2024-2025 Medical University of South Carolina

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Same, I guess they still haven't released Oct. decision for RD. My friend last year said Adcoms usually meet the last Tuesday of every month to make and release decisions.
Did anyone hear back on oct 31st? I was under misconception that they release decsions at the end of the month like they did last year.
Admissions said November 15 was the latest date we'd hear back, so I'd expect closer to, if not on, that date for the earliest acceptances
Did you interview in September cause I interviewed in october and they told us December 15th. Really hoping to find out sooner cause I don't want to do the rest of my interviews.
Does anyone know if they will send you an email rejection for sending secondaries or just assume silence means being out of the running?
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+1 IS committee hold email, interviewed 10/11, damn was really excited about this school trying not to lose hope
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Just got an email at 3pm today which I presume is the acceptance packet? It has the matriculation timeline, additional information on financial aid, and the option to decline and accept.