2009-2010 Internship Thread

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Kedmonkey, maybe not hearing from Bellevue means you still have a shot?
Where are you waiting to hear from in the Bronx - is Montefiore one? I'm waiting for them too. I also have yet to hear from St. Lukes.

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Bellevue adult has done rolling invites and rejections. I got a rejection today. I'm still waiting on St. Luke's and Montefiore adult. Anybody heard from Beth Israel?
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I got a rejection from U of Florida at 1:30am eastern time. Isn't that sick!?
Has anybody received rejections from St. Luke's yet? I wonder whether they're doing rolling invites and rejections too?
Kedmonkey, maybe not hearing from Bellevue means you still have a shot?
Where are you waiting to hear from in the Bronx - is Montefiore one? I'm waiting for them too. I also have yet to hear from St. Lukes.

I literally got the email from Bellevue 2 minutes ago. (Finally found email access). Beth Israel's notification date is 12/30. I still have to hear from:
St. Luke's.
LMC-Sunset Terrace
Bronx Psychiatric Center
Bronx North Central
SUNY Upstate
Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry
Anyone hear from U of Florida (health), Maryland Consortium (health), Montefiore, or CAMH?

I received an interview from Maryland Consortium (health) on Monday. It came via personal email from someone that I had talked to the ABCT conference.

I was also rejected from Bellevue and the Durham VA.

Still waiting on 8: Beth Israel, Montefiore, Geisinger, West Haven VA, NJ VA, UMDNJ, UPenn CAPS, and Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center
Two rejections so far today (UMDNJ-RWJ and UPenn counseling center). That makes 5 interviews, 5 rejections, and 5 more to hear from.
Two rejections so far today (UMDNJ-RWJ and UPenn counseling center). That makes 5 interviews, 5 rejections, and 5 more to hear from.

Nope, 1 more rejection: Pennsylvania Hospital
Today will be rough. I hope others are fairing better.
Invite from Nortwestern at the crack of dawn this morning - good thing I was awake because apparently I don't sleep anymore :sleep:
Rejection from Pennsylvania Hospital. The only consolation is that I was expecting it, it was a long shot, the site being dynamic...

Waiting on 4 more - Montefiore, Ancora, Beth Israel, St. Luke's.
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I was un-rejected from one site yesterday. Apparently, they accidentally rejected me, but it was a typo. Crazy!!

Then, I was officially rejected from a site today who had put me on their alternate list. Yes, I guess some sites have these.

I still have not heard from 9 sites: SF VA, UWASH, Palo Alto VA, UCLA CAPS, UCSD CAPS, Kaiser LA, Kaiser San Diego, Beth Israel, and Montefiore.

I thought today would be the day, but I haven't heard anything. :(

Good luck, everyone!
Waiting to hear from UT Austin, UPenn CAPS, Capitol Region Mental Health Center and Wasatch....anyone heard from any of these places?
By any chance, has anyone heard from Lenox Hill?
I got a rejection from U of Florida at 1:30am eastern time. Isn't that sick!?

haha....a classmate of mine had the same thing happen - and she immediately forwarded it to me because that is ridiculous.

Then again, I got another phone call from Maryland but this time it was at 9:30 eastern!

note to self: be nicer than this to any future admin assistants!
Invite from LIJ (adult) this morning. Still no news from Montefiore, Beth Israel, Lenox Hill, St. Luke's, Manhattan Psych - anyone hear from these?
Invite from LIJ (adult) this morning. Still no news from Montefiore, Beth Israel, Lenox Hill, St. Luke's, Manhattan Psych - anyone hear from these?

NOPE, and I applied to all of the above except Manhattan Psych.

Maybe we'll hear something later today....?:xf:
Heard someone got a rejection from Mt Sinai Services Elmhurst Hospital today- does anyone know if invites went out as well?
Has anyone heard from the Palo Alto VA yet??

I just checked the Palo Alto VA website again and it says that interviews will be emailed out 'by Monday December 15' and that interviews are Dec 18-Jan 27.

1 - who is going to do an interview on the 18th if they don't find out until the 15th!?

2- How many sites are going to waiting to contact people until the last minute on Monday!? I'm not looking forward to another weekend of wondering
Got an interview at Yale Child Study Center this morning.

Still waiting on CHOP and St. Luke's. CHOP's notification day is today. Has anyone heard from them yet?
Completely shocked! Just got an interview at SF VA. Maybe no news (or very delayed news) is good news.
Rejection from Milton Hershey school but it was not a surprise since I am not a school psych person. Thought it would be a good experience, but was not the best fit.

Hope to hear from the rest soon. I have had enough of this!
Perhaps a silly question, but oh well. A lot of interview invitations are emailed by secretaries but are signed by the training directors. And typically they ask you to call/email the secretary to schedule something, sometimes specifically saying that you should contact the secretary and not them. So, here's my question: Are you guys also emailing the training directors to thank them for offering you an interview?
FYI. rejection from UT Austin via email.
VA Eastern Kansas Healthcare System (Levenworth & Topeka) have both sent out invites.


