2024-2025 South Carolina - Columbia

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Plain-spoken Texan
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Jan 21, 2016
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Please share the Secondary essay prompts when available and tag a moderator.

Good luck to all applying!
Interview Feedback:

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Members don't see this ad :)
Could you post the prompts?
Yes of course!
  1. What are your medical practice goals?
  2. Describe your employment status since you completed your bachelor's degree (part-time, full-time, and dates):
  3. In what region of the country do you want to practice medicine? Why?
  4. What area/specialty of medicine are you interested in at this time, if any? If you have an interest, what has led you to consider this area/specialty?
  5. Do you have any accomplishments or experiences that make you a unique applicant?
  6. Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research, volunteering or employment plans.
  7. Working as part of a team is an important aspect of your medical education at our School of Medicine and as a practitioner in the future. Please share at least one experience where you worked as part of a team to accomplish a goal/objective. What was your role as a part of the team and what did you learn from working with others? How did you deal with conflict on the team and/or working with a team member who you disagreed with?

    No clear word limit. Good luck everyone!! 💕
So I got a secondary invite, but don't meet the criteria for their out of state applicants. (they can see all my scores and such)
Do I still fill out the secondary or ask them?
Yes of course!
  1. What are your medical practice goals?
  2. Describe your employment status since you completed your bachelor's degree (part-time, full-time, and dates):
  3. In what region of the country do you want to practice medicine? Why?
  4. What area/specialty of medicine are you interested in at this time, if any? If you have an interest, what has led you to consider this area/specialty?
  5. Do you have any accomplishments or experiences that make you a unique applicant?
  6. Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research, volunteering or employment plans.
  7. Working as part of a team is an important aspect of your medical education at our School of Medicine and as a practitioner in the future. Please share at least one experience where you worked as part of a team to accomplish a goal/objective. What was your role as a part of the team and what did you learn from working with others? How did you deal with conflict on the team and/or working with a team member who you disagreed with?

    No clear word limit. Good luck everyone!! 💕
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for the OOS people - did y'all also only have options to schedule from the end of October on?
for the OOS people - did y'all also only have options to schedule from the end of October on?
I got my II a couple weeks ago but the earliest were end of September (I’m doing 9/25 and I got the invite 8/15). This was the farthest out of all my interviews so far
OOS II strong ties. Earliest interview was 11/20. Was at work and didn’t see the email till about 1 so the other dates may have gotten snagged
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Would love to speak with any current or recently graduated students from here!
Would love to speak with any current or recently graduated students from here!
Hey, I'm a current M1 and would like to answer any questions I can! I'll answer 2 questions now that I assume many people will ask:

"Do you need SC ties?"

At our orientation, they stated every single one of us had a South Carolina tie. The weakest one I've heard so far is someone's grandparents living at the beach.

"Is there hope if you get wait-listed"

Yes. It feels like at least half the current class got off the wait-list. It looks like almost all of the wait-list movement was May 1st. I was "In-state middle tier on the wait-list" and I got the call the morning of May 1st.