2017-2018 Interview Thread -- Radiology

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Sep 15, 2017
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I just submitted my ERAS and finally became a member of SDN (after lurking for many years). I found a thread from previous years that was really beneficial for radiology applicants (2016-2017 Interview Thread). I think an interview date thread would be useful for all applicants this year too. The previous thread had the following format:

Program name (Interview invite date): Possible Interview Dates.

Please bold any new additions, and include each program under its respective state.

Good luck to everyone. I hope to see everyone on the interview trail. I am looking forward to the journey.

On another note, isn't the $80 that the NRMP requires just to USE the service highway robbery?


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Wow interview offer already? so fast~
Do not panic. I remember the feeling last year ...
FYI, I remember receiving my first offer at about noon, when the candidacies were transmitted at 9 AM same day. This is very program specific. First week, I received about 1 invite a day. I remember a classmate who got none the first week, you can imagine the panic there. By the end of the second week, said friend had 11 when I had 9 invitations. You can't really predict anything based on when invitations arrive. So chill out and do not panic.
Good luck.
Hey all! I am going to update the dedicated thread about this, but it would be great to update this spreadsheet as well. Other specialties have used these spreadsheets to make really a comprehensive spreadsheet that is more organized and offers more than a interview thread, but of course feel free to do whatever you guys want. It offers the ability to see when interviews go out, pros/cons about programs, etc and later on will offer match list data too.

Here is the link: 2017-2018 IR/DR MATCH Spreadsheet
Just wondering, do you need all 3 LORs in before getting an interview? I'm still waiting on one...
Just wondering, do you need all 3 LORs in before getting an interview? I'm still waiting on one...

This is completely dependent on the radiology program. I know programs who sent out interview invitations last year without all 3 LORs. Whereas, I know for a fact that my home program (and many others I would assume) do not judge an application to be "complete" until all 3 LORs are in. There are programs that have an Oct 1 deadline to get materials in (check program websites).

Just remember that many radiology programs do not send out interview invitations until after the Deans Letter (MSPE) is available to them (on October 1).

If I were you, sooner is obviously better. Just remember that October 1 is the critical date coming up. Another gentle nudge to the letter writer may not be such a bad idea.

And once the LOR is uploaded to ERAS, be sure to 'assign' it to the programs ASAP. Otherwise, it will just sit there and not get transmitted to programs.
Just wondering, do you need all 3 LORs in before getting an interview? I'm still waiting on one...
Consensus is that you should certainly submit regardless (if that's the question). Some programs will not look at letters until after your interview. Some may look at them for invites. Hard to know unless you talk to the PD explicitly.
Consensus is that you should certainly submit regardless (if that's the question). Some programs will not look at letters until after your interview. Some may look at them for invites. Hard to know unless you talk to the PD explicitly.

@recycledpaper, I completely agree with the above assessment (see my previous post, too). If you are waiting to apply until after the last LOR is uploaded, DON'T! Some programs will look at your application without a 3rd LOR (others won't), but you are putting yourself at a disadvantage by not having formally applied to those programs who would look at your application.
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Adding information from @harambe4ever sheet and adding Mizzou (belatedly).

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].


Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

I wonder what 9/18 has in store...
Adding information from @harambe4ever sheet and adding Mizzou (belatedly).

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].


Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

I wonder what 9/18 has in store...
Classmate showed me their rejection email. They have solid scores and have done rads research. Not sure why they were rejected so soon.


Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].


Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

UPMC (9/18)

This process is intense.
Got a rejection from UPMC this morning as well (9/18). The previous post makes me feel a bit better about myself...
Received an interview offer today and I personally wasn't ready and needed some time after submitting the application to decompress, ha.

University of Louisville, Oct. 16, 18, 23, 25, 30, and Nov. 1.
Rejection from UPMC at 2am. I am IMG so it is expected
At this point I wouldn't mind a rejection just so I know my application was submitted correctly. Crickets on my end and I applied to majority of the programs you guys have already listed.
Updating... Added U of L.


Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].


University of Louisville (9/18): 10/16, 10/18, 10/23, 10/25, 10/30, 11/1.


Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

UPMC (9/18)
Adding University of Miami


University of Miami (9/18): 11/20, 11/27, 12/18

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].

University of Louisville (9/18): 10/16, 10/18, 10/23, 10/25, 10/30, 11/1.

Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

UPMC (9/18)
Added UMass


University of Miami (9/18): 11/20, 11/27, 12/18

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].

University of Louisville (9/18): 10/16, 10/18, 10/23, 10/25, 10/30, 11/1.

University of Massachusetts (9/18): 10/30, 10/31, 11/6, 11/7, 11/13, 11/14, 12/4, 12/5, 12/11, 12/12, 1/8, 1/9, 1/15, 1/16

Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

UPMC (9/18)
At this point I wouldn't mind a rejection just so I know my application was submitted correctly. Crickets on my end and I applied to majority of the programs you guys have already listed.
I got an email from Drexel saying they received my application and they'll start sending out invites in the coming days and weeks. Wasn't an invite, they got my hopes up when I saw the email subject line.
Added University of Arizona - Tucson


UACOM DR (9/18): 11/10, 11/17, 11/20, 12/4, 12/15, 12/18, 1/5, 1/8

University of Miami (9/18): 11/20, 11/27, 12/18

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].

University of Louisville (9/18): 10/16, 10/18, 10/23, 10/25, 10/30, 11/1.

University of Massachusetts (9/18): 10/30, 10/31, 11/6, 11/7, 11/13, 11/14, 12/4, 12/5, 12/11, 12/12, 1/8, 1/9, 1/15, 1/16

Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

UPMC (9/18)
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University of Miami (9/18): 11/20, 11/27, 12/18

University of Miami residency program is interviewing 11/27, which the week of the RSNA conference in Chicago. That's unusual. I was told it is usually a week when programs do not interview candidates.
University of Miami residency program is interviewing 11/27, which the week of the RSNA conference in Chicago. That's unusual. I was told it is usually a week when programs do not interview candidates.

Not every faculty would go to RSNA. If it's an IR interview then even more normal as most IR folks go to SIR
Added University of Arizona- IR


UACOM DR (9/18): 11/10, 11/17, 11/20, 12/4, 12/15, 12/18, 1/5, 1/8
UACOM IR (9/18): 11/13, 12/1

University of Miami (9/18): 11/20, 11/27, 12/18

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].

University of Louisville (9/18): 10/16, 10/18, 10/23, 10/25, 10/30, 11/1.

University of Massachusetts (9/18): 10/30, 10/31, 11/6, 11/7, 11/13, 11/14, 12/4, 12/5, 12/11, 12/12, 1/8, 1/9, 1/15, 1/16

Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

UPMC (9/18)
As a fmg is a bad signal not to have interviews at this point (?)
No, I've only received one so far and I applied to 60 programs. I wouldn't start to worry just yet! Based on the program director survey only 11% of programs send out invites before Oct 1st.
What are your credentials, I applied to +110 programs with 265+ in all tests and have just received a rejection. I just feel wary to see various getting invited already
No, I've only received one so far and I applied to 60 programs. I wouldn't start to worry just yet! Based on the program director survey only 11% of programs send out invites before Oct 1st.

Around ~60 programs (30% of programs) last year sent invites before October 1st.
What are your credentials, I applied to +110 programs with 265+ in all tests and have just received a rejection. I just feel wary to see various getting invited already
Don't stress about this first wave of invites. All of these programs will send out another wave of invites. Also, these "auto-invites" are just based on ERAS filters. For example, for Loyola, the filter would look like: Illinois resident + >240 Step 1 + AOA member + Number of publications > 2. They take that list and send automatic invites out to those people while they sift through the rest of the applicants.

Why did you apply to that many programs with your stats? You have to remember that middle tier programs have to practice yield protection, they know they are unlikely to match super high scoring applicants and thus don't interview them unless they have regional ties to the program.
Don't stress about this first wave of invites. All of these programs will send out another wave of invites. Also, these "auto-invites" are just based on ERAS filters. For example, for Loyola, the filter would look like: Illinois resident + >240 Step 1 + AOA member + Number of publications > 2. They take that list and send automatic invites out to those people while they sift through the rest of the applicants.

Why did you apply to that many programs with your stats? You have to remember that middle tier programs have to practice yield protection, they know they are unlikely to match super high scoring applicants and thus don't interview them unless they have regional ties to the program.

Thanks, as an IMG my mentor recommended me to apply to +110 just to be sure, thank you for all the info!
What are your credentials, I applied to +110 programs with 265+ in all tests and have just received a rejection. I just feel wary to see various getting invited already

In general, from what I've seen in previous years, IMGs tend to receive IVs later on, compared to AMGs. But with your scores and number of applications I wouldn't worry too much. Today was only the 2nd business day, technically first since most places didn't look at applications on Friday. So it's waaaaay too early to be worried about not getting IVs.
Thanks, as an IMG my mentor recommended me to apply to +110 just to be sure, thank you for all the info!
Oh, I didn't realize you were an IMG. Well, that makes more sense now and you applied to the appropriate number of programs. My buddies that were IMG ended up matching last year with stats less than yours at solid university programs... If you have good research, it will definitely help you stand out
Could we have everyone say whether in-state vs. OOS when reporting interview invites before Oct 1st? That would help (or increase lol) my anxiety....thanks!
Around ~60 programs (30% of programs) last year sent invites before October 1st.

It's not the number of programs, @speedyxx626 & @RadGod1. Rather, it is the percentage of a program's interviews. The exact verbiage from the NRMP program directors' survey is "Percentage of Program's Interviews Extended During Each Time Period." Based on the most recent NRMP program directors' survey for radiology, on average, 11% of program's interviews were extended before October 1. Some programs send out 0%, while others send out 40% or more. But, the average is 11% of a program's interviews were extended prior to October 1.
K, gonna be a little (lot) neurotic here, but did anyone hear back from the Henry Ford coordinator confirming their interview? Didn't hear back anything and am silently losing my @#$%. I've just heard so many times how important it is to get a timely interview date scheduled.

Yes, I have some minimal insight into how ridiculous of a question this is...

University of Arizona DR (9/18): 11/10, 11/17, 11/20, 12/4, 12/15, 12/18, 1/5, 1/8
University of Arizona IR (9/18): 11/13, 12/1

University of Miami (9/18): 11/20, 11/27, 12/18

Loyola (9/15): [Unknown dates. If you know, please add].

University of Louisville (9/18): 10/16, 10/18, 10/23, 10/25, 10/30, 11/1.

University of Massachusetts (9/18): 10/30, 10/31, 11/6, 11/7, 11/13, 11/14, 12/4, 12/5, 12/11, 12/12, 1/8, 1/9, 1/15, 1/16

Henry Ford Hospital (9/15/17) IR and DR (separate invites, same interview dates): 10/17/17, 11/9/17, 11/14/17, 11/16/17, 12/05/17, 12/07/17

University of Missouri-Columbia (9/15): Call for dates.

EVMS (9/18): 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30

UPMC (9/18)
K, gonna be a little (lot) neurotic here, but did anyone hear back from the Henry Ford coordinator confirming their interview? Didn't hear back anything and am silently losing my @#$%. I've just heard so many times how important it is to get a timely interview date scheduled.

Yes, I have some minimal insight into how ridiculous of a question this is...
Also haven't heard back from HFH coordinator. I'm not concerning myself about it at this point. I may ping her at the end of the week if I still haven't heard anything. The neurosis is natural.
In the beginning of these possibly stressful times, I just wanna say that you guys are awesome, hard-working, intelligent people who will make fantastic radiologists one day, and that I'm wishing you all the best! Hopefully all your hard work comes to fruition.
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