I am now officially in a site shuffle.....ARG!!

Site #1: Jan 9th, 16th
Site #2: Jan 9th, 16th
Site #3: Jan 9th, 16th, 12th.

I tried for the 12th (before hearing back from all of the sites because I knew there may be a scheduling conflict), but I was given the 9th and 16th at the first 2 sites. Now that I heard back from all 3 sites....I am stuck. The worst part about it is that all 3 sites are very strong, and I don't want to decline any of them. :( I have a call into Site #3 hoping they can move me to the 12th.
Interview from CHOP about 1.5 hrs ago (by e-mail)
Rejected by Kaiser San Diego by snail mail. Like others have experienced, this is one of the sites that I thought I was a good match for. Oh well....
I was just on an interview yesterday with somebody who applied to 34 sites! :scared: Can you say writers cramp!

Has anybody heard anything from:

University of Arizona
the VA in Reno?
So, it's the end of the day.

Where are you Beth Israel, St Lukes, Montefiore, UMDNJ, Gouverneur, Brokklyn VA, Greystone, Lenox Hill & Columbia?:confused:

Don't tell me you're all going to wait until Monday to notify us???;)

Actually, most of my places seem to favor Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for interviews. No Fridays at all (so far, at least). Only one Monday. I'm having some scheduling conflicts, though, so know what you're going through. So far I've been able to fit everything in, but as you know, I've got a bunch more places to hear from still.

Good luck.
Most of mine have given a range of days available. So far I have one on a Monday, two Thursdays, and one Friday. Both of my Thursdays are VAs...any coincidence?
I was just on an interview yesterday with somebody who applied to 34 sites! :scared: Can you say writers cramp!

Has anybody heard anything from:

University of Arizona
the VA in Reno?

Just received an invite to interview at the VA in Reno- hope you got one as well!
I wish I was having scheduling issues. I still haven't heard from so many places and so few interviews
I'm waiting on four...

UMass Med School
St. Luke's
Rochester School of Med
Albany Consortium

I think the first two I listed have already conducted interviews, so I'm hoping they are doing rolling interview or an A/B list...
I know the Albany Consortium had a late deadline (11/30), so that may take a bit.

Sara: It is interesting two of your VAs had Thursday spots, as all three of mine only had Friday spots. I WISH they offered Thursday interviews.
I am getting interviews at competitive sites across the country, but keep getting denied interviews by sites within the major-metro area where I went to grad school. What gives????
I am getting interviews at competitive sites across the country, but keep getting denied interviews by sites within the major-metor areas where I went to grad school. What gives????

That is weird, unless you're from NY. I swear, the NY sites are SO competitive.
I heard from Albany on Wednesday... sadly my only interview so far.
I was looking at the Match statistics and freaking out because matched applicants submitted an average 7.7 rankings and unmatched applicants had an average of 4.1. I thought I was set with 4 interviews! :eek:
I was looking at the Match statistics and freaking out because matched applicants submitted an average 7.7 rankings and unmatched applicants had an average of 4.1. I thought I was set with 4 interviews! :eek:

I saw that too and was a bit concerned. But, I also saw (and someone recently posted) that about 80% of applicants match to one of their top three sites. It would be nice if APPIC provided data showing the match rates as a function of the number of interviews one receives.
That is weird, unless you're from NY. I swear, the NY sites are SO competitive.

I am in a the largest Midwestern Metro Area. However, I am getting interviews in competitive sites on teh east and west coast. I have one interview where I live. I really want to stick around this area. I have 7 interviews scattered across the country.
I am in a the largest Midwestern Metro Area. However, I am getting interviews in competitive sites on teh east and west coast. I have one interview where I live. I really want to stick around this area. I have 7 interviews scattered across the country.
Chicago metro definitely seemed rather competitive. I got rejections from both UIC and Illinois Masonic.
I saw that too and was a bit concerned. But, I also saw (and someone recently posted) that about 80% of applicants match to one of their top three sites. It would be nice if APPIC provided data showing the match rates as a function of the number of interviews one receives.

Yeah, it's hard to tell if, out of ALL applicants, 81% matched to one of their top 3, or if out of all MATCHED applicants, 81% matched to one of their top 3 :confused:

Either way, the only thing us applicants can control at this point is our interview performance. I think the phenomenon of # of interviews is completely separate from the phenomenon of matching. At this stage in the game, I think one important impact of # of interviews is that it can affect your confidence in yourself which in turn can affect your interview performance. I am trying hard not to compare myself to others (although it's very difficult!) and just focus on knocking those interviews out of the proverbial park :thumbup: