2009-2010 Internship Thread

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Just got an offer for St. Luke's and a rejections from Bronx Psychiatric. And the TD actually answered the phone on a SUNDAY!!
Was the St. Luke's offer by phone?

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Still no word from Montefiore...has anyone heard a peep from them?
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Just got an offer for St. Luke's and a rejections from Bronx Psychiatric. And the TD actually answered the phone on a SUNDAY!!

Thanks for the info - it motivated me to call now instead of Monday, and I was able to talk to her too! So thanks :) I think it's amazing that she's doing all of this personally - and she was so flexible with my scheduling. I have really lucked out with my travel schedule - I am taking just one flight and staying in the northeast for a couple of weeks. So far, I have interviews on the M, W, and F of two successive weeks. :luck: And it looks like there's some wiggle room/flexibility, which is good as I'm still waiting to hear back from three tomorrow (hopefully). Best of luck, all!
Just got an invite from St. Luke's (adult) as well- on a Sunday?!?! No word yet from Montefiore, Beth Israel, Lenox Hill, Manhattan Psych.
Do you think sites make attempts at having a relatively equal # of males vs. females in their incoming classes?
Rejection from VA Palo Alto just came through via e-mail
St Luke's was via email to the adult track. Sorry it took so long to reply to the queries.
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Just got an invite-- seem like a lot of people are waiting on this one.
I'm feeling nervous about interviews. I have 3 this week, which is great, but all of a sudden I find myself worried that I won't know what to say. I actually had one interview already, and I think it went fine. Still, I'm getting sort of jittery and don't know why. I usually interview well.

I think I'm just starting to doubt everything, and I'm afraid I'll overthink this and "psych" myself out. :oops:
Hi everyone.
I'm just found this site and am finding it to be very helpful! I've applied to way too many sites because I'm doing the couples match. Here is a list of the places I've heard from:

Penn Hospital--rejected
ENRM VA (Bedford, Mass)--interview
Center for Multicultural Training--rejected
Kings County Hospital--interview
Maimonides Medical Center--rejected
Yale young Adult Service track--interview
Ancora Psych. Hospital--interview
Friends Hospital--interview
Bronx Psychiatric Center--interview
Massachusetts Mental Health Center (Beth Israel Deaconess)--interview
South Shore Mental Health--interview
Boston Consortium--interview
Mass General--rejected
Penn Counseling Center--rejected
Cambridge Hospital--interview
Jacobi Medical Center--rejected
North Central Bronx Hospital--interview
Danielsen Institute--interview

I'm still waiting to hear from the following sites:
Beth Israel NY
Mt. Sinai/Elmhurst
Connecticut Valley
Capitol Region Mental Health
Trenton Psychiatric
Manhattan Psychiatric Center

I hope this is helpful!
Do you think sites make attempts at having a relatively equal # of males vs. females in their incoming classes?


There are more women than men applying, so I'd think that there would be more women than men at the interviews. Being a guy I'm actually in the minority for once....go me!
The Appic stats indicate that the mix is about 80% women to 20% men when considering counseling, school, psyD, and clinical. I can say that the men in my program have had a harder time passing our version of comps. Don't know if this reflects a competence difference or not but five of the last six students to "fail" comps were men. This is about a third of the male students in my program.
I was wondering if anyone else out there applied to Lenox Hill? The reason I ask is that they are the only site I had that didn't want the AAPI. It seems their process is somewhat different than most. Also, they have a later deadline - 12/30 - and it looks like they interview relatively few applicants. In any case, just wondering if anyone else applied there and whether you are also wondering about them.

Hi psychmama, I heard from Lenox Hill last Sunday (12/07), they rejected me by email.
Hi psychmama, I heard from Lenox Hill last Sunday (12/07), they rejected me by email.

Thanks for the information. I'm sorry to hear about the rejection, but it's good to know something about them. I wish you the best with th rest of your interviews!
The Appic stats indicate that the mix is about 80% women to 20% men when considering counseling, school, psyD, and clinical. I can say that the men in my program have had a harder time passing our version of comps. Don't know if this reflects a competence difference or not but five of the last six students to "fail" comps were men. This is about a third of the male students in my program.

It sounds like some serious discrimination might be happening at your program... Hopefully the APA has noticed that trend. :laugh:
Any word from Montefiore? Man, they're really waiting until the last minute.
With such a small N......maybe, maybe not. I'd be curious if those men had a unifying deficiency, or if they all failed for different reasons.

I would be curious about that also... I forgot though that some programs admit a large number of students so that could also be a factor. It seemed shocking to me at first because in my program there are so few men to get to 5 you would have to combine 5 or 6 years cohorts together. In other programs where they admit 40 or 50 people per year it could just be a random thing.

Sad to see generalizations made nonetheless. :D
6 invites, 1 rejection so far.

Has anyone else found an extreme diversity with the way sites conduct interviews? Some of my sites say there is no prep necessary and seem very friendly - one of my others wants a 15 minute case presentation, a defense of my theoretical orientation (as it's different from theirs) and a second interview if necessary! Eeek!
I'm still waiting on 7 sites, 5 of which have today as the notification date. So hard not to be glued to email.
Has anyone heard from Mendota Mental Health Institute in Wisconsin? APPIC says their notification date was Dec 12th but I haven't heard anything. I guess I am just inpatient.
6 invites, 1 rejection so far.

Has anyone else found an extreme diversity with the way sites conduct interviews? Some of my sites say there is no prep necessary and seem very friendly - one of my others wants a 15 minute case presentation, a defense of my theoretical orientation (as it's different from theirs) and a second interview if necessary! Eeek!

From what they have told me thus far.....I don't have to have any prepared information, though I have heard of this in the past. I've heard of people getting handed a scoring sheet (extner, mmpi-2, etc) and told to interpret it. MMPI-2 I don't mind, but an Exnter summary....blah.

I'm still waiting on 7 sites, 5 of which have today as the notification date. So hard not to be glued to email.

I'm waiting on sites.....most of which have notification deadlines of today. 5 are from NY/NYC/NJ.....which seems to be a pretty common occurrence around here.
I heard from Gouverneur Healthcare Services and Connecticut Valley early this morning. Both emails from the TDs.
Has anyone heard from Mendota Mental Health Institute in Wisconsin? APPIC says their notification date was Dec 12th but I haven't heard anything. I guess I am just inpatient.

I don't think you're being impatient if the deadline has passed. I would contact the program, as per APPIC recommendations.

I'm still waiting on three (Albany Consortium, Rochester, and UMass). So nervous...
Yes, it is a small n. However, one way to construct the problem is to imagine you rolled a five-sided dice 5 times and got the same number on four of those rolls. That is the probabilistic equivalent (miniscule) for that sample. I would wonder about the dice. I'm digressing way too much for the thread topic, however.

I just heard from Conn. Valley. Anyone heard from:

Capitol Region Mental Health (CT)
Beth Israel (NYC)

Actually, has anyone NOT heard from Jacobi besides myself?
Finally heard from all of my sites and it is SUCH a relief. Hope you all join me soon! Also got the decision on a paper that I submitted for publication, so I really feel like I can finally take a break from e-mail. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. It really is horrible!

I ended up with 5 interviews which I am a bit disappointed about, but they are at 5 of 6 of my top choices so overall I am very happy. I am somewhat geographically restricted and specialized which I think is the reason the interview number is smaller than others'. Hopefully that means that I am an awesome match at these sites :)

Good luck everyone!!!!!
Finally heard from all of my sites and it is SUCH a relief. Hope you all join me soon! Also got the decision on a paper that I submitted for publication, so I really feel like I can finally take a break from e-mail. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. It really is horrible!

Congrats on the pub! I don't have any pubs submitted at the moment, but I've been waiting for months to hear back from AAS (for their annual April 2009 conference)....I just want to know already. :xf:
Finally heard from all of my sites and it is SUCH a relief. Hope you all join me soon! Also got the decision on a paper that I submitted for publication, so I really feel like I can finally take a break from e-mail. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. It really is horrible!

I ended up with 5 interviews which I am a bit disappointed about, but they are at 5 of 6 of my top choices so overall I am very happy. I am somewhat geographically restricted and specialized which I think is the reason the interview number is smaller than others'. Hopefully that means that I am an awesome match at these sites :)

Good luck everyone!!!!!

Wow! I am jealous :laugh:...I like the number 5 (as that is where I am sitting right now) Good work! you have earned a well deserved break - thanks for the well wishes and same to you on your interviews!
Congrats on the pub! I don't have any pubs submitted at the moment, but I've been waiting for months to hear back from AAS (for their annual April 2009 conference)....I just want to know already. :xf:

Thanks! It was a revise/resubmit but that is OK because things never get accepted the first time through! There were some good comments too so it will be a better paper in the long run.

Good luck with AAS. I waited for 2 months for this pub so I understand! I also have to submit an abstract for a conference this week but at least I can focus a bit now :)
Finally heard from all of my sites and it is SUCH a relief. Hope you all join me soon! Also got the decision on a paper that I submitted for publication, so I really feel like I can finally take a break from e-mail. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting. It really is horrible!

I ended up with 5 interviews which I am a bit disappointed about, but they are at 5 of 6 of my top choices so overall I am very happy. I am somewhat geographically restricted and specialized which I think is the reason the interview number is smaller than others'. Hopefully that means that I am an awesome match at these sites :)

Good luck everyone!!!!!

Hi Brainmusic,

I'm in the same boat. Geographically somewhat restricted and a specialized track. I also have 5 interviews and although I'd like my last two returns to be interviews, I am glad to have the 5!

Congrats on the paper!
Just received an email rejection from Albany - 2 more to hear from....
Just received an email rejection from Albany - 2 more to hear from....

Me, too Clap Your Hands. :oops:

I forgot who else was applying to Rochester Med, but I just received an email invite from them :)

1 left...UMass Medical Center :xf:
I just got a wait list invitation from Rochester with a final notification date of 12/22. Oh the anxiety will never end!

And someone before was asking about Jacobi. I heard from them but not North Central Bronx yet.
I forgot who else was applying to Rochester Med, but I just received an email invite from them :)

Congratulations on Rochester! Too bad for Albany ;)

Buffalo (I don't think that anyone besides me has mentioned this site) said that they were extending their notification date to the 19th, so I am waiting on U Mississippi Med. Hope they don't have us wait too much longer - I NEED to get some work done!
Glad to hear about the good news for many of you. It looks like I won't be going on any interviews this year :(. I just got my last rejection by snail mail! Well, I still think I learned a lot from hearing about everyone's else's trials and tribulations.

Welp, at least I have an early start for next year! :laugh:
I also just got a rejection email from Montefiore. They didn't BCC the list either so everyone can see everyone else who got rejected too!
The rejection streak continues!!

West Haven, CT
Albany Consortium, NY
Bronx VA, NY


I really thought I'd do better, as I started strong (6 for 10 or 11), but now they are just flying in. Anyone here from Greystone, Ancora, or the hold out NYC hospitals?
Glad to hear about the good news for many of you. It looks like I won't be going on any interviews this year :(. I just got my last rejection by snail mail! Well, I still think I learned a lot from hearing about everyone's else's trials and tribulations.

Welp, at least I have an early start for next year! :laugh:

Sorry to hear that, but there's always clearinghouse! And props on having such a fantastic attitude and positive reframe!
I also just got a rejection email from Montefiore. They didn't BCC the list either so everyone can see everyone else who got rejected too!

Ugh - tacky. One of the grad schools to which I was applying did that too.
Glad to hear about the good news for many of you. It looks like I won't be going on any interviews this year :(. I just got my last rejection by snail mail! Well, I still think I learned a lot from hearing about everyone's else's trials and tribulations.

Welp, at least I have an early start for next year! :laugh:
As PD2004 said, don't forget you're still eligible for the clearinghouse. Also, if you're really determined to go out on internship next year.. you may want to contact your DCT and other professors that could potentially locate a non-advertised position for you. My program had someone a few years ago (no interviews b/c very geographically limited) and she ended up at a VA in our metro area. Her advisor somehow pulled one through for her (outside of the clearinghouse). It went well, and I even think she still works there!