2009-2010 Internship Thread

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I'm waiting on four...

UMass Med School
St. Luke's
Rochester School of Med
Albany Consortium

I think the first two I listed have already conducted interviews, so I'm hoping they are doing rolling interview or an A/B list...

I am waiting to hear from 4 also, although it seems that Northwestern and Albany have probably notified invitees - so I am still waiting to hear from Univ. Miss. and Buffalo VA (both later 'apply by' dates)

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ahem..."us applicants" clearly should be "we applicants" :oops:

And I want a phd with this horrible grammar?!? :laugh:
RE: Interviews at competitive placements

According to some TDs that I know, a lot of the time it really can be random....since there are so many qualified applicants (once the initial round is cut).

I'm hoping for some more, since I don't feel comfortable with what I have now (6....and that is IF I can get one of my interview dates changed).
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RE: Interviews at competitive placements

According to some TDs that I know, a lot of the time it really can be random....since there are so many qualified applicants (once the initial round is cut).

I'm hoping for some more, since I don't feel comfortable with what I have now (6....and that is IF I can get one of my interview dates changed).

How many more do you still have to hear from?
I still have to hear from 8. I also have 6 interviews to date. A few days ago I would have assumed I'd get 8-10 interviews without too much trouble, but now I'm not so sure. For me the biggest anxiety factor is being limited to the NY/NJ area due to family. I'm trying to stay positive, but the sites I've left to hear from are some of the most competitive. :eek:
Wow, 5 rejections today.
5 interviews, 8 rejections, 2 to go.
This is pretty rough.
Wow, 5 rejections today.
5 interviews, 8 rejections, 2 to go.
This is pretty rough.

I'm sorry. No one should have to get 5 rejections in one day. Do you think it's always this demoralizing, or is it truly worse this year? A bunch of my rejection letters refer to "unprecedented numbers of applicants", but I don't know if they always say something like that when they reject folks.

I hope your monday is better,predocfornow. :luck:
I'm sorry. No one should have to get 5 rejections in one day. Do you think it's always this demoralizing, or is it truly worse this year? A bunch of my rejection letters refer to "unprecedented numbers of applicants", but I don't know if they always say something like that when they reject folks.

I hope your monday is better,predocfornow. :luck:

Every year there are more applicants, and quite a few sites lost placements (typically not full sites, but 3 spots --->2 spots, etc).

Just focus on fit at your sites....and knock out the interviews (just not at my top choices :D ).
Rejected from WPIC (snail mail) and UMDNJ-Newark (email) today. Boo!
I'm feeling your pain and anxiety everyone. My DCT told us when we went through this last year that they should have some sort of PTSD-like syndrome for grad students who go through this process. :D

I applied to 15 sites last year, had 6 interviews, ranked 5, and matched to my top choice. I was worried about the low interview count, especially since some people I knew had more than 10 interviews. At the end of the day, they ended up traveling a whole lot and placing in their top 3. While it's comforting to have a long list of places to interview at, the stats generally show that people match somewhere in their top 5. I know one person who matched to their 4th-ranked site. I've also seen the other side of this process now from helping out with this year's round of applicants. It's pretty interesting, and I recommend that when you match and are on your internship next year that if you have the chance to help out with reviewing the applications, do it.

Hang in there! It's a maddening process!
Hey Cosmo,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. I'm sure most of us will be relieved in the end when the whole internship application process is over and we're matched to a site. It's hard to remember that sometimes in the midst of this roller-coaster experience!
Rejected from WPIC (snail mail) and UMDNJ-Newark (email) today. Boo!

I also got the UMDNJ rejection. I was sort of surprised, since I felt like a really good match there. :(Oh well.

Then this morning there was an email that evidently came in at 11:30pm from St. Lukes with an invite.:)

The crazy roller-coaster ride continues...

Best of luck to us all.
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^ No problem. Once you get that first interview under your belt, you'll feel more confident in the whole thing. By the end you'll be tired of talking about yourself.

On that note, I didn't really get many "curve ball" questions that they warn you about. One site I interviewed at had a guy who would ask specific questions about the scales on the MMPI. I didn't have the pleasure of interviewing with him :D Something like "what does a 4-7-9 profile on the MMPI mean?" I think the hardest question I got was "tell me a time when you went above and beyond the call of duty for your client."
At the end of the day, they ended up traveling a whole lot and placing in their top 3. While it's comforting to have a long list of places to interview at, the stats generally show that people match somewhere in their top 5. I know one person who matched to their 4th-ranked site.

While it is true that you most likely will end up matching somewhere in your top 3 - it is always helpful (and in many cases much more informative) to visit a site to determine your rankings. The interview process is a chance for students to meet faculty and interns, and view the facilities. The interviews allow students to determine which sites they really want...as opposed to what they thought they wanted from what the brochure said. I went on many interviews only to realize that the site was nothing like what it said it was in the brochure. Many of my colleagues felt the exact same way and a number "one" site became their number "seven" when they went to rank them.

I went on one interview and found that many of the rotations that I was interested weren't what they claimed to be which I found out from seeing the interns. Another student in my program was "sold" on a program going into the process only to not even rank the site after she visited it. When I had interviews with faculty that were rude, that definitely changed my view of the place. In addition, one intern blatantly told me, "dont come here" - and this was a site I highly regarded and would have ranked in my top 3.

I always advise to go on as many as you can fit in without sacrificing quality and health. I think I ended up doing 8 in January and 3 in December. It was busy for sure but it was worth it because it drastically changed how I ranked my sites. Only 1 of my 'top' sites stayed as a top site once I ranked.
Yeah, it's hard to tell if, out of ALL applicants, 81% matched to one of their top 3, or if out of all MATCHED applicants, 81% matched to one of their top 3 :confused:

Either way, the only thing us applicants can control at this point is our interview performance. I think the phenomenon of # of interviews is completely separate from the phenomenon of matching. At this stage in the game, I think one important impact of # of interviews is that it can affect your confidence in yourself which in turn can affect your interview performance. I am trying hard not to compare myself to others (although it's very difficult!) and just focus on knocking those interviews out of the proverbial park :thumbup:

This is very good advice. After all, we only have ourselves to measure up to in the end. Thanks for this!
While it is true that you most likely will end up matching somewhere in your top 3 - it is always helpful (and in many cases much more informative) to visit a site to determine your rankings. The interview process is a chance for students to meet faculty and interns, and view the facilities. The interviews allow students to determine which sites they really want...as opposed to what they thought they wanted from what the brochure said. I went on many interviews only to realize that the site was nothing like what it said it was in the brochure. Many of my colleagues felt the exact same way and a number "one" site became their number "seven" when they went to rank them.

I went on one interview and found that many of the rotations that I was interested weren't what they claimed to be which I found out from seeing the interns. Another student in my program was "sold" on a program going into the process only to not even rank the site after she visited it. When I had interviews with faculty that were rude, that definitely changed my view of the place. In addition, one intern blatantly told me, "dont come here" - and this was a site I highly regarded and would have ranked in my top 3.

I always advise to go on as many as you can fit in without sacrificing quality and health. I think I ended up doing 8 in January and 3 in December. It was busy for sure but it was worth it because it drastically changed how I ranked my sites. Only 1 of my 'top' sites stayed as a top site once I ranked.

Beautifully said. I think this is the kind of advice I've needed for some time. Thank you!
I also got the UMDNJ rejection. I was sort of surprised, since I felt like a really good match there. :(Oh well.

Then this morning there was an email that evidently came in at 11:30pm from St. Lukes with an invite.:)

The crazy roller-coaster ride continues...

Best of luck to us all.
Was it the adult track at St. Luke's?
3 more interviews yesterday.

so far:

7 interviews, 6 rejections, waiting on 9

money is going to be a big big problem.
3 more interviews yesterday.

so far:

7 interviews, 6 rejections, waiting on 9

money is going to be a big big problem.

Congrats on the interviews, Bella. I know you had a slow start so it's nice to see that they came through. I totally empathize with the money thing. Good thing for credit cards!!!
Congrats on the interviews, Bella. I know you had a slow start so it's nice to see that they came through. I totally empathize with the money thing. Good thing for credit cards!!!

Congrats Bella!

thanks everyone!!!

BTW they are addiction/substance abuse related sites if anyone wanted to know
Thanks for letting me know. I'm still waiting on them. So, I'm guessing its a rejection.

I'd still keep some hope. I got an interview from one site that had sent out rejections to others several days earlier. I kept waiting for my rejection to arrive and then got called for an interview. So, sometimes timing is just arbitrary. Btw, on another note, I just realized that Beth Israel has a 12/30 notification date; so, we may be waiting forever on this site.
I'd still keep some hope. I got an interview from one site that had sent out rejections to others several days earlier. I kept waiting for my rejection to arrive and then got called for an interview. So, sometimes timing is just arbitrary. Btw, on another note, I just realized that Beth Israel has a 12/30 notification date; so, we may be waiting forever on this site.
Thanks cellobue. Its been hard keeping my hopes up. And yes, I saw that for Beth Israel.
While it is true that you most likely will end up matching somewhere in your top 3 - it is always helpful (and in many cases much more informative) to visit a site to determine your rankings. The interview process is a chance for students to meet faculty and interns, and view the facilities. The interviews allow students to determine which sites they really want...as opposed to what they thought they wanted from what the brochure said. I went on many interviews only to realize that the site was nothing like what it said it was in the brochure. Many of my colleagues felt the exact same way and a number "one" site became their number "seven" when they went to rank them.

I went on one interview and found that many of the rotations that I was interested weren't what they claimed to be which I found out from seeing the interns. Another student in my program was "sold" on a program going into the process only to not even rank the site after she visited it. When I had interviews with faculty that were rude, that definitely changed my view of the place. In addition, one intern blatantly told me, "dont come here" - and this was a site I highly regarded and would have ranked in my top 3.

I always advise to go on as many as you can fit in without sacrificing quality and health. I think I ended up doing 8 in January and 3 in December. It was busy for sure but it was worth it because it drastically changed how I ranked my sites. Only 1 of my 'top' sites stayed as a top site once I ranked.

I completely agree. A lot of the time you show up thinking a place will be great and it's not, and vice versa. You also may not rank some at all. If I had gotten 10 interviews I would have gone on all of them. But for those who are a little lower, it's not necessarily the end of the world :)
2 interviews, 4 rejections, waiting on 7.

I'm in the same (but worse) boat. 1 interview 8 rejections 8 still to go. I'm still hoping I have a good chance at Beth Israel since I have a recommendation letter from there. And I'm hoping that I'm not going to get 8 rejections all on Monday.
so my first interview is on wed and I am NERVOUS! Any tips from those that have started them?
BellaPsyD, there's obviously something they already like about you, so be confident that you are someone who they can see as an intern! :)
^ you guys are great confidence boosters, LOL!
Thanks for letting me know. I'm still waiting on them. So, I'm guessing its a rejection.

I hope not. I remember some people saying that St. Lukes interviews in batches. If I'm not mistaken, there are people who interviewed there already several weeks ago. In any event, I wish you the best with the process.:)
I hope not. I remember some people saying that St. Lukes interviews in batches. If I'm not mistaken, there are people who interviewed there already several weeks ago. In any event, I wish you the best with the process.:)
Thanks psychmama. Good luck to you too! Let's hope Monday brings more interviews and less rejections for all of us.
Okay, sio I just received an invite from West Haven (came thru at 8:30 this a.m.) and I'd written them off a week ago. Hope is alive!!!
Okay, sio I just received an invite from West Haven (came thru at 8:30 this a.m.) and I'd written them off a week ago. Hope is alive!!!

congrats for the invite!! can I ask you which track you got the invite for? though I think they may interview everyone together.... I am still waiting to hear from them!!
Just got my rejection from West Haven (oh well), and... I'm done! Feeling pretty good about the whole thing: 11 invites and 6 rejections.

Best of luck to everyone who's waiting to hear from sites tomorrow.
Just got my rejection from West Haven (oh well), and... I'm done! Feeling pretty good about the whole thing: 11 invites and 6 rejections.

Best of luck to everyone who's waiting to hear from sites tomorrow.

Congratulations. I would love to end up with 11 interviews, but we'll see.
Still have 7 places to hear from -- most hopefully tomorrow, although two have a 12/30 deadline (what a pain :rolleyes:).
Just got my rejection from West Haven (oh well), and... I'm done! Feeling pretty good about the whole thing: 11 invites and 6 rejections.

Best of luck to everyone who's waiting to hear from sites tomorrow.
Congratulations! That's very impressive. Good luck with the interviews.
I know a bunch of people have heard from St Luke's adult track, but has anyone heard (or know of anyone who's heard) from their child track?
I was wondering if anyone else out there applied to Lenox Hill? The reason I ask is that they are the only site I had that didn't want the AAPI. It seems their process is somewhat different than most. Also, they have a later deadline - 12/30 - and it looks like they interview relatively few applicants. In any case, just wondering if anyone else applied there and whether you are also wondering about them.
Hi all,
I am going to start prepping for interviews (I have one by phone on Tues). I am reviewing questions that previous students in my program recorded for younger students. It seems that we should be prepared to discuss some of our cases as well. How many cases are you all reviewing in order to be prepared to discuss them? I talked about my best case in the orientation part of the AAPI and wonder if I can use this as one example or if I have to come up with others. Anyhow, any advice on the number of cases you plan to review would be greatly appreciated!!

Btw, I totally had a ridiculous nightmare last night that the Palo Alto VA emailed me at 3am and wanting me to submit a writing sample by the morning. Man, I thought sleeping was a form of escape?!?!?:rolleyes:
Just got my rejection from West Haven (oh well), and... I'm done! Feeling pretty good about the whole thing: 11 invites and 6 rejections.

Best of luck to everyone who's waiting to hear from sites tomorrow.

11 invites is fantastic! Congratulations.
congrats for the invite!! can I ask you which track you got the invite for? though I think they may interview everyone together.... I am still waiting to hear from them!!
Thanks! The invite is for the General Mental Health Track
Just got an offer for St. Luke's and a rejections from Bronx Psychiatric. And the TD actually answered the phone on a SUNDAY!!