. For example this week 3 quiz/3tests in the span of 4 days. I'm not complaining thought cause it forces me to keep up with the material.(after all I'm just honored to have the chance to be in Pharmacy School). There is a reason Pharmacy school is so competitive, they select people who they beleive can handle the fast pace. Pretty much everyone who gets accepted, and a fair share of the people who unfortunetly dont get accepted (sorry guys) are more than qualified to handle it. Its just when you add on other circumstances like working, a family, or whatever someone has to deal with in their everyday life makes it more challanging. I'm starting to grow accustomed to the workflow. Keep your nose in a book and I'm sure you'll be fine.......

my fav quote of all time "As long as you have your nose pointed in the right direction, all you have to do is keeping walking."

best of luck everyone:thumbup:
Save the Red Bull for exam days/nights. Let caffeine carry you on a regular basis. Monitor tolerance and make adjustments as necessary. Like any other drug, only use PRN.
Just keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.

thats my motto.

I have 2 years and 185 days until graduation and no i am not counting.

I agree P1 sucked though, i think i had taken somewhere in the range of 56 tests when it was all said and done. P2 work volume blows but at least its interesting
Save the Red Bull for exam days/nights. Let caffeine carry you on a regular basis. Monitor tolerance and make adjustments as necessary. Like any other drug, only use PRN.

exactly. But I need something stronger though.:) anything better? I can't concentrate well with Red Bull.
Like some other posters mentioned, take it one week at a time. My first year was just studying for the next week's test/quizzes/presentations. Next thing you know, it's finals week and then your first year is done.

I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. You'll soon see yourself becoming a better student, and better prioritizing your time. Just remember, the first year is the easiest. :laugh: Good luck.
exactly. But I need something stronger though.:) anything better? I can't concentrate well with Red Bull.

then that means it's too strong, not too weak! get a prescription for hard work and consistency, and stick to that. :thumbup:
It only gets harder from here on out. Second year sucks. :(
P-1 is a breeze compared to P-2....:p
It's threads like these that make me hit myself for deciding to pursue pharmacy:scared: O well...let me get accepted first
It's threads like these that make me hit myself for deciding to pursue pharmacy:scared: O well...let me get accepted first

It's very manageable if you can afford not to work during school (or like 8 hr/week.) If I can afford to quit my job, I would not be whinning on this thread.
P1 here who also has little free time to go on SDN (or pretty much any other website) anymore. I guess we should "enjoy" this time though, since it sounds like P2 will be worse! :laugh:
Hopefully, no one will have my experience and have their first full-blown panic attack during an oral exam - and subsequently fail the exam. Meds are involved in my life now - which I absolutely hate.
P-1 is a breeze compared to P-2....:p
On reflection, I think there is a difference between drowning and not meeting the goals.

I think I can pass the classes but I have to be more realistic about my grades :( It's hard to pull As after so many low Bs on the first exam :( If I just want to pass the class with Bs & Cs, then I think pharmacy school is not hard. It just keep you busy.
Hopefully, no one will have my experience and have their first full-blown panic attack during an oral exam - and subsequently fail the exam. Meds are involved in my life now - which I absolutely hate.

what drug?..Im sure i will need it when i go for my first counseling session next week
What?! You better not be referring to me mexican confetti.

haha no...hey what happened in class today, i ended up sleeping in. so party at your place on sunday? WHOOOO! :thumbup:
what drug?..Im sure i will need it when i go for my first counseling session next week

There's no shame in a little Zoloft...
Im also P1 and am in accelerated program and were also on the quarter system so the pace is a bit insane. Now we're a few weeks into our second quarter. My life is pretty busy and overwhelming at times because of the fast pace of the program and because I also work. All I can say is hang in there and you will adjust eventually. You'll find the techniques to make yr studying easier and more efficient. One thing I have found that is helpful is to really stay on top of the material go to class listen and then come home and read the book and yor notes from that day that way you're getting the info twice and you'll remember it better.
Stay on top of it ...that way you wont fall behing bc you dont want that.
Good Luck all I'm sure we'll all get the hang out if eventually!
Monsterbrain-- I'm feeling crazy stressed about P1 year too. It feels like the quizzes and exams are endless! But I'm surviving and so is the rest of the class.

So far... One classmate has thrown up before an oral exam and another started crying (or so I've heard). These were both before our first consult (pretty much an oral exam where we counsel a simulated patient). Insanity!!
Why are these oral exams so stressful? Do you have to counsel a patient in front of 100 people or something? I feel like throwing up when I speak in front of 10 people, I'm pretty shy though.
Why are these oral exams so stressful? Do you have to counsel a patient in front of 100 people or something? I feel like throwing up when I speak in front of 10 people, I'm pretty shy though.

I don't know how other schools do it, but ours is just one on one with our professor. We also get to practice doing it a lot beforehand in a group of three.
i am sick before my first exam.:(
It just keeps getting worse! :cry:

I had my first all nighter on Thursday night (well got 1.5 hours sleep). And it was not because I had fallen behind. Every student I talked to stayed up late. Also, I am failing a class (as in F). The only thing that makes me feel better is that the class average is like a 53%. Need I say any more about our teacher? So where I once stressed about getting an A, now all I want is to get a D...hahaha. Thank God we go on rotations for 2 weeks in 2 weeks. I am ready for a "vacation." Funny, I never thought of going to work as a vacation.

Please someone tell me that if I end up with a 3.0 GPA (or less), I won't have to spend my life as a pharmacist in Walgreens retail hell.
you know what i hate right now? The fact that I am learning jack **** anything related to pharmacy. Granted yes, I know, we all have to go "through the basics" and all that bull****, but c'mon... I feel like a 5th year biology undergrad taking these classes.

Pain in the arse...and on top of that all these useless "orientation" sessions on pointless service and pharmacy rotations. I think the only saving grace would be my time in clinic, where i've learned more useful things.

Bring on P-2...P-1 is as boring as a mother****in' snake on a mother****in' plane
you know what i hate right now? The fact that I am learning jack **** anything related to pharmacy. Granted yes, I know, we all have to go "through the basics" and all that bull****, but c'mon... I feel like a 5th year biology undergrad taking these classes.

I feel the same way. I feel as if I were repeating my nursing undergrad with the exceptions of taking more advanced and interesting chemistry and pharmaceutics.
Some of these community services, reflective papers, patient care projects/care plan, communication course are not necessary and tedious.

I don't know that I have to do "care plan" in pharmacy school, too.

It seems like they just make us do these things to show them off to ACPE that its program has very patient-oriented, community oriented curriculum.
Sometimes, I wish I should have gone for master in nursing instead or accelerated 3-year program instead. Why can't we just learn only technical pharmacy stuff and complete the necessary clinical rotation?
I feel the same way. I feel as if I were repeating my nursing undergrad with the exceptions of taking more advanced and interesting chemistry and pharmaceutics.
Some of these community services, reflective papers, patient care projects/care plan, communication course are not necessary and tedious.

I don't know that I have to do "care plan" in pharmacy school, too.

It seems like they just make us do these things to show them off to ACPE that its program has very patient-oriented, community oriented curriculum.
Sometimes, I wish I should have gone for master in nursing instead or accelerated 3-year program instead. Why can't we just learn only technical pharmacy stuff and complete the necessary clinical rotation?

Oh my gosh, you guys. In contrast I can't believe how much I have learned about pharmacy. The coolest thing of all is how every class covers almost the exact same topic at the same time, just from a different perspective. The only class that seems like review is Biochem, but there is still much more in-depth learning involved.

And, wow, what is all this care plan and orientation crap you are all doing? It is fascinating to see how each school differs